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Earth and Environment Bulletin May 2004

1.  Earth Observation INFO Days

The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) hosted its second INFO Days event, May 3 and 4, at the Citadel Halifax Hotel, Halifax, Nova Scotia. The goal of INFO Days is to provide information about current programs and upcoming activities resulting from Canadian investment in Earth observation sensors, with a view to developing business opportunities and increasing the use of the space data.

This year's objectives stressed the importance of Earth and Environment sector activities in the Atlantic Provinces where there exists a recognized interest and expertise, a knowledge base, and list of needs compatible with the Canadian Space Program.

More than 120 people attended 28 conferences given by representatives of the Canadian Space Agency, the private sector and other federal departments.

For more information, please visit:

2.  Next-Generation Technologies Club A network of excellence for geomatics and Earth observation students in Quebec and across Canada

Students from Quebec, other provinces and countries got together to launch the Next-Generation Technologies Club (NGTC) to address the need for a clear, specific vision for the geomatics and Earth observation industry (geographic information systems, space-based positioning technology, wireless telecommunications, Internet, etc).

Activities for the student members of NGTC include: developing and managing a discussion forum on applications for innovative technologies; setting up a unique organization that brings together students from nine academic institutions in Quebec and other countries; developing a Web site (; and publishing articles. They have publicized their project across Quebec, Canada and other countries (Germany, Cambodia and Vietnam) and obtained financial support from high-level organizations, such as the Quebec Remote Sensing Association, the Remote Sensing Applications and Research Centre (CARTEL), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the European Space Agency, the National Scientific Research Institute, and the Université de Sherbrooke.

On April 30, 2004, the Université de Sherbrooke recognized NGTC students for the educational value of their undertaking. NGTC was selected in the Science and Technology Applications category to represent the Université de Sherbrooke at the 2004 edition of Gala Forces AVENIR. To obtain this citation of excellence, NGTC received support from the Canadian Space Agency, the Quebec Remote Sensing Association and the Canada Research Chair in Earth Observation.


Guy Aubé, President
Nicolas Gignac, Vice-President
Next-Generation Technologies Club
Web site:

3.  March-April 2004 GÉOinfo Now Online 

The Quebec Ministère des Ressources naturelles, de la Faune et des Parcs sends word that their newsletter GÉOinfo is now online!

To see the newsletter, please visit:

Articles in this issue:
- News for our subscribers
- GEOdiffusion 2003: THE event in business geomatics
- Quebec’s multi-mode network model: a cornerstone 
of the model for transportation in Quebec 
- Custom maps? Just ask!
- Taking Geomatics beyond our shores

- From image to information
- Remote sensing a source of information for monitoring of indicators of sustainable forest management

Contact person:
Chantal Seuthé
Ministère des Ressources naturelles, de la Faune et des Parcs
(418) 627-6284, ext. 2146

4.  Polarimetry Workshops for RADARSAT-2

Following the success of the polarimetric workshop that was held in Montréal last March, the Canadian Space Agency, the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing of Natural Resources of Canada and RADARSAT International announce that the activity will continue. The next workshop will be held in Saskatoon on June 2 and 3, 2004 in collaboration with Digital Environmental Inc. and the University of Saskatchewan.

These workshops are designed for beginner-level use of polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image analysis techniques. The presentations will cover: simplified theory of SAR and polarimetry and polarimetric tools. A series of exercises was prepared to familiarize you with the SAR images and the polarimetric tools. The SOAR data access program for RADARSAT-2 will also be presented.

University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

A detailed workshop program is available on request. The registration fee is $100, which includes lunches and workshop material. Participants will receive a CD-ROM with lecture notes, image data and the SARP3 freeware.

Because of the interactive nature of the workshop, places are limited. Requests will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Please send your registration and any questions to no later than May 25, 2004. Confirmation will be sent by email.

