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Agreement between
the National Energy Board
the Minister of the Environment
Review of the GSX
Canada Pipeline Project

August 15, 2001


WHEREAS the National Energy Board (the Board) has statutory responsibilities pursuant to the National Energy Board Act (the NEBA) and for environmental assessment pursuant to the NEBA and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (the CEAA);

WHEREAS the Minister of the Environment has statutory responsibilities pursuant to the CEAA;

WHEREAS an application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity was filed with the Board pursuant to Part III of the NEBA by Georgia Strait Crossing Pipeline Limited on April 24, 2001 in respect of the GSX Canada Pipeline project (the Project), the Canadian component of a new international pipeline referred to as the Georgia Strait Crossing Project;

WHEREAS the Project is within the jurisdiction of the Board under the NEBA and requires an environmental assessment pursuant to the CEAA;

WHEREAS the Board has established processes under the NEBA for assessment of project proposals including the environmental effects of projects within its jurisdiction;

WHEREAS the Project requires a public regulatory hearing pursuant to the NEBA;

WHEREAS the Board has referred the Project to the Minister of the Environment for a referral to a review panel in accordance with paragraph 21(b) of the CEAA;

WHEREAS the Parties to this Agreement wish to avoid unnecessary duplication that could arise from carrying out the environmental assessment requirements under the CEAA and the NEBA;

WHEREAS the Minister of the Environment has determined that a Joint Review Panel should be established pursuant to paragraph 40(2)(a) of the CEAA to consider the Project;

WHEREAS the Parties agree to co-operate and co-ordinate the environmental assessment of the Project by means of a Joint Review Panel process to ensure adherence to the requirements of both the CEAA and the NEBA;

WHEREAS the CEAA requires responsible authorities to co-operate and co-ordinate their duties and obligations under the CEAA;

WHEREAS the Board has carried out an initial scoping process for the environmental assessment and comments from the public and other federal authorities have been solicited and received; and

WHEREAS the Parties are aware of and acknowledge the ongoing review of the GSX US Pipeline project before the United States Federal Energy Regulatory Commission which will involve a public participation process in the United States of America;

NOW THEREFORE, the Parties agree to undertake to establish a Joint Review Panel, as outlined below and in accordance with the Terms of Reference attached as an Appendix to this Agreement, for the environmental assessment of the Project as described in the Project Description.


In this Agreement:

"Agency" means the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency;

"Board" means the National Energy Board;

"Board's Procedures" means the National Energy Board Rules of Practice and Procedure, 1995, as amended and made pursuant to section 8 of the NEBA;

"Board's Public Hearing Process" means the public hearing process followed by the Board under the NEBA to assess a proposed project and the environmental effects of a project;

"CEAA" means the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act;

"Environment" has the same meaning as set out in section 2 of the CEAA;

"Environmental Effect" has the same meaning as set out in section 2 of the CEAA;

"Federal Authority" has the same meaning as set out in section 2 of the CEAA;

"Follow-up Program" has the same meaning as set out in section 2 of the CEAA;

"Intervenor", as defined in the Board's Procedures, means a person who establishes an interest in a proceeding by filing a written intervention in accordance with the Board's Procedures;

"Joint Review Panel" means a joint review panel established pursuant to section 4 of this Agreement;

"Joint Review Panel Report" means the report set out in section 4.4 of this Agreement;

"Jurisdiction" has the same meaning as set out in subsection 40(1) of the CEAA;

"Letter of Comment" means a letter as referred to in section 30 of the Board's Procedures and means an unsworn written or oral submission that comments on the Project or on any issue related to the Review, that describes the nature of that submittor's interest in the Project and provides any relevant information explaining or supporting the submittor's comments. It does not give the submittor an Intervenor status in the review so the submittor cannot cross-examine witnesses or present final argument. Similarly, the submittor of a "Letter of Comment" is not subject to cross-examination;

"NEBA" means the National Energy Board Act;

"Parties" means the signatories to this Agreement;

"Pipeline" has the same meaning as set out in section 2 of the NEBA;

"Project" means the project as described in Part I of the Appendix to this Agreement, and may also be referred to as the GSX Canada Pipeline project;

"Project Description" means the description referred to in Part I of the Appendix to this Agreement;

"Proponent" means Georgia Strait Crossing Pipeline Limited;

"Public Registry" means the registry established under section 55 of the CEAA, to facilitate public access to records relating to the environmental assessment of the Project;

"Responsible Authority" has the same meaning as set out in section 2 of the CEAA; and

"Review" means the assessment of the environmental effects of the Project to be conducted pursuant to the CEAA and the consideration of the Project application under the NEBA.

