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News Release

For Release
March 10, 2006

Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan to go Online

Regina, Saskatchewan – The Canadian Plains Research Center (CPRC) will begin the enormous task of converting the 1,072-page Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan to an online version called E-Sask.ca thanks to $271,619 in funding from Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) and the Saskatchewan Centennial 2005 office.

Regina-Lumsden-Lake Centre Member of Parliament Tom Lukiwski, on behalf of the Honourable Carol Skelton, Minister of National Revenue and Minister of Western Economic Diversification, and Regina Northeast MLA Ron Harper, on behalf of Culture, Youth and Recreation Minister Glenn Hagel announced funding for the project today. WD will provide $221,619 for the conversion and hosting the Encyclopedia online, in both official languages, for one year. Saskatchewan Centennial 2005 contributed $50,000 towards the online component of the project. 

“This project illustrates the Government of Canada’s commitment to celebrating the history and achievements of Saskatchewan residents in recognition of its Centennial,” said Mr. Lukiwski. “We’re helping the CPRC provide an excellent resource tool to complement the printed hardcover Encyclopedia. Both versions will teach all of us about the natural and cultural heritage of the province.” 

"The Encyclopedia provides a lasting and factual story about the significant accomplishments of our people, our landscape, our diverse culture and our rich history," Mr. Harper said. "Making this historic compilation of information on our great province available on the Internet will allow us to show the world it could use a little more Saskatchewan!."

The online version will include all 2,300 entries and the 21 in-depth essays found in the printed hardcover Encyclopedia.  The French electronic version will include the 21 essays and a number of entries about Saskatchewan francophones, French and Métis settlements and French education. Additional photos along with video and audio clips will enliven the online text, and visitors will be able to search for articles and images. Canadian Plains Research Center staff will continuously update the online content.

The online version of the Encyclopedia is expected to be ready for an online launch in December 2006.

“The Encyclopedia, which was published in print form by the University of Regina's CPRC Press, is truly a made-in-Saskatchewan product,” said University of Regina President Robert Hawkins. "It is unique because it tells the story of this place and its people in a fashion never attempted before. We’re proud to be part of spreading the Saskatchewan story."

“The Encyclopedia represents the work of almost a thousand people who laboured over a nine year period to provide a legacy of information about Saskatchewan,” said Dave Gauthier, executive director of the CPRC and publisher and general manager of Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan. “We are so grateful for the combined support of the federal and provincial government in allowing us to deliver information about the people, places and events of our province to the widest possible audience, not only across Canada but also to a world audience.”

The Government of Saskatchewan's contribution to the online component of the publication came from its total project contribution of $486,000.  Each school in the province also received a complimentary copy of the Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan. 

The Canadian Plains Research Center is the longest-serving research institute at the University of Regina with a broad mandate to improve understanding and appreciation of the Canadian Plains region, its people, and its resources. It does so through contributing to the development of a broad community of scholars of the region using interdisciplinary approaches that initiate and support scholarly research on all aspects of prairie life.

For additional information, contact:

Joanne Mysak
Manager, Communications
Western Economic Diversification Canada
Saskatoon, SK
Tel: (306) 975-5942

David A. Gauthier
Executive Director
Canadian Plains Research Center
Tel: 306-585-4758  
Email: david.gauthier@uregina.ca 
Web site: www.cprc.uregina.ca

Chris Shauf
Director of Communications
Saskatchewan Centennial 2005
Tel: (306) 787-1254
Cel: (306) 530-5775

WD Toll-Free Number: 1 888 338-WEST (9378)
Web Site: WD is online at www.wd-deo.gc.ca.
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