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News Release

For Release
March 31, 2006

Governments boosts investment in solar energy

Vancouver, B.C. – Solar Energy in British Columbia is on the rise thanks to investments of more than $180,000 from the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia. 

The announcement was made today at the 2006 Solar Summit in Vancouver by James Lunney, Member of Parliament for Nanaimo-Alberni, on behalf of the Honourable Gary Lunn, Minister of Natural Resources and the Honourable Carol Skelton, Minister of National Revenue and Minister of Western Economic Diversification Canada.  He was joined by the Honourable Barry Penner, B.C. Minister of the Environment. 

The British Columbia Sustainable Energy Association will develop a marketing strategy to promote its new solar hot water heating systems across British Columbia.  The strategy will address the current challenges of these innovative systems by increasing public awareness of the benefits of solar energy, which provides economical solutions for households and communities installing the new system. 

 “The reality of rising energy prices and increased energy consumption means that we must move forward to develop clean and efficient alternative sources of energy,” said Lunney. “Solar energy will reduce household and business energy costs while contributing to our environmental quality of life, which benefits all British Columbians.”

“As a net importer of electricity, British Columbia has a good reason to be a strong advocate for developing alternative energy,” said Penner.   “Clean, renewable energy resources like solar energy are sustainable in the long-term and benefit both the environment and the economy.”

The solar hot water system, developed by the British Columbia Sustainable Energy Association, is a cost-effective alternative energy source.  It uses solar energy to provide hot water for daily household appliances such as showers, dishwashers and washing machines.  It can also be used for car washes, hotels, swimming pools and laundromats. 

Government investments in this initiative come from: Western Economic Diversification Canada, Natural Resources Canada, B.C. Ministry of Environment, and the B.C. Ministry of Energy and Mines.

Backgrounder attached

For additional information, contact:

Jinny Wu
Communications Officer
Western Economic Diversification Canada
Vancouver, British Columbia
Tel: (604) 666-2445

Don McDonald
Communications Director
Ministry of Environment
250 387-9973

Nitya Harris
British Columbia Sustainable Energy Association
250 478-6330

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BC Sustainable Energy Association

The British Columbia Sustainable Energy Association is a group of citizens, professionals and practitioners whose goal is to promote the understanding, development, and adoption of sustainable energy, energy conservation and efficiency in British Columbia. To achieve this, the non-profit association provides information to the public, supports alternative energy initiatives, and advocates sustainable energy to federal, provincial and municipal governments.

Solar Hot Water Acceleration Project

The Solar Hot Water Project is a project of the B.C. Sustainable Energy Association. The project’s purpose is increase the awareness of the potential for solar hot water systems in British Columbia by facilitating rebates and by providing information.

Project Goals

The Goals of the Solar Hot Water Project are:

  • Work with 3 to 4 communities to facilitate the installation of 100 solar hot water systems in B.C. over 2 years
  • Facilitate the installation of commercial systems
  • Develop financial tools to assist homeowners in the purchase of solar hot water systems (i.e., low-interest loans).
  • Develop a shopping list of various solar hot water systems that may be used in this pilot
  • Facilitate installer training in each community
  • Develop demonstration projects in each community
  • Promote public awareness through media, websites, articles, home shows
  • Monitor a percentage of the systems installed
  • Produce a report on the project

Funding is divided as follows:

The Government of Canada provided $50,000 from Western Economic Diversification Canada and $102,450 from Natural Resources Canada.  The Province of B.C. provided $24,500 from the B.C. Ministry of Environment.