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News Release

For Release
May 24, 2006

Medicine Hat Clay Industries National Historic District Receives $600,000 Funding Boost from Feds

Medicine Hat, Alberta — Medicine Hat Clay Industries National Historic District, today received $600,000 from Western Economic Diversification Canada to boost tourism to the site.

This investment is directed towards Phase II of the restoration and preservation of Medicine Hat’s clay products industry, which will help to preserve and sustain an industry that has been active in the Medicine Hat area for over 100 years and that serves as an important Canadian historical landmark. Western Economic Diversification Canada funding is in addition to ongoing investments from the City of Medicine Hat and funds raised by the Friends of Medalta Society.

“Investment in the cultural industry and historic sites promotes tourism and economic development in the region,” said the Honourable Monte Solberg, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration on behalf of the Honourable Carol Skelton, Minister of National Revenue and Minister of Western Economic Diversification. “Canada’s new Government is committed to working with local partners to build stronger communities.”

"What began as a rescue project is now a major historic site in our city", said Medicine Hat Mayor Garth Vallely. "The City supports the Clay Industry National Historic District in its ongoing quest to develop this piece of Medicine Hat history into a world class historical site museum. Aside from $125,000 per year for four years for operating funding, the City of Medicine Hat provides capital funding of $1.00 for every $2.00 raised by Medalta, to a total of $1.9 million.”

The Historic Clay District has reached a very exciting point in its development,” says Mr. Moldon, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Friends of Medalta Society. “It is a tremendous asset to the city, from both a historical and economic standpoint - it preserves the story of our past and is poised to be a very large tourism generator.”

For additional information, contact:

Fiona MacLeod
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of National
Revenue and Minister of Western
Economic Diversification Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel: (613) 995-2960

Donna Kinley
Communications Manager
Western Economic Diversification Canada
Edmonton, Alberta
Tel: (780) 495-6892

WD Toll-Free Number: 1 888 338-WEST (9378)
Web Site: WD is online at www.wd-deo.gc.ca.
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Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD)

  • Western Economic Diversification Canada works in partnership with the provinces, industry associations and communities to stimulate and diversify Western Canada’s economy, as well as to represent the interests of the West in national economic policy.
  • WD is announcing a contribution of $600,000 to the Friends of Medalta Society. This investment is directed towards Phase II of the restoration and preservation of Medicine Hat’s clay products industry, that will help to preserve and sustain an industry that has been active in the Medicine Hat area for over 100 years and that serves as an important Canadian historical landmark.
  • The investment in historical and cultural projects of this nature generates further economic benefits through tourism and spin-off activities that make communities more liveable and attractive.
  • WD’s investment, made through its Western Diversification Program (WDP), supports the Government of Canada’s commitments to increase the viability and diversification of local economies and develop sustainable communities by stimulating tourism and economic development in rural communities.
  • The underlying objective of the WDP is to create a stronger West and a stronger Canada. Several guiding principles are used to help assess how initiatives contribute to this objective, including:

    • increased economic activity that improves the viability, prosperity, and quality of life for individuals and communities across Western Canada.
    • increased economic research in the areas of sustainable communities, innovation and entrepreneurship to provide a sound base for economic development in areas of importance to Western Canada.
  • Other elements that are considered when determining the relative merit of proposals include: the measurable impact on the western Canadian economy, viability and sustainability, long-term benefits, and the participation of other stakeholders.

The Friends of Medalta Society

  • The Friends of Medalta Society was incorporated as a non-profit organization in 1986.
  • In 1985, the Medalta Potteries was designated as a National Historic Site of Canada because of the significance of the early 20th century beehive kilns and manufacturing buildings.
  • In 1999, the Medicine Hat Clay Industries was designated as a National Historic Site of Canada because of the cultural landscape associated with the growth and diversification of the pottery industry in the Medicine Hat area.
  • Medalta Potteries and Hycroft China, in the context of the Medicine Hat Clay Industries National Historic District, work together to form a living-working museum, providing year round interpretive and educational programming. The operation of this facility is funded by income generated by in-house manufacturing, retail sales, an on-line gift shop, admissions and educational programming, and through strategic partnerships.
  • Phase I included restoration of the Medalta Warehouse building and a number of other capital improvement and development initiatives. The Society invested about $6 million to stabilize, remediate and rehabilitate the Medalta and Hycroft sites, which included a $2 million grant through the Alberta Government Centennial Legacy Grant Program and funding assistance from municipal, provincial and other federal sources (Heritage Canada).
  • Phase II will span three years and will include:

    • Developing and implementing a comprehensive marketing plan/promotion campaign on a local, regional, national and international level.
    • Developing interpretative programs.
    • Installing new, distinctive signage and introducing the District’s new image and logo.
    • Designing and developing an 8-10 minute video production to promote both sites.
    • Curatorial services for the collection and machinery.
    • Hiring project administration personnel to coordinate and oversee the development initiatives and management of this phase of the project.
    • Developing information technology services and a website.
    • Developing a fundraising program.