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News Release

For Release
July 14, 2006

Funding available to restore infrastructure and equipment for Northern Manitoba fishers and trappers

Thompson, MB – The Northern Producers Recovery Program will receive $1.3 million from the Canada-Manitoba Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) to assist fishers and trappers along the Churchill and Grass River systems repair, replace, or enhance equipment and infrastructure damaged by high water levels and flooding in 2005. 

The announcement was made today by the Honourable Steve Ashton, Minister of Water Stewardship, and the Honourable Carol Skelton, Minister of National Revenue and Minister of Western Economic Diversification.

“Fishing and trapping have been historically important to northern Manitoba and vital to its economy.  Last fall some waters reached the highest levels seen in the past 35 years, which significantly damaged or destroyed their equipment and structures that are fundamental to the work of both northern fishers and trappers,” said Ashton. “Today we are supporting them as small businesses that are economically vital to the regions success.”

“The Northern Producers Recovery Program responds directly to the economic needs of residents in northern and remote areas,” said Minister Skelton. “Through our partnerships, we are diversifying regional economies and building strong and healthy communities.”

The Northern Producers Recovery Program (NPRP) will help restore industry-based infrastructure for approximately 200 fishers and trappers in the region.  As well, the commercial fishing and trapping industry provides viable employment opportunities for young northern residents.
The program will be administered by the Communities Economic Development Fund (CEDF), a Manitoba Crown Corporation with a mandate to encourage economic development in northern Manitoba and the fishing industry in the province with particular emphasis on the needs of small business enterprises and community development. 

Application forms are available from CEDF and through local fish agencies and offices in several communities along the Churchill River and Grass River systems.  The deadline for Category 1 applications (individual fishers and trappers) is August 15, 2006.  Category 2 applications (community infrastructure) will be accepted until September 30, 2006.  In all cases, the work must be completed by October 31, 2006.

Under the Canada-Manitoba Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), the governments of Canada and Manitoba are working together and in partnership with community stakeholders on two strategic priorities—building our economy and sustainable communities.  These priorities strengthen the skills of Manitoba workers and promote economic growth and diversification in the province. For more information on this and other projects funded under EPA, visit: http://www.epa.gov.mb.ca.

For additional information, contact:

Fiona MacLeod
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of National
Revenue and Minister of Western
Economic Diversification Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel: (613) 995-2960

Shasta Chartrand
Communications Officer
Western Economic Diversification Canada
Tel: (204) 983-0789
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Terri Hooper
Communications Coordinator,
Canada-Manitoba Economic Partnership Agreement
(204) 945-7805

Graham Gork
Communications Coordinator,
Communication Services Manitoba
(204) 945-5795

WD Toll-Free Number: 1 888 338-WEST (9378)
Web Site: WD is online at www.wd-deo.gc.ca.
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Who Can Apply?

The following are eligible to apply for a non-repayable contribution under this program:

  1. Commercial fishers or commercial fishing operators who are licensed to participate in a designated fishery;
  2. Recognized fisher associations, commercial fisher cooperatives, and communities or local governments, that provide infrastructure for the use of fishers who are licensed to participate in a designated fishery (Category 2 only);
  3. Trappers who are licensed to trap fur-bearing animals in a designated trapping area (Category 1 only).

Designated Fisheries/Trapping Areas:

On the Churchill River System:
Reindeer, Sisipuk, Highrock, Flatrock, Nelson, Allen and Granville; and

On the Grass River System:
Pakwa, Setting, Partridge Crop and Natawahunan.

What Is Covered?

Subject to the total program cap, non-repayable contributions will be payable for up to 75% of the costs of repairing, replacing or improving equipment and infrastructure used and declared lost in the following categories:

Category 1 – Individual Fishers and Trappers

  1. Infrastructure:  individual docks, cabins and sheds, and
  2. Equipment:  boats, motors, and generators,

To a maximum non-repayable contribution of $5,000 for a licensed fisher, licensed commercial fishing operator, or licensed trapper; or to a maximum non-repayable contribution of $10,000 if the licensed commercial fishing operator regularly employs five or more persons in his or her fishing business.

Category 2 – Community Infrastructure

Community or other major infrastructure including docks, access roads, fish plants, boat portages and boat launches, to a maximum non-repayable contribution of 75% of the project costs to a maximum of $25,000.
“Community or other major infrastructure” means infrastructure that is owned or operated by an eligible applicant:

  1. who is a licensed commercial fishing operator regularly employing five or more persons in his or her fishing business, or
  2. that is shared by five or more active, lawful participants in the designated fishery.

Category 2 claims will be subject to a cap within the program and may be restricted on the basis of program claims and subsequent prioritization by community groups. It should be noted that licensed commercial fishing operators may be eligible under both categories.

How Do I Apply?

Category 1

Application forms are available from offices of the Communities Economic Development Fund (CEDF). CEDF will also endeavor to make forms available in communities either through community visits or through fish agencies and local offices. Application forms will include a Statutory Declaration of the loss experienced by the claimant. CEDF as agent for the Province reserves the right to request further proof of loss.

Category 2

A proposal should be submitted on a community organization letterhead outlining:

  • loss suffered
  • cost of repairs
  • list of suppliers
  • estimated start and completion dates of project

The proposal should be accompanied by an endorsement from the local community, where possible.

What is the Application Process?

Applications must be sent to CEDF. Fax is acceptable. CEDF will confirm that the applicant is eligible and will issue a Confirmation of Approval to the supplier identified by the fisher. All Payments will be made directly to suppliers upon presentation of invoice. A copy will be sent to the fisher.

When Can I Apply?

  • The deadline for Category 1 applications is August 31, 2006.
  • Category 2 applications will be received until August 31, 2006, with the requirement related work and payment be completed by October 31, 2006. 

CEDF reserves the right to extend program dates.


Communities Economic Development Fund (CEDF)
100 – 23 Station Road
Thompson, Manitoba  R8N 0N6
Toll Free: 1-888-347-4678
Fax: (204) 778-4313