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News Release

For Release
July 11, 2006
Corresponding Document: Speech (2006-07-11)

BC Cancer Foundation Receives $420,000 from Government of Canada

Vancouver, British Columbia – Cancer research in British Columbia received a significant boost with an investment of $420,000 from Western Economic Diversification Canada. With this funding, the B.C. Cancer Agency will purchase new equipment that will be used to improve early cancer detection and develop new drug treatment therapies.

“Cancer affects thousands of Canadians and their families each year,” said the Honourable Carol Skelton, Minister of National Revenue and Minister of Western Economic Diversification. “This investment supports research leading to new treatment, future cures and economic benefits.”

“Science and technology are making huge advances in the molecular understanding of health and disease,” said Dr. Simon Sutcliffe, President of the B.C. Cancer Agency. “Clinical medicine must parallel these advances if we are to see the benefit of improved health outcomes. The support from Western Economic Diversification Canada and the B.C. Cancer Foundation for functional imaging is a key piece of integrating science and medicine to realize the full potential of molecular medicine.”

"B.C. Cancer Foundation donors will be gratified and encouraged that the investment in this technology demonstrates the government’s support for new and better ways to detect and treat cancers early and thus improve outcomes for all British Columbians and their families who are affected by cancer,” said Mary McNeil, president and CEO, B.C. Cancer Foundation.

The B.C. Cancer Agency will acquire a Micro-Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scanner to help researchers in understanding cancer expression in cells, the effect of treatment on expression, and designing new therapies. The Micro-PET scanner is a critical piece of medical imaging equipment that will accelerate the development of new cancer diagnostic markers and targeted drug compounds at the B.C. Cancer Agency's new $24 M Centre of Excellence in Functional Cancer Imaging (Centre of Excellence). PET technology has become an important tool for the early diagnosis and monitoring of cancer progression.

Western Economic Diversification Canada is the federal department mandated to support economic diversification in communities across Western Canada.

For additional information, contact:

Fiona MacLeod
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of National
Revenue and Minister of Western
Economic Diversification Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel: (613) 995-2960

Nicole Adams
Communications Director
BC Cancer Agency
(604) 877-6272
Web site: www.bccancer.bc.ca

Jinny Wu
Communications Officer
Western Economic Diversification Canada
Vancouver, British Columbia
Tel: (604) 666-2445

Judy Hamill
Communications Officer
BC Cancer Foundation
(604) 877-6161
Web site: www.bccancerfoundation.com

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Web Site: WD is online at www.wd-deo.gc.ca.
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