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home page

Visit the Aero Space Museum — a living history documenting aviation in Canada.
Learn the stories of the trailblazers who dreamt of flight. Discover the pioneers who adapted aircraft for trade and recreation. Be inspired by the heroes who fought for Canada from the skies or, by the adventurers who set their sights to outer space.

Movie Night at the Museum 2006

For information about the Annual General Meeting - go to News and download the current issue of the Aero Post Newsletter



Executive Director

Anthony Worman

Education Officer
Allan Gallant

Administrative Officer
Shirlee Matheson

Volunteer Manager
Kim Verrier

Fund Development Officer
Shirley Piersma

Phone for all staff
(403) 250-3752

How to find us

where to find us map

Follow the arrow to the map


Admission Fees
& Hours

© 2002-2005 Aero Space Museum Association
of Calgary

4629 McCall Way NE, Calgary, AB T2E 8A5
Phone: 403-250-3752 | Fax: 403-250-8399

Site revised February 13, 2006
Technical Services: Lexicom
Design by sherring
how to find us