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Last Updated: 02/09/2006


The Canadian Association of Petroleum Landmen or CAPL is a professional organization for people involved in all aspects of petroleum land management. The CAPL membership includes individuals responsible for the acquisition, administration and disposition of mineral and/or surface rights for petroleum exploration and production companies, as well as related service and financial companies in the energy industry.

Upcoming Events

  • Management Night - February 23, 2006
  • Eighteenth Annual Merit Awards - April 20, 2006
  • P&NG Tenure Information Exchange - Friday, April 28, 2006

    What's New

  • CAPL Upcoming Education Seminars for January and February 2006
  • 2005 CAPL Operating Procedure
  • Alberta Government E-Tenure - New e-tenure initiatives will affect how energy companies interact with the Alberta Department of Energy.
  • CAPL Wins AAPL Best Community Service Award - June 2005
    Copyright 2003 © Canadian Association of Petroleum Landmen - Last Updated: 02/09/2006