PDF FileMarch 2005 Newsletter
(113 KB PDF)


PDF FileJune 2005 Newsletter
(136KB PDF)


PDF FileNovember 2005 Newsletter
(220KB PDF)


PDF FileMarch 2006 Newsletter
(120KB PDF)


PDF FileSeptember 2006 Newsletter
(203KB PDF)


PDF FileOctober 2006 Newsletter
(495KB PDF)


Golf Tartourney 2006 Pictures 




This handbook contains an extensive collection of articles, papers and documents, chosen by the CHOA who are leaders in their respective fields, as well as recommendations for further research and reading.


-   Table of Contents

-   Handbook Order Form



Our Mission:

To provide an appropriate technical, educational and social forum for those employed in, or associated with, the heavy oil and oil sands industries.


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CHOA Events



This year's conference takes place on March 26, 2007, at the Red and White Club located at McMahon Stadium, Calgary. As in past years, the format will be informal with Powerpoint, vugraph or slide presentations, but no formal papers. Open discussions are always encouraged.


For further information and registration details, please visit




















©2006-2007 CHOA