Mahmod R. Sahebi
Canadian Space Agency
(450) 926-6557

5.  Summer School School on Earth-System Monitoring and Modelling, August 16 to 26, 2004

The European Space Agency (ESA) invites young researchers to join leading experts in Earth Observation, Modelling and Data Assimilation at ESRIN (Frascati, near Rome) for lectures, hands-on computing and poster sessions on the occasion of the Second ENVISAT summer school (August 16 to 26, 2004) on Earth System Monitoring & Modelling.

More information is available:

6.  Earth Observation and Geomatics Support for Flood Management and Environmental Monitoring in the Mekong River Basin

Under a memorandum of understanding signed by the Mekong River Commission (MRC), the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS), a project entitled Contribution of Geomatics and Remote Sensing to Flood Management and Environmental Monitoring has been set up. Its objective is to create an internet portal (MRC-IS) for Mekong River Basin managers, and to facilitate the viewing of geomatics and remote sensing data (RADARSAT-1) in the form of dynamic online digital maps.

To mark the project launch, a meeting was held at the Université de Sherbrooke on April 29, 2004. The Canadian partners participated in the one-day meeting to discuss and define various stages of the project in greater detail. For this event, the Environment and Sustainable Development Observatory and the Canada Research Chair in Earth Observation joined the project team: Aerde Environmental Research, CSA, Remote Sensing Applications and Research Centre (CARTEL) CCRS, Hatfield LTD, Strata 360 and the Université de Sherbrooke. CARTEL representatives gave a presentation on their future Geographic Information System, which will focus on public safety and health in emergency situations caused by flooding as part of the Mekong Emergency Response System.

Hatfield Consultants Ltd.
Grant Bruce
(780) 743-4290

CARTEL Université de Sherbrooke
Dr. Goze B. Bénié
(819) 821-8000, ext. 2178

Guy Aubé
(819) 821-8000, ext. 3175

7.   World Intellectual Property Day: Encouraging Creativity

April 26, 2004, was World Intellectual Property Day, an opportunity to highlight the significance of creativity and innovation in our day-to-day lives and in the betterment of society.

Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, pictures, as well as industrial designs and models used in business. Intellectual property can be granted, or registered for, a patent, copyright, or trademarkall potentially valuable assets.

The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO), an agency of Industry Canada, is responsible for administering the intellectual property system and for disseminating information about intellectual property .

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is an international organization dedicated to promoting the use and protection of works of the human spirit. These worksintellectual propertyexpand the bounds of science and technology and enrich the world of the arts. WIPO plays an important role in enhancing the quality and enjoyment of life, as well as creating real wealth for nations.

For international links about IP and more information::
Canadian Intellectual Property Office
World Intellectual Property Organization
Federal Partners in Technology Transfer

Sid Saraf
Canadian Space Agency
(450) 926-6576

8.   Workshop on Low- and Medium-Resolution Optical and Infrared Satellite Sensors 

On June 22 to23, 2004, at the Government Conference Centre in Montréal, CSA will hold a workshop on the coordinated and sustainable use of low- and medium-resolution (300 to 1000 m resolution) optical and infrared data in Canada. These data are presently being used for a wide range of applications. The workshop will highlight the requirements for data reception and archiving. It will look at how this data contributes to the development of Canadian government services and support science over the next five years and in the future.

The workshop is open to people in academia, government agencies, and industry.

For more information, please contact Ron Brown by e-mail at:

The Canadian Space Agency hosted INFO Days on May 3 and 4 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Earth Observation INFO Days, Second Edition.

Image: the Next-generation Technologies Club logo.
The Next-Generation Technologies Club addresses the need for a vision in the geomatics and Earth observation industry.









Image: GEOINFO newsletter logo. Stylized sphere of the Earth.
Quebec's natural resources newsletter GÉOinfo is now online!



Annonce du 2e atelier d'été d'ENVISAT.

Photo: GEOMATICS team group picture.

The Canadian partners participated in a one-day meeting to define various stages of the project in greater detail.








Image: World Intellectual Property Logo.

Updated: 2004/05/14 Important Notices