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Newsletter April 16, 2004
1- Earth Observation Info Days - May 3rd and 4th, 2004 in Halifax


The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) will host its second INFO Days event from May 3-4 at the Citadel Halifax Hotel, located in the heart of the historic city of Halifax, Nova Scotia

The goal of Earth Observation INFO Days is to provide information about current programs and upcoming activities resulting from Canadian investment in Earth Observation sensors, with a view to developing business opportunities and to increase the use of the space data.

Various topics will be covered during the course of the event, including Canadian Space Agency (CSA) application and technology development programs, Canada's involvement in international ventures, preparation for RADARSAT-2 and much more. The event will also provide participants an opportunity to build on their relationship within the space community.

We look forward to seeing you at this important event.

Information and registration:

2 - The Status and Recent Contracts Awarded to Canadian
Companies Under ESA Earth Observation Market
Development (EOMD) and Data User Element (DUE) Programs

The European Space Agency's (ESA) Earth Observation Market Development Program recently awarded nine vertical (service oriented) and seven horizontal (market driver) contracts. AMEC of Canada won a longer-term vertical contract (LT_15) in the area of Geo-information Services for Identification, Monitoring and Mitigation of land subsidence problems, worth approximately 750,000 Euro). Canadian companies C-CORE, Atlantis, VIASAT and EBA were also successful bidders as subcontractors. In horizontal contracts, Hatfield Consultants received a contract in "Earth Observation Response to Fisheries & Aquaculture Geo-Information Market Drivers" valued approx. 250,000 Euro). AERDE, Strata, and RADARSAT International (RSI) were also successful bidders as subcontractors.

Four new contracts under the ESA's Data User Element programme were also awarded. Atlantis Scientific won a contract for the GlobWetland project in support of RAMSAR convention, worth about 1 million Euros. Two new Invitations-to-Tender (ITT) have also been issued on atmospheric aerosol (GlobAER) and DesertWatch. Companies interested in these ITTs are encouraged to consult the ESA information system EMITS.

For more information, please contact:

Peter Park
Manager, Earth Observation, ESA Program Office
Canadian Space Agency
Telephone: (450) 926-6558

3 - The Role of the CSA in Climate Change Research and Applications

A small group of climate change researchers from various federal departments and universities met at the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) on 29 March to identify how space can best contribute to the study of climate change. The focal point for the discussion was a study prepared by The Impact Group entitled The Role of the CSA in Climate Change Research and Applications. Participants reviewed the findings and recommendations of the study and considered how space science and technology could help meet Canada's climate change research and operational requirements. They noted that international and domestic research plans are fluid at the moment and there is opportunity for Canada to make space-based contributions both through Canadian-led missions and through cooperation with other countries. A strong recommendation was that the CSA convene a workshop that would bring together researchers, technologists and policy makers to map out options for the contribution of space to the study of climate change.

For more information, please contact:

Ron Freedman
The Impact Group
Telephone: (416) 481-7070 ext. 31

4 - Canada - Finland Request For Proposals (RFP)

The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and the National Technology Agency of Finland (TEKES) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to facilitate cooperation in the field of satellite remote sensing, and to consolidate technological and economic development opportunities between Canada and Finland. The Earth Observation Applications Development Program (EOADP) of the CSA's is issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) aimed at supporting Canadian-Finnish teams for applied research, application development and operational demonstration projects in areas of mutual benefit for both Canada and Finland.

For additional information, please visit:

5 - Space and the North Position Paper Workshop

The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) hosted a small workshop organized by Athena Global on "Space and the North" on March 22nd. The workshop's goal was the review of a document prepared for the CSA highlighting key issues and concerns of northern stakeholders, and included a brainstorming session on the potential contribution of space to Canadian priorities in the North.

The meeting gathered representatives from aboriginal groups, universities involved in environmental and northern research, northern governments, the forestry sector, NGOs and the Government of Canada, as well as CSA managers. The paper and results of the workshop will be used to help the CSA prioritize its future study of climate change using space technologies.

For more information, please contact:

Andrée Béland
Manager, Earth Observation Programs Delivery Coordination
Canadian Space Agency
Telephone: (450) 926-6671

6 - The Earth Observation Applications and Advisory Section
of the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing is Celebrating
its First Anniversary With the Canadian Space Agency
In order to better serve Canadians and bridge the gap between space technology and its applications, the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) agreed on February 25, 2003 to collaborate more closely on common issues. Consequently, the Applications Division of the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) set up a section at
the CSA in Longueuil, Quebec. This new section, sharing offices with the CSA's Commercialization Office, is doing its part to address NRCan challenges, such as climate change and sustainable development, in addition to helping to prepare RADARSAT-2 and develop hyperspectral applications.

The Section's mission is to act as a liaison between the two organizations, coordinate the agreement between the CCRS and the CSA, play an advisory role with regard to targeted technologies and applications, especially in terms of user requirements, and, through its participation to the Group on Earth Observation (GEO) initiative, help develop a shared understanding of Earth observation within the Government of Canada.

Diane Thibault, Section Head, is pleased to announce the appointment of François Charbonneau, Radar Polarimetry Specialist, who has just joined the section team to work with Abdel Abuelgasim and Sylvain Leblanc, Remote Sensing Scientists. We extend a warm welcome to François and wish him every success in his new position.

For more information, please contact:

Diane Thibault
Section Head
Canada Centre for Remote Sensing
Telephone: (450) 926-6554

7 - Invitation to Attend to the Canadian Interoperability Day

GeoConnections, PCI Geomatics, and the Open GIS Consortium (OGC) would like to invite you to attend the Canadian Interoperability Day to be held on April 23, 2004 from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Ottawa. The Day's objective of the day is to inform and engage federal stakeholders regarding the use of the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (CGDI) with Open GIS Consortium interoperable specifications.

Among the speakers will be Dr. Robert Moses, President and CEO of PCI Geomatics; Dr. Irwin J. Itzkovitch, Assistant Deputy Minister of Natural Resources Canada and Chair of the GeoConnections Management Board; and David Schell, President and CEO of OGC will be among the speakers. There will be technical discussions of the CGDI architecture and the OGC specifications, lessons learned by communities who rely on OGC-enabled interoperability, a panel discussion, and opportunities for networking among users and providers of geospatial technology. A technology showcase will be held in parallel from 10:00 am to 2:45 pm.

The Canadian Interoperability Day is free; however, seating is limited and preference will be given to employees of the Government of Canada. People interested in attending must register at the OGC's Web site. An agenda, a list of participating companies, and other details also will be available from the site prior to the event.

To register, please visit:

8 - Seminar Day, Friday April 30, Sherbrooke, Quebec

The Groupe ESTRITEL (team specialized in remote sensing in image processing) is pleased to invite you to the final presentation of the project " Système intelligent de traitement d'images " (SITI). This seminar will also include a demonstration of the system.

A calendar and summary of the day are available to the following address:

We ask you to please confirm your presence with German Mickaël at (819) 821-8000 (ext 3261) or by email at:

Welcome to everyone!

Note: The presentation will be made in French.

9 - Press Releases

The Canadian Space Agency issued three press releases in March 2004 of interest to the Earth and Environment community.

1- New RADARSAT-2 Applications Assessing Environmental Impact, Climate Change Issues

To access the press release, please visit:

2- Canada's SCISAT Satellite in Full Operation

To access the press release, please visit:

3- Bristol Aerospace to Lead Design of Canada's Innovative Small Satellite Bus

To access the press release, please visit:

Updated: 2004/04/16 Important Notices