Canada's New Government / Stephen Harper / Prime Minister
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Fostering pets

8 June 2006
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Harper with two foster cats at 24 Sussex Drive.
All too often, family pets such as dogs and cats find themselves in shelters as a result of being abandoned or rescued.

The Harpers are proud to support and participate in the Ottawa Humane Society’s Foster Program, which provides temporary homes for pets in the community who are not yet ready for adoption.

The program fosters out animals with mild health or behaviour issues who need individual care and nurturing to help them recover before they are adopted by new, loving foster families.

Laureen and Stephen have been foster parents to many cats during the past year.  At any given time, the Harpers have provided foster care to numerous cats at their Ottawa home.

Similar programs are in place across Canada.  Foster pet programs help thousands of animals – including cats, dogs, birds and rabbits – each year. These programs allow:

  • Those who want to make a difference for an animal to do so, without making a long-term commitment.

  • Foster parents to see if they are ready for long-term pet ownership.

    Contact your local SPCA or Humane Society to find out if they offer a foster pet program.

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  • British Columbia SPCA
  • Alberta SPCA
  • Saskatchewan SPCA
  • List of Manitoba SPCAs and Humane Societies
  • Ontario SPCA
  • List of Quebec SPCAs
  • SPCA New Brunswick
  • PEI Humane Society
  • SPCA Nova Scotia
  • Links to Newfoundland and Labrador SPCAs
  • Humane Society Yukon
  • Nunavut (Iqaluit) SPCA