Happy Tails Really Do Come True - Mulan

When we first went to the shelter to look at the Princess Hounds, we had our hopes set on Tiana or Aurora. After a week had passed and we didn't hear anything, we assumed that we didn’t get chosen. We ended up getting a call that those two dogs were already spoken for but Mulan was still available. We were hesitant as she wasn't even there to meet when we first went in. We had very little time to discuss it with one another, but ultimately we said YES!, and we are so thankful that we did! When we got to the Humane Society to pick her up, she had to be carried into the car, wouldn't look at us and cowered the whole drive home. She spent her first two nights sleeping in a chair alone, didn't eat or drink for three days and didn't want to socialize at all. Now, almost a year later, she loves going for rides in the car, playing at the park and going for long walks. She has her own bedroom (and loves getting all snuggled in the sheets), and would rather steal a tupperware dish whenever she can find one than play with the toys we have bought her. She is the most gentle dog, and is the highlight of everyday. She is so special to us, and seeing the progress she has made and the obstacles she has overcome has been so amazing. I couldn’t imagine not having her in our lives and she is the perfect addition to our family. Mulan has been able to meet up with 3 of the 4 Princess Hounds and you would never know that they were separated or previously abused. I would like to thank the Humane Society for not only allowing us to adopt Mulan, but for notifying us when the news story of the Princess Hounds was going to be published. Reading the details of what happened to those precious dogs was horrifying, but the Humane Society was kind enough to give us a heads up to prepare or avoid the story all together. I would highly recommend adopting and supporting this amazing organization. Love Morgan, Cody and Mulan. Click here to help more dogs like Mulan

PEI Humane Society Announcement RE: Upcoming Changes to 2019 National Cupcake Day

After much consideration, the PEI Humane Society has decided not to participate in the National Cupcake Day campaign. We are instead developing a unique Island made fundraising event.
Participation in National Cupcake Day™ requires that we sign on to the national campaign, which involves significant marketing fees payable to the Ontario SPCA. The PEIHS is still responsible for all local promotion and pays for our own campaign advertising. A 2019 PEIHS event will be Island focused with 100% of the net proceeds going directly to our work with island animals. Are you interested in joining the PEI Humane Society fundraising committee to develop a new initiative with similar outreach and a baked goods theme? Please contact Jennifer at jharkness@peihumanesociety.com. Volunteers are needed to help develop the new local vision and with event and fundraising activities that will create a truly unique campaign. Given the incredible support for the campaign, which raised over $20,000 last year, we are really excited to see where we can take this new event. Thank you for participating in National Cupcake Day and for your commitment to raising funds for the animals at the PEI Humane Society. You truly have made a difference. We look forward to what the future can bring.

Tail & Tunes Fridays!  Come play for the animals!

Every Friday afternoon between 3-4 p.m. the PEI Humane Society would like to invite musicians in to sing or play music to shelter animals. Not only does the PEI Humane Society with the help of volunteers provide essential care to all animals in shelter, we also provide daily enrichment for reduction of stress. Stress is directly linked to health, especially in cats. Music is not only an interesting sound for animals, watching you play can also provide entertainment and comfort for those who need it. Contact us today – community@peihumanesociety.com