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Mission STS-100

Technoteacher - Day 6

Saint-Hubert, this is the ISS. Come in please.

A. Virtual Tasks

Have students role-play where one student serves as the robot, while another student gives instructions on how to pick up several objects placed before the blindfolded student. Have the blindfolded student wear thick gloves and use a headset or walkie-talkies to communicate from a distance. Remind the students about the space environment (temperature extremes, weightlessness, vacuum, etc.) and talk about how it might affect how they will complete a task in space. Walkie-Talkie

How many commands are necessary to accomplish a task?

B. Communications

To illustrate the importance of establishing voice commands on ISS, have students create flow charts with direction on how to complete a task. Take into consideration language differences. Talk about how colours can be used as symbols on ISS.

This activity was adapted from a NASA document.

Updated: 2001/03/16 Important Notices