Western Economic Diversification Canada | Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada

Home : Reports and Publications : Departmental Strategies : Sustainable Development Strategy : Sustainable Development Strategy 2003

The WD SD Vision

In order to fully integrate sustainable development into our planning, program delivery and operations, WD has decided to adopt a vision of sustainable development, supported by a series of principles. The vision is as follows:

  • WD is building a more sustainable Western Canada by making strategic investments and providing its employees and partners with practical tools to integrate sustainable development into the three core areas of business or 'strategic directions' - innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainable communities.

WD has already begun acting on this vision by incorporating sustainable development measures into two of its most important project assessment tools - Due Diligence Report (DDR) and the GX Financial System. All projects are screened to determine whether there are elements contributing to sustainable development in Western Canada.

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