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News Release

For Release
March 24, 2006

Corresponding Document: Speech (2006-03-24)

Saskatoon Urban Development Agreement Funds First Project

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan – Three lots in the Pleasant Hill neighbourhood will be cleaned up for future development with federal, provincial and municipal funding under the Saskatoon Urban Development Agreement.  This is the first project approved under the agreement, which was announced in May 2005.

The Honourable Carol Skelton, Minister of National Revenue and Minister of Western Economic Diversification, the Honourable David Forbes, Saskatchewan Minister of Labour, on behalf of Saskatchewan Government Relations Minister Harry Van Mulligen, and Donald Atchison, Mayor of Saskatoon, announced funding for the $1,005,340 project today.  The City will provide $390,000, Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) will provide $365,340 and the Province will provide $250,000.

The work included demolishing an existing warehouse and small strip mall and excavating and disposing of contaminated soil, bringing the site up to commercial and residential standards.  The site includes 1120 20th Street West, 218 Avenue L South and 219 Avenue K South.  

“The Saskatoon Urban Development Agreement is an excellent tool with which the Government of Canada can help improve the quality of life in our communities,” said Minister Skelton.  “I’m pleased how we can apply the concept of recycling and re-using—in this case municipal property--to helping our communities rejuvenate and prepare for future growth.”

“Saskatchewan's new century is a time to rebuild and reinvest in our communities," Minister Forbes said.  "This project is a good example of our provincial government's vision that Saskatchewan is known as a place that is dynamic, innovative and strong -- a great place to live, work and raise a family."

“The remediation of this site is a positive step in the reinvestment of our core neighbourhoods,” said Mayor Atchison.  “From the humble beginnings of a lumberyard in the early 1900s to exciting future developments, the hub of Avenue K and 20th Street is going to be a vital part of this community.”

The five-year Saskatoon Urban Development Agreement, signed between the Government of Canada, the Government of Saskatchewan and the City of Saskatoon, will invest $10 million in revitalizing the city’s older neighbourhoods, encouraging participation in artistic, recreational and cultural activities, and promoting a positive business climate that attracts innovation.

Western Economic Diversification Canada is the federal department responsible for administering this agreement while Saskatchewan Government Relations is the provincial department responsible for administering this agreement.

For additional information, contact:

Amy Ringdahl
Office of the Minister of National Revenue and Minister of Western Economic Diversification
Tel: (613) 996-9331

Joanne Mysak
Gestionnaire, Communications
Diversification de l’économie de l’Ouest Canada
Saskatoon, SK
Tél: (306) 975-5942

Cathy Gourlie
Saskatchewan Government Relations
Regina, Saskatchewan
Phone: (306) 787-2687
Cell:     (306) 529-8631

Jill Cope
Communications Manager
City of Saskatoon

WD Toll-Free Number: 1 888 338-WEST (9378)
Web Site: WD is online at www.wd-deo.gc.ca.
Subscribe to news releases and keep up-to-date on the latest from WD.


Saskatoon Urban Development Agreement

  • The goals of the Agreement are to identify and address common priorities and build on existing policies, strategies, programs and delivery mechanisms to achieve common social and economic objective in the City of Saskatoon.
  • The Agreement was developed taking into consideration the unique needs and opportunities illustrated in the City's strategic plan as well as federal and provincial plans and priorities.  Initiatives undertaken are intended to create economic activity that improves the viability, prosperity and quality of life in Saskatoon.
  • The Agreement will also provide a framework for the three levels of government to prioritize opportunities.  Wherever possible, existing programs will be used to implement and deliver projects under the Agreement.
  • Funding of $10 million will be available over a five-year period.  $5 million is from the Government of Canada, delivered by Western Economic Diversification Canada; $2.5 million from the Province of Saskatchewan, delivered by Saskatchewan Government Relations; and $2.5 million is from the City of Saskatoon.
  • The funding under this Agreement will help fill gaps and be used to lever or support other funding sources in complementary programs that are addressing similar priorities, such as the Urban Aboriginal Strategy.
  • A management committee administers and manages the Agreement, and reviews project proposals.  Representatives from the governments of Canada and Saskatchewan and the City of Saskatoon serve on the committee.  Consultations will take place with key stakeholders who will vary depending on the nature of the proposal.
  • Projects will be non-commercial in nature.  Eligible project recipients must be legal entities.  Projects will fall under one of three theme areas:

    • Building A Better City: Includes investments in activities that would support a downtown that is a magnet for visitors and citizens of Saskatoon, a high standard of public infrastructure, and access to culture, arts and recreation for all Saskatoon citizens.
    • Sustainable Neighbourhoods: Includes investments in activities that would help older Saskatoon neighbourhoods be safe, healthy, vibrant and inclusive places for all people to live and work, particularly residents who face barriers or are disadvantaged.
    • A Healthy And Innovative Environment: Includes investments in activities that would support innovative business activity, and that further connections between the community and private firms, research facilities and educational institutions in innovation, research and technology.