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Biography of Virendra Jha

Virendra Jha

Vice-President Science, Technology and Programs

Appointed Vice-President of Science, Technology and Programs at the Canadian Space Agency in July 2003, Dr. Jha has over 30 years of experience in space-related programs in Canada. Mr. Jha was Acting President of the Canadian Space Agency from November 28, 2005 to February 25, 2006.

Dr. Jha started his professional career with RCA Limited in 1972. He subsequently worked at Spar Aerospace in Montréal, Quebec, where he was Director of Engineering, responsible for all the engineering design activities related to space hardware built by Spar. Dr. Jha joined the Canadian Space Agency in 1991 as Director of Space Mechanics. Subsequently, he was promoted to the position of Director General, Space Technologies, in 1997. During this period, several innovative technologies were developed under his leadership.

Dr. Jha holds a bachelor's degree in engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, a master's degree in mechanical engineering from McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, and a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Concordia University in Montréal.

Dr. Jha has published and presented more than 20 papers on space-related subjects, including innovative research, and has presented at international conferences. He is an internationally recognized figure in this area which is reflected through his participation as a board or committee member for various Canadian and international panels, committees and institutes. Dr. Jha was one of the founders of the Master's Program in Aerospace Engineering. He has taught special courses at Concordia University.

In 1999, in recognition of his significant contribution to the Canadian Space Program, the Canadian Astronautics and Space Institute (CASI) presented him with the "Alouette Award."

On June 19, 2004, Dr. Jha received the Professional Man of the Year Award from the Indo/Canada Chamber of Commerce in Toronto. Then in July 2004, he was nominated to be a Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Astronautics. In October 2004, he was elected to a two-year term as Vice President of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) Bureau.

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Updated: 2006/02/27 Important Notices