Starting or Growing Your Business?
Logo: Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan
Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan is supported by
Western Economic Diversification Canada

Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan Inc. (W.E.) assists women considering starting a business or operating an existing business. We offer a wide range of programs and services including business advising and resources, business loans, publications, networking and mentoring opportunities, youth initiatives, as well as training workshops and seminars that focus on business skill development.

Our business advisors are prepared to help you in all stages of business and can advise you on a wide range of topics specific to your business. We offer loans to businesses within Saskatchewan that are majority owned and operated by women. We can loan up to $100,000 for business start-up, purchase or expansion. Opportunities for networking and mentoring include seminars, member events and Mentoring Circles. Our Youth Initiatives are aimed at elementary and high school students to help increase the awareness of entrepreneurship as a career option. W.E. training workshops cover relevant topics ranging from Marketing to Business Planning to Human Resource Management.