Who does what?

This page explains which authority is responsible for a certain field of activity, according to the Swedish Environmental Code.

Contained use

The Swedish Environmental Code defines contained use as "an activity in which organisms are genetically modified, cultured, stored, transported, destroyed, disposed of or used in any other way, and for which specific containment measures are used to limit their contact with the public and the environment and provide a high degree of security for the public and the environment" (chapter 13, section 5).

Genetically Modified OrganismsResponsible Authority
Micro-oganisms including cell cultures of higher organismsWork Environment Authority
Aquatic organisms other than micro-organismsBoard of Fisheries
Other organismsBoard of Agriculture

Deliberate release

The Environmental Code defines deliberate release as "intentional introduction of genetically modified organisms into the environment without such containment measures as are mentioned in section 5" (chapter 13, section 6).

Genetically Modified OrganismsResponsible Authority
Medical productsMedical Product Agency
Micro-organisms, nematodes, insects and arachnidsChemicals Inspectorate
Aquatic organismsBoard of Fisheries
Forest trees intended for timber productionBoard of Forestry
Other organisms (e.g. plants)Board of Agriculture

Placing on the market

The Environmental Code defines the expression "placing on the market" as "supplying or making a product available to the third parties" (chapter 13, section 7).

Product that contains or is produced from genetically modified organismsResponsible Authority
FeedBoard of Agriculture
FoodFood Administration
Medical productsMedical Product Agency
Micro-organisms, nematodes, insects and arachnidsChemicals Inspectorate
Aquatic organismsBoard of Fisheries
Forest trees intended for timber productionBoard of Forestry
Other organisms (e.g. plants)Board of Agriculture

Unintentional transboundary movements

Notification on an occurrence that leads or may lead to an unintentionally transboundary movement of a  genetically modified organism shall be given to the responsible authority.

Genetically Modified OrganismsResponsible Authority
Micro-organisms, nematodes, insects and arachnidsChemicals Inspectorate
Aquatic organismsBoard of Fisheries
Forest treesBoard of Forestry
Other organisms (e.g. plants)Board of Agriculture

General issues

A particular institution called the Swedish Gene Technology Advisory Board monitors the developments in the field of gene technology (including ethical aspects) and provides advice on its use.

The National Environmental Protection Agency plays a general role through advising other authorities on matters such as deliberate release or placing on the market. This Agency also provides advice on how to design regulations of activities concerning genetically modified organisms. The authority is also the focal point for the clearing house mechanism placed under the Biosafety Protocol.

The Swedish Rescue Services Agency is the administrative authority responsible for issues regarding overland transport of genetically modified organisms that are classified as dangerous goods.