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See Form NEB 205 [EXCEL: 158 KB]

Reporting Instructions for
Importers of Natural Gas
(Form NEB 205)

The Form NEB 205 is used for reporting information on natural gas imported under Board licences and orders. The import quantities to be reported on this form include both net imports of natural gas (i.e. natural gas imported for consumption within Canada) and imports of natural gas related to in-transit movements (i.e. the import portion of natural gas imported for subsequent export and the import portion of natural gas exported for subsequent import). The import quantities must be reported on Form NEB 205.

The Form NEB 205 consists of three parts:


Note that the sum of the quantities and revenues by import points in each PART of the form must total to the same amount in each case.

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Calgary, Alberta
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As a condition of all Board orders and licences, one copy of Form NEB 205 must be completed each month and filed with the Board no later than thirty days after the month under review.


Where a licence or order is in effect but no imports have occurred in a particular month, a "NIL" report must be submitted for that month.


The statistical information submitted on the reporting form may sometimes require revisions at a later date. In such instances, the revised information must be completed on another Form NEB 205 for the month being revised and the word "REVISED" indicated on the top right corner of the reporting form. The numbers which were revised must be indicated by adding an asterisk beside them. In most cases, any revisions will affect each PART of the form because of the matching of quantities and revenues.


The rectangular box on the top portion of all three sections of Form NEB 205 is for identifying the reporting period in which the imports occurred and the importing company name. This must include the following details:

a. Year-Month:

Only the last two digits of the year and the numerical equivalent of the month the natural gas was imported, is required. (e.g. 95-11 for the year 1995 and the month of November)

b. Company:

The full name of the company importing the natural gas as specified in a Board licence or order. The importer must be the company having title to or ownership of the gas as it crosses the international boundary.


All areas marked "code" and shaded areas are for NEB internal use only.


Only the NEB form 205 or a pre-approved facsimile may be used for submitting natural gas import information.


Summary of Maximum Daily Quantities Imported by Point of Import

PART A of the reporting form provides sufficient space for the reporting of import data for up to six import licences and/or orders. If additional space is required, a second NEB 205 form is to be used with the declaration on the back of the form completed. This part of the form is for reporting the maximum quantity imported in any one day within the month, by import points for each licence and order. A description of the data to be provided in each column is summarized below:


The Board licence number or order number of the import authorization, e.g. GL-4, GO-1-85.

Point of Import:

The point of import is the point at which the natural gas crosses the Canada/U.S. international boundary. If quantities of gas are imported at more than one import point, a separate column is to be used for each individual point of import.

Please note that for the purpose of reporting to the NEB, the point of the TransCanada PipeLines Limited interconnect with Union Gas Limited near St. Clair is referred to as Sarnia, while the point of the Michigan Consolidated Natural Gas Company interconnect with Union Gas Limited is referred to as St. Clair.

Further, the following import points are to be used with the corresponding pipeline: Vector Pipeline - Courtright; Link Pipeline - Corunna; and Sarnia should be specified as Sarnia or Sarnia/Blue Water.

Heat Content:

The heat content of the natural gas imported must be reported for each point of import in megajoules per cubic metre (MJ/m3) at standard reference conditions of 15oC and 101.325 kPa and corrected to zero moisture content (i.e. dry basis). The MJ/m3 is to be reported to two decimal places.

Note that the heat content at a point of import will be the weighted average of the heat contents reported under each export company in PART c of the form.

Maximum Daily Volume:

The highest quantity of gas imported in any one day during the month is to be reported by point of import under each licence and order in effect (to be reported to one decimal place, in thousands of cubic metres (103m3).


The total monthly quantity of natural gas is to be reported by point of import under each licence and order in effect. (To be reported to one decimal place, in thousands of cubic metres (103m3) on a dry basis (moisture content of less than 110 mg/m3) and at standard reference conditions of 15oC and 101.325 kPa.

Import Value*:

The total dollar value of the natural gas at the point of import (i.e. the point at which the gas crosses the international boundary) in the month under the Board order or licence is to be reported to the nearest dollar in Canadian currency.

To calculate the dollar value of the imports in Canadian currency, use the average of the noon spot exchange rate for the U.S. dollar in terms of Canadian dollars as published by the Bank of Canada for the month the imports occurred, taken to eight decimal places.

* Not applicable for imports of natural gas related to in-transit movements.


Net Imports by Source of Production

PART&nbnsp;B is for reporting the source of gas by state of origin for net imports of gas at each import point as follows:

Point of Import:

The point of import is the point at which the natural gas crosses the Canada/U.S. international boundary. If quantities of gas are imported at more than one import point a separate column is to be used for each individual point of import.

