Western Economic Diversification Canada | Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada

Home : Reports and Publications : Departmental Strategies : GOL 2001 Report

Developing Web Capacity

Web-Based Products and E-Tool Development. A new Suite of E-Tools would be developed for the WD Website based on consultations with staff, clients and WCBSN partners. The tools would include virtual presentations and interactive learning e-workshops on topics of interest identified by WD clients such as innovation, marketing and e-business. The Website will be continually updated and improved to provide enhanced public access to government services funded through WD.

Staff Training. Staff would receive extensive corporate-based training and support on how to use the Internet to better assist clients and partners, and how to use the new web-based products and e-tools that would be created within the Department and with partners.

Information Technology Infrastructure Upgrade. A major upgrade of WD's Internet (www.wd-deo.gc.ca) infrastructure is proposed to keep pace with changing technology requirements and rising client expectations. The upgrade would involve a new video-conferencing capability, the installation of a new wide-area network (WAN), along with other Internet-related hardware and infrastructure equipment.

Note : GOL initiatives identified in this action plan are dependent on available resources, client demand and departmental priorities. The on-line services are subject to change as departmental funding and priorities evolve.

For further information, please contact:

Ken Alecxe
Executive Coordinator
Government On-Line Office
Western Economic Diversification Canada
#820 – 2002 Victoria Avenue
Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 0R7
Phone: (306) 780-8268
Fax: (306) 780-8275

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