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Access to Information Review Task Force

Report of the Access to Information Review Task Force

Report of the Access to Information Review Task Force

Welcome to the Government of Canada's Access to Information Review Task Force Web Site

The Task Force was established on August 21, 2000 by the President of the Treasury Board of Canada and by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.

Its report was released on June 12, 2002.

The interdepartmental Task Force was mandated to review the Access to Information Act and its administration and to make recommendations to the government on how to improve access to government information for all Canadians.

The challenge was to provide well-researched recommendations to the government on how to modernize the access to information regime in ways that promote open, effective and accountable government, an informed citizenry, and the public interest. The report makes 139 recommendations for legislative, administrative and cultural reform.

Explore the site to learn more about how the Task Force undertook its work. In consultation you will see what stakeholders, public servants and other jurisdictions told us about access to government information.

The submissions process enabled organizations and individuals to inform the Task Force of their views on access to information. In submissions you will find copies of the papers received by the Task Force and a synopsis of all the submissions by issue.

To deepen its understanding of the issues and identify potential solutions, the Task Force commissioned 29 research reports on a range of access-related issues. These reports can be found under research. You will also find a compendium of previous proposals for reform of the Access to Information Act considered by the Task Force.

As envisioned in its mandate, the report of the Task Force is an in-depth review of access to information, a blueprint for significant and achievable reform, and a lasting reference tool for Canadians.


Last Updated: 2002-06-24
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