Please note that for the purpose of reporting to the NEB, the point of the TransCanada PipeLines Limited interconnect with Union Gas Limited near St. Clair is referred to as Sarnia, while the point of the Michigan Consolidated Natural Gas Company interconnect with Union Gas Limited is referred to as St. Clair.

Further, the following import points are to be used with the corresponding pipeline: Vector Pipeline - Courtright; Link Pipeline - Corunna; and Sarnia should be specified as Sarnia or Sarnia/Blue Water.

Source of Gas*:

Indicate the state of origin (i.e. where the gas is produced, extracted, recovered or manufactured).


The total monthly quantity of natural gas is to be reported by point of import. The quantity must be reported to one decimal place, in thousands of cubic metres (103m3) on a dry basis (moisture content of less than 110 mg/m3) and at standard reference conditions of 15oC and 101.325 kPa.

* Not applicable for imports of natural gas related to in-transit movements.


Breakdown of Values by U.S. Export Customer

This section is for reporting under a licence or order by point of import and by U.S. export company, the following information: the Canadian province of destination, the class of sale, the import quantity, the heat content, and the import value of the natural gas purchased.

Where negotiated selling prices (as per the gas sales/purchase contract) are of a demand/commodity type, the monthly demand and commodity charges in Canadian dollars must also be reported. Where negotiated selling prices are of a commodity type (price per unit of gas sold), only the total monthly commodity charges need to be reported. If additional space is required, a second NEB 205 form is to be used. A description of each item required is provided below:


The Board licence number or order number of the import authorization, (i.e. GL-4, GO-1-85).

Point of Import:

The point of import is the point at which the natural gas crosses the Canada/U.S. international boundary. If quantities of gas are imported at more than one import point a separate row is to be used for each individual point of import.

Please note that for the purpose of reporting to the NEB, the point of the TransCanada PipeLines Limited interconnect with Union Gas Limited near St. Clair is referred to as Sarnia, while the point of the Michigan Consolidated Natural Gas Company interconnect with Union Gas Limited is referred to as St. Clair.

Further, the following import points are to be used with the corresponding pipeline: Vector Pipeline - Courtright; Link Pipeline - Corunna; and Sarnia should be specified as Sarnia or Sarnia/Blue Water.

Export Company:

The full name of the U.S. company with whom the reporting importer has a gas import sales/purchase contract. A separate line must be used for each individual U.S. export company at each point of import.

Province of Destination:

The province in Canada to which the gas was imported. (i.e. Alberta, B.C. etc.) Please see attached map of Canada for reference purposes.

Class of Sale:

Indicate whether the gas under the gas sales/purchase contract is purchased from the U.S. export company on a firm basis (specify the letter "F") or on an interruptible (best efforts) basis (specify the letter "I"). The class of sale does not relate to the type of transportation service used to move gas to the point of import.


The total monthly quantity of natural gas is to be reported by point of import under each licence and order in effect. (To be reported in thousands of cubic metres (103m3) on a dry basis (moisture content of less than 110 mg/m3) and at standard reference conditions of 15oC and 101.325 kPa.

Note that if natural gas is purchased under a licence or order from more than one U.S. export company, the total quantity of gas and total import value must be the same as the total monthly quantity and import value reported on Part "A" under each licence or order, at each import point.

Heat Content:

The heat content of the natural gas imported must be reported for each point of import in megajoules per cubic metre (MJ/m3) at standard reference conditions of 15oC and 101.325 kPa and corrected to zero moisture content (i.e. dry basis). The MJ/m3 is to be reported to two decimal places.

Note that the heat content related to individual purchases from each U.S. export company at a point of import must be weighted by the daily quantities purchased from that company at the import point during the month.

Demand Charges*:

The total monthly demand charges provided for in a gas import sales/purchase contract, associated with the covering of fixed costs based on contracted demand (if applicable).

Commodity Charges*:

The total monthly commodity charges provided for in a gas import sales/purchase contract, associated with the covering of variable costs.

inclusive of the cost of gas based on the quantity of gas imported (if applicable).

Import Value*:

For each U.S. export company, the import value to be reported is the value of the gas at the point of import (i.e. the point at which the gas crosses the international boundary). The import value is the sum of the demand charges (if applicable) and the commodity charges.

* Not applicable for imports of natural gas related to in-transit movements.


The Declaration on each Form NEB 205 must be completed in full by the individual responsible for the form.