2.1 The primary purpose of this Agreement is to coordinate the environmental assessment required under the CEAA and the NEBA by providing for a Review of the environmental effects likely to result from the Project and the appropriate mitigation measures. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as limiting the ability of the Joint Review Panel to have regard to all considerations that appear to it to be relevant pursuant to section 52 of the NEBA.
2.2 Co-ordinating Responsible Authority - The Board will act as the co-ordinating Responsible Authority, with respect to its involvement as a Responsible Authority, with other Responsible Authorities in relation to the Project.
2.3 Public Registry - As part of the Review, a Public Registry will be maintained in accordance with the requirements of the CEAA.
2.4 Participant Funding Program - Participant funding for matters and issues relating to the CEAA will be arranged for the Review and will be administered and managed by the Agency. The public will be provided with a minimum of 60 days to apply for funding under the program and will be notified of any funding allocation once the list of Intervenors has been established.
3.1 Terms of Reference - The Joint Review Panel will conduct a Review of the Project in accordance with the Terms of Reference attached as an Appendix to this Agreement.
3.2 Joint Review Panel Responsibilities - The Joint Review Panel will act as a joint review panel under the CEAA to make recommendations and as a Board panel under the NEBA to determine all matters relevant to the applications respecting the Project and falling within the Board's jurisdiction under the NEBA, the CEAA, and the Terms of Reference. The Review will meet the requirements under the CEAA and the NEBA.
3.3 Powers of the Joint Review Panel - The Joint Review Panel, when appointed, will issue Directions on Procedure in accordance with the Board's Procedures and the procedures outlined in article 4.3 of this Agreement. The Joint Review Panel will have the powers set out in the NEBA and section 35 of the CEAA.
4.1   Joint Review Panel Composition and Appointment
The Joint Review Panel shall consist of 3 members.
  a. The Joint Review Panel shall be composed of no less than two permanent members of the Board.
  b. The Minister of the Environment shall jointly with the Chairman of the Board, approve the selection of and appoint the Chair of the Joint Review Panel who shall be a permanent member of the Board.
  c. The second permanent member of the Board shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Board.
  d. The remaining Joint Review Panel member shall, unless a permanent member of the Board, satisfy the eligibility requirements for temporary members of the Board and shall be appointed to the Joint Review Panel by the Minister of the Environment. A joint request shall be made by the Minister of the Environment and the Chairman of the Board to the Minister of Natural Resources to recommend to the Governor in Council the appointment of the proposed member as a temporary member of the Board.
  e. The members of the Joint Review Panel are to be unbiased and free from any conflict of interest in relation to the Project and are to have knowledge or experience relevant to the anticipated environmental effects of the Project.
4.2     Secretariat to the Joint Review Panel
  a.   A secretariat will be formed consisting of all relevant and necessary Board personnel and persons designated by the Agency to provide administrative, technical and procedural support to the Joint Review Panel.
  b.   The Agency will designate Agency staff to assist the Joint Review Panel and work cooperatively with the personnel to be assigned by the Board.
  c.   Agency staff will be seconded to the Board, as members of the secretariat, for the time assigned to the Review. The Agency will invoice the Board for time and disbursements.
  d.   The Agency will ensure that all other activities performed for the Agency by the Agency staff while seconded to the Board are conducted in a way so as to avoid a conflict of interest with this Review.
4.3   Joint Review Panel Procedures
4.3.1   The Review will follow the National Energy Board Rules of Practice and Procedure, 1995, as amended and made pursuant to section 8 of the NEBA.
4.3.2   The Joint Review Panel shall:
  a. Ensure that public consultation sessions are held to assist in the formulation of issues that should be considered in the Review, to receive comments on the information to be requested of the Proponent, and to assist the public in understanding the ways in which it can participate in the hearing process. The location and timing of the sessions will be determined by the Joint Review Panel.
  b. Take into consideration comments or submissions received during the public consultation sessions, referred to in article 4.3.2(a) above, and may, at its discretion, broaden the assessment to reflect these comments and submissions.
  c. Conduct its Review in a manner which will promote and facilitate public participation.
  d. Ensure that the public has a minimum of 60 days to review the environmental assessment documentation submitted by the Proponent in its application and to submit written comments to the Joint Review Panel on it.
  e. Provide the public with the opportunity to review and comment on any additional information submitted to the Joint Review Panel by the Proponent prior to the commencement of final argument, through Letters of Comment.
  f. Provide the public with the opportunity to appear before the Joint Review Panel at a public hearing.
  g. Ensure a minimum of 45 days notice of the public hearings from the deadline for requesting Intervenor status to the commencement of the public hearings.
  h. Ensure that all information produced or received by the Joint Review Panel is made available to the public pursuant to section 2.3 of this Agreement unless specific procedural rulings or legislative provisions prevent the disclosure of the information.
  i. Ensure that public hearings shall not proceed until the Joint Review Panel has determined that the documentation appearing on the public record, in the Panel's view, constitutes adequate information to proceed to public hearings.
4.4 Reporting and Decision Making
4.4.1 The Joint Review Panel Report shall set out the Joint Review Panel's rationale, conclusions and recommendations, including any mitigation measures and follow-up programs and a summary of any comments received from the public.
4.4.2 The Joint Review Panel Report shall be prepared in both official languages and submitted to the Minister of the Environment and the Joint Review Panel Report will be published.
4.4.3 The Minister of the Environment will forward the Report to all Responsible Authorities.
4.4.4 In respect of the Project to be reviewed under the Joint Review Panel process, the Board and other Responsible Authorities shall together agree on a schedule for taking a course of action under subsection 20(1) or 37(1) of the CEAA and for making a recommendation to the Governor in Council under subsection 5(2) of the CEAA.
5.1 Amendments to this Agreement may be made upon written notice by a Party to the other Party and upon the mutual consent of the Chairman of the Board and the Minister of the Environment.
5.2 Any Party may terminate this Agreement upon one month's written noticeto the other Party.
5.3 Subject to section 27 of the CEAA, a Party's eligibility to withdraw from or terminate this Agreement will end at the commencement of the public hearings.
5.4 The attached Appendix forms an integral part of this Agreement.
WHEREAS the Parties hereto have put their signatures this ________ day of __________ 2001.

