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Regulatory Improvement Workshop

November 8, 2004

At the workshop, we heard about a number of challenges from the perspective of landowner, aboriginal, environmental and industry representatives. These key issues were further amplified and discussed in diverse breakout groups. The intent was to identify objectives that the NEB would need to set for the next three years in its Strategic Plan and identify specific activities to achieve the objectives.

What you told us...

  • A number of workshop participants encouraged the Board to take a more proactive stance on matters that might have policy implications. We need to let policy makers know what we see as problems so that the opportunities and potential consequences are well understood.

  • The workshop discussion clearly demonstrated a need to engage a broader range of stakeholders more actively to continue to learn and exchange information with them and to find the best solutions.

  • Workshop participants underlined the importance of removing duplication in our regulatory processes and being more efficient.

  • In another breakout session, workshop participants examined the need for the NEB to create a longer-term plan, or vision, to achieve public interest goals over the period ending 2015.

What we're doing about it ...

  • To take a more proactive stance on matters that might have policy implications, the Board has formulated a new objective under the goal "Canadians derive the benefits of economic efficiency". The new objective is to advise policy makers of regulatory and related energy issues that need to be addressed. We recognize there are opportunities where we can leverage our regulatory expertise and market intelligence toward this objective, such as in our forward-looking assessments of energy supplies and market outlooks.

  • To address the need to engage a broader range of stakeholders, the Board has developed objectives to enhance stakeholder confidence in Board processes and to increase multi-stakeholder dialogue and contributions. Activities under the public engagement goal to accomplish this will draw from the suggestions made at the workshop and could include such actions as: refining the NEB's public engagement approaches to improve responsiveness, information sharing and stakeholder contributions; exploring and developing recommendations for the use of multi-stakeholder advisory committees to share knowledge and develop solutions in key areas; promoting appropriate dispute resolution as an effective tool to resolve disputes; and promoting appropriate consultation programs in regulated companies.

  • The issue of addressing duplication and being more efficient reinforces our resolve to take concrete steps toward Smart Regulation; an important priority of the federal government and the NEB. In essence, Smart Regulation encompasses both efficient and effective regulation. We need to find new ways to tackle process inefficiencies by working more closely with others toward breakthrough improvements. Specific activities in the goal pertaining to effective leadership and quality management could include: developing service standards for NEB processes and reporting on performance; working with stakeholders to achieve genuine regulatory streamlining; renewing or developing Memoranda of Understanding with key agencies to clarify accountabilities and expectations for cooperation, and approaching those from an interest-based perspective; and clarifying the NEB Regulatory Framework with input from key stakeholders.

  • The need for a plan or vision to take us to 2015 was seriously considered and, although there seemed to be general support for this endeavour, the point was also made that such a plan would have to be dynamic and that the NEB would have to be flexible in the implementation. For this reason we think it will be preferable to keep longer-term issues under review on an ongoing basis and to communicate with stakeholders periodically as new directions become evident.