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Welcome to the Beaufort-Mackenzie Mineral Development Area (BMMDA) Web site, a regional information project coordinated by ITI's Minerals, Oil & Gas Division, The Joint Secretariat - Inuvialuit Renewable Resource Committees and the Inuvialuit Land Corporation.

Industry, Tourism and Investment

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 The BMMDA Project

The BMMDA project and this Web site bring together resource information for the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR) in the Northwest Territories. Minerals, Oil and Gas (MOG) Division is collaborating with the Inuvialuit and other agencies to develop this comprehensive Internet guide to the geology, infrastructure, environmental data, development processes, and economic studies in the ISR. This information supports resource development and assists the petroleum and mineral industries in drafting informed project proposals.  The information presented will also be important to researchers, environmental reviewers, resource managers, and the interested public.

The BMMDA project is part of MOG's Mineral Development Areas program. It focuses on the ISR, where interest in exploration, especially for natural gas in the Beaufort Sea - Mackenzie Delta area has been recently renewed.

Project Coordinators:

Adrienne Jones, Coordinator - Petroleum Geoscience
Northwest Territories Geoscience Office

(867) 669-2488


Katherine Thiesenhausen, Resource Person
Wildlife Management Advisory Council (NWT)
The Joint Secretariat - Inuvialuit Renewable Resource Committees, (867) 777-2828

© Beaufort-Mackenzie Mineral Development Area