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  • One to four years of study, depending on the field chosen and level of specialization

You can opt for a vocational or college diploma, depending on the responsibilities associated with the occupation.


  • Four years of study for a bachelor's degree

With a bachelor's degree, you will be able to work on the planning and implementation of projects.

  • Two years of study for a master's degree

Individuals with a master's degree will be able to identify project needs and introduce existing technologies to meet those needs. They can also work as research assistants.


  • Three to four years of study for a doctorate (Ph.D)

A doctorate gives you access to researcher positions. Researchers lead research that will help advance knowledge in their areas of specialization. This knowledge may then be applied in the development of new technologies.

  • Two-year post-doctorate internship

You should do a post-doctorate internship if you want to further the research conducted during your doctorate. Post-doctorate research experience is usually required to obtain a position in a university department or research institute.

Life Sciences

Two options are available to study in the life sciences:

1. Study in a science of your choice (biology, nutrition, kinesiology, etc) leads to one of the following:

  • bachelor's degree (four years)
  • master's degree (two years)
  • doctorate (three to four years)
  • post-doctorate research (two years)

It is possible to work in the life sciences in space with a bachelor's degree, as Natalie Hirsh (profiled in the Life Sciences section) is doing, but research work often requires a graduate degree.

2. Studies in medicine

  • Four to five years of study for a medical doctor degree (MD)
  • To be able to practice, future doctors must do a two- to eight-year specialization of their choice, followed by a three- to five-year residency.
  • If you have obtained a medical doctor degree (MD) and would like to go into research, you must pursue a master's degree or doctorate in the science of your choice.


The following are examples of programs in which to specialize:

  • Université Internationale de l'espace, Strasbourg, France
  1. One-week course, for industry professionals, so they can further their knowledge of space technologies.
  2. Two-month course, for students who would like to further their general space knowledge in terms of technologies, legislation, policies and society. This course is open to all master's and doctoral students, in any field of study.
  3. Master's program – In addition to a basic space program, two specializations are offered: one on the technical aspects of space and the other on the political and managerial aspects.
  • Operational Space Medicine electives (NASA)
    Medical students are eligible to participate in operational space medicine electives at the Kennedy and Johnson Space Centers.

    Information about Operational Space Medicine specializations is available here.

  • Life Sciences in Space training program (NASA)
    A six-week program during which interns can see how life sciences experiments are conducted in space.

Updated: 2004/06/14 Important Notices