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oil and gas industry in Alberta at

SEPAC’s Alberta
and Federal TDG permits are now available for
download from
the News Room/
Reports page.


The Small Explorers and Producers Association of Canada (SEPAC) represents the unique interests of emerging and junior conventional oil and gas companies to the public, governments and other sectors of the energy industry. Supporting more than 450 member companies, SEPAC is a powerful lobbying voice for this segment of the energy industry.

Explorer Monthly E-Bulletins
Mid-October 2006

Explorer Quarterly Newsletter
Spring 2006

November 30, 2006
SEPAC’s Annual General Meeting will be held Thursday November 30th at the Calgary Westin Lakeview Room. Formal portion, including election of directors, approval of year end statements and appointment of auditors, commences at 3:00 PM followed by drinks and food courtesy of SEPAC. All members are invited and requested to RSVP to

SEPAC Safety Committee
October 4, 2006
EUB Emergency Response Plan Registration Pilot Project

September 21, 2006
SEPAC Critical of Alberta's Decision to Kill ARTC

September 20, 2006
SEPAC Celebrates 20th Anniversary with Awards Ceremony

Did you know...

  • 24 of the "Top 100" Oil and Gas Producers in Canada are SEPAC members?
  • 12 of the "Next 20" largest oil and gas producers in Canada are SEPAC members?
  • 6 of the "Top 25 Holders of International Assets" are SEPAC members?

Oilweek Magazine July 2006 Edition

November 8, 2006 in Calgary
SEPAC Fall Investment Symposium
Location: The Westin Calgary
320 - 4 Avenue SW
Showcasing 27 emerging and junior oil and gas firms to retail investors, industry analysts, and the general public. No admission fee. Open to the public. Click here for presentation program.

Watch for our special feature insert in the Calgary Herald on November 4th, profiling all participating companies!

Event Sponsor:

Panel Sponsors:
AJM Petroleum Consultants
CNQ: Canada's New Stock Exchange
DeGolyer and MacNaughton Canada Limited
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Meyers Norris Penny LLP
National Bank of Canada
Seminole Canada Gas Company
TSX Venture Exchange

November 15, 2006 in Toronto
SEPAC Fall Investment Symposium
Location: The Sheraton Centre Hotel
123 Queen Street West
Showcasing 12 emerging and junior oil and gas firms to retail investors, industry analysts, and the general public. No admission fee. Open to the public. Click here for presentation program.

Watch for our special feature insert in the National Post on November 10th, profiling all participating companies!

Panel Sponsors:
TSX Venture Exchange
Cosco Capital Management LLC

Click here for additional Events