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Electronic Newsletter August 2004

Earth and Environment

1. RADARSAT-2 construction is well underway

The construction of RADARSAT-2 is well underway. Some of the major components of the RADARSAT-2 spacecraft are now at the Canadian Space Agency's David Florida Laboratory (DFL), a world-class spacecraft assembly, integration and testing center.

Functional tests on the bus are now almost complete and the next main activity will be to perform thermal vacuum testing on this component. Initial deployment tests were successfully conducted on the extendible support structure and on the solar arrays.

As RADARSAT-2 will come together, critical activities will take place at the DFL. There will be a series of bus to payload interface tests, spacecraft thermal vacuum tests, electromagnetic compatibility tests, vibration tests and acoustic tests. Finally, further verifications will be done to ensure that the spacecraft has not suffered any damage as a result of exposure to the elements.

The spacecraft will be ready for shipment to the launch site in late 2005.

Jill Smyth
Project Management Engineer
Canadian Space Agency
Tel.: (450) 926-4395

2. Canada set to host GEO-5

The Government of Canada will be hosting the fifth Group on Earth Observations (GEO-5) at the Château Laurier in Ottawa, November 29-30, 2004. Approximately 275 delegates from around the world are expected to attend.

It is hard to believe that it has been over a year since delegates endorsed the Washington Declaration to promote the development of a comprehensive, coordinated, and sustained Earth observation system of systems among governments and the international community. The goal: to understand and address global environmental and economic challenges. The Government of Canada has been in the process of developing a conceptual framework and implementation plan to build upon the principles of the Declaration.

The GEO-5 will negotiate the first draft of the Ten Year Implementation Plan, the successor mechanism to GEO, and refine documents to be adopted at the Earth Observation Summit III, to be held in Brussels in February 2005. Canada has also recently launched its own GEO website, as a tool to inform Canadians of the benefits of strengthening Earth observation capacity in Canada and with our international partners.

For more information on the Canadian GEO, please visit:

Lauren Small
Manager International Relations
Canadian Space Agency
Tel.:(450) 926-4329

3. Radar Polarimetry and Interferometry Workshop

NATO's Research & Technology Organization (RTO) has announced the SET-081 Lecture Series 240 on Radar Polarimetry and Interferometry. In Canada, the lectures will be held at Defence R&D; Canada - Ottawa, on October 21-22, 2004. A technical tour (for a limited number of attendees) of Defence R&D; Canada - Ottawa will be held on October 20 starting at 1:00 pm. The technical tour, lectures and discussions will all be unclassified.

Please contact Ms. Kathie McHale by September 30, 2004 to advise her of your interest in participating. If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Chen Liu.

Chen Liu, Ph.D.
Defence Scientist
Defence R&D; Canada
Tel.:(613) 993-8381

Kathie McHale
Administrative Assistant
Defence Research and Development Canada
Radar and Space Systems
Tel.:(613) 998-2897

4. The NARWHAL Exercise

RADARSAT-1 is a sophisticated Earth observation satellite developed by Canada to monitor environmental change and the planet's natural resources. Launched in November 1995, RADARSAT-1 provides Canada and the world with an operational radar satellite system capable of delivering Earth observation data when it is most needed. The satellite also provides useful information to both commercial and scientific users in the fields of agriculture, cartography, hydrology, forestry, oceanography, ice studies and coastal monitoring.

At its heart is synthetic aperture radar (SAR)—a microwave instrument that sends signals in pulses to Earth and processes the received reflected pulses. This technology means that RADARSAT-1 can operate day or night, regardless of weather conditions.

The NARWHAL exercise will use RADARSAT-1 images to assist an interdepartmental team in managing and coordinating a simulated crisis involving a downed satellite in Nunavut. The exercise will evaluate how RADARSAT and other space-based satellites and telecommunications resources gather and distribute critical emergency information. A Canadian Forces contingent is involved in this exercise, asserting sovereignty over Canadian territory while searching for the downed satellite.

Colleen D'Iorio
Senior Space Engineering Manager, Security and Intelligence
Canadian Space Agency
Tel.:(613) 945-5192

5. EOMB update

The Canadian Space Agency Earth Observation Management Board (EOMB) met on August 3, 2004 to review the current status of projects in the Government Related Initiatives Program (GRIP) and to look at the portfolio forecast for next year in order to plan for the development of new projects.

GRIP funding of $6.5M currently supports 25 multi-year EO collaboration projects with government departments. EOMB recommended that ideally, one third of GRIP funds be made available every year for new projects.

Rickard Kerwin
Project Manager Earth Observation
Canadian Space Agency
Tel.:(450) 926-4960

6. New interim CIG Executive Director

The Canadian Institute of Geomatics has announced the appointment of Mr. Jeffrey Tracey as the new interim Executive Director of CIG. Mr. Tracey is committed to representing geomatics academia and science as the national voice for advocacy, policy and outreach issues in Canada.

Mr. Tracey has a broad and varied experience in the geomatics field, both in the private and public sector. He gained substantial data acquisition, data processing, business development and project management experience with such companies as Remotech Remote Sensing, Intertech Remote Sensing, Intera Technologies and PCI Geomatics.

Jeff Tracey was seconded to Canada's Foreign Affairs Department to introduce commercial overhead imaging technologies into international arms control and disarmament Treaties. He has also held positions as a Trade Commissioner with International Trade Canada, responsible for international business development for the space, geomatics and environment industries in Canada.

Jeffrey P. Tracey
Executive Director
Canadian Institute of Geomatics
1390 Prince of Wales Drive, Suite 400
Ottawa, ON Canada K2C 3N6
Tel: 613-224-9851 Fax: 613-224-9577
Web site:

Jeffrey P. Tracey
Geomatics Industry Association of Canada
1390 Prince of Wales Drive, Suite 400
Ottawa, ON, Canada K2C 3N6
Tel: 613-232-8770 Fax: 613-224-9577
Web site:

7. Changing of the guard within AMRS

Mr. Robert Winokur, President of the Alliance for Marine Remote Sensing (AMRS), recently announced that AMRS Executive Director Bob Chisholm had left his position. Martha Dunlop is filling in on an interim basis pending the appointment of a new Executive Director. Martha has seven years of experience in the not-for-profit sector. She has successfully organized many meetings, conferences and forums in North America and Europe. Accordingly, she brings a great deal of expertise to her position at AMRS.

To reach her:
Martha Dunlop
PO Box 36044
RPO Spring Garden Rd.
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 3S9 Tel.: (902)491-2160
The RADARSAT-2 bus during testing at the David Florida Laboratory. The RADARSAT-2 bus during testing at the David Florida Laboratory. Photo courtesy Canadian Space Agency, 2004.

The Chateau Laurier hotel in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Photo courtesy GEO and Fairmount hotels.

Artist's concept of the RADARSAT-1 satellite in orbit around the Earth. RADARSAT-1.

Martha Dunlop, Interim AMRS Executive Director.
Updated: 2004/08/27 Important Notices