Western Economic Diversification Canada | Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada

Home : Reports and Publications : Departmental Strategies : Official Languages Act : What do you think of the Action Plan?

Part 6: What do you think of the Action Plan?

Official Languages Action Plan - Feedback

WD's current Action Plan for the Implementation of Section 41 of the Official Languages Act has been developed to provide a focal point for departmental activities related to the implementation of Section 41 of the OLA and to act as a mechanism to communicate with the francophone minority communities in Western Canada. We invite you to use the following form to provide feedback to assist in the development of future Action Plans.

General comments and/or suggestions
Provide any comments and/or suggestions for the development
of our future Action Plan:

Strong points
Indicate which proposed measures you found the most relevant
or potentially effective and why:

Areas needing improvement
Indicate which proposed measures you found the least relevant
or potentially effective and why:

Submit your comments to us

Click on the submit button to send your feedback to us, or return this form to:

Kiran Cahoon
National Coordinator
Planning and Policy, Headquarters
Western Economic Diversification Canada
Suite 1500, Canada Place 9700 Jasper Ave.
Edmonton, AB T5J 4H7
Telephone: (780) 495- 5976
Facsimile: (780) 495-6222