The Honourable David Anderson
Minister of the Environment
Kenneth W. Vollman
Chairman, National Energy Board


Terms of Reference

The definitions in the Agreement Between the National Energy Board and the Minister of the Environment Concerning Review of the GSX Canada Pipeline Project will apply to this Appendix.

1. The Joint Review Panel will conduct a Review of the environmental effects of the Project and the appropriate mitigation measures based on the Project Description provided under Part I.
2. The Joint Review Panel will include in its Review of the Project, consideration of the factors identified in Part II.

Part I - Project Description

Undertakings proposed by the Proponent or likely to be carried out in relation to the physical works proposed by the Proponent, including:

Construction, operation, decommissioning and abandonment of,

  • approximately 59.9 km of 406 mm O.D. natural gas pipeline (approximately 44.3 km offshore and 15.6 km onshore) from a point on the Canada - United States border in Boundary Pass roughly midway between the east end of Saturna Island (BC) and the west end of Patos Island (WA) to an interconnection with the existing Centra Gas British Columbia Inc. (Centra) pipeline at a point west of Shawnigan Lake on Vancouver Island, south of Duncan;
  • mainline block valves located just landward of the Vancouver Island shoreline and at an intermediate point between the landfall and the Centra interconnection;
  • a line block valve/blow off assembly, an excess flow control valve, a check valve, a separator, pig receiving equipment, liquid handling/storage equipment and Multiple Address System (MAS) radio equipment (including a free standing tower approximately 44 m in height) located at the Centra interconnection;
  • a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system linking the above facilities to control centres;
  • permanent access roads, communications system and power supply as may be required to service mainline valve sites and other pipeline facilities; and
  • various temporary construction workspace, equipment laydown areas, and access roads.

Part II - Factors to be Considered During Review

The Review will include a consideration of the following factors listed in subsections 16(1)(a) to (d) and 16(2) of the CEAA:

1. The environmental effects of the Project, including the environmental effects of malfunctions or accidents that may occur in connection with the Project and any cumulative environmental effects that are likely to result from the Project in combination with other projects or activities that have been or will be carried out;
2. The significance of the effects referred to in paragraph 1;
3. Comments from the public that are received during the Review;
4. Measures that are technically and economically feasible and that would mitigate any significant adverse environmental effects of the Project;
5. The purpose of the Project;
6. Alternative means of carrying out the Project that are technically and economically feasible and the environmental effects of any such alternative means;
7. The need for, and the requirements of, any follow-up program in respect of the Project; and
8. The capacity of renewable resources that are likely to be significantly affected by the Project to meet the needs of the present and those of the future.

In accordance with subsection 16(1)(e) of the CEAA, the assessment by the Joint Review Panel will also include a consideration of the following additional matters:

9. Need for the Project;
10. Alternatives to the Project;
11. Description of the present environment which may reasonably be expected to be affected, directly or indirectly, by the Project, including adequate baseline characterization;
12. Measures to enhance any beneficial environmental effects; and
13. Proposal for Contingency and Emergency Response Plans.

Part III - Scope of Factors

The Review will consider the potential effects of the Project within spatial and temporal boundaries which encompass the periods and areas during and within which the Project may potentially interact with, and have an effect on, components of the environment. These boundaries will vary with the issues and factors considered, and will reflect;

  • the construction, operation, decommissioning, abandonment or other undertakings that are proposed by the Proponent or that are likely to be carried out in relation to the physical works proposed by the Proponent;
  • the natural variation of a population or ecological component;
  • the timing of sensitive life cycle phases in relation to the scheduling of the Project;
  • the time required for an effect to become evident;
  • the time required for a population or ecological component to recover from an effect and return to a pre-effect condition, including the estimated degree of recovery;
  • the area affected by the Project; and
  • the area within which a population or ecological component functions and within which a Project effect may be felt.