Community Legal Education Association (Manitoba) Inc.
Our Mission
Community Programs
Law Phone-In and Lawyer Referral
Law FAQs
About Us
Department of Justice Canada

HITS: 14383

Did You Know?
Our Teacher's Conference - Law in the 21st Century was a big success. The planning committee would like to thank all the participants, our sponsors and our presenters: Arnold Conner, Len Fishman, Jeff Gindin and Tony Sookram. We would also like to thank the Deputy Minister of Education, Gerald Farthing, who brought greetings on behalf of the Minister.

Upcoming Events
Our fall newsletter will be coming out in the next few weeks. If you would like to receive a copy, please contact us at 943-2382.

Community Legal Education Association
Community Legal Education Association is a not-for-profit organization, which provides Manitobans with information about the law through several services. We have existed since 1984 and we believe that law belongs to people - you have a right to know your rights.

Canadian/Manitoba Content Alert:
The legal information on this website is about Canadian laws, in the case of federal legislation, and Manitoba laws, in the case of provincial legislation. Information about specific laws in other Canadian provinces may be available on the Links page.

The information in this website is intended as general legal information only, not as legal advice. Every situation is unique and involves individual legal issues. If you want advice, you should consult a lawyer.

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Last Updated August 2004 © 2004, Community Legal Education Association (Manitoba) Inc.