Financial Management Capability Model



The members of the Study Team thank the members of the Advisory Committee formed by the Office of the Auditor General. Those individuals reviewed the progress of the Study and provided needed direction and advice.

Study Advisory Committee

L. Denis Desautels
Raymond Dubois
Michael J. McLaughlin
Maria Barrados
David Roth
Ronald Thompson
Peter Boomgaardt
Robin Hamilton Harding
Louise Hawthorne
Arthur Silverman

We also want to acknowledge the contribution of the following organizations that contributed to the study.

National Defence
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Human Resources Development Canada
Transport Canada
Treasury Board Secretariat
General Accounting Office
The Institute of Internal Auditors
Software Engineering Institute

As well, we wish to acknowledge the contribution of our colleagues within the Office who offered their comments and suggestions throughout the development process.

The Study Team

Doug Timmins, Assistant Auditor General
Hugh A. McRoberts, Principal
Bruce C. Sloan, Director

Brian Brisson
Elaine Grout-Brown
Joyce C.S. Ku
Christine S. Kelly