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Things to consider

We have already told you about the educational requirements to make your dream come true. Now, here are a few suggestions from people who are working in a field that fascinates them.

  • Everyone agrees, the most important thing is to do something that you love. Don't study science because it's what your friends and family want you to do or because you think the better paying jobs are in this field. Study science because it's your passion!
  • Volunteer in the field. This will be a rewarding experience that your future employer will consider to be relevant.
  • Choose work-study programs. Candidates are often hired after having done an internship at the company of their choice. This also provides an opportunity to try various jobs so you can find out what you really enjoy.
  • If you're not sure about which field you'd like to get into or if you're not even sure you want to pursue a career in the sciences, take as many general science (mathematics, chemistry, physics, etc) courses as you can. This will ensure that you are keeping all doors open when it comes time for you to decide on a university.
  • Be informed. Talk with people who work in the field who are happy to answer your questions. Visit companies. Many gladly welcome students on an appointment basis. Reading will help you learn facets of the job that are not always covered in an educational setting.
  • Good communication skills in English are essential and a good working knowledge of French or other language can be a great asset for working in the aerospace industry. The conquest of space is an international project!

Updated: 2004/06/14 Important Notices