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Guide for the Development of Results-based Management and Accountability Frameworks

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Annex A 

Lexicon for Results-Based Management and Accountability

Accountability - The obligation to demonstrate and take responsibility for performance in light of agreed expectations. There is a difference between responsibility and accountability - responsibility is the obligation to act whereas accountability is the obligation to answer for an action. (Responsabilisation)

Activity - An operation or work process internal to an organization, intended to produce specific outputs (e.g. products or services). Activities are the primary link in the chain through which outcomes are achieved. (Activité)

Attribution - The assertion that certain events or conditions were, to some extent, caused or influenced by other events or conditions. This means a reasonable connection can be made between a specific outcome and the actions and outputs of a government policy, program or initiative. (Attribution)

Business Line - A business line is a mechanism for aligning collective effort and resources to Strategic Outcomes across a department's internal organizations. In smaller agencies, business lines may be synonymous with organizations but in larger, more complex departments, business lines are not likely to be organizationally based. Business lines function as forums for setting direction, ensuring coherence in program delivery, establishing clear accountabilities for results across internal organizations, tracking and reporting on performance and providing a shared context for allocating resources to results. (Secteur d'activités)

Departmental Performance Reports (DPR) - Departmental Performance Reports, tabled in the fall of each year by the President of Treasury Board on behalf of all federal departments and agencies named in Schedule I, I.1 and II of the Financial Administration Act, are part of the Estimates and Supply process. The reports explain what the government has accomplished with the resources and authorities provided by Parliament. The performance information in the reports is intended to help Members of Parliament advise the government on resource allocation in advance of the annual budget and Supply process in the spring. (Rapports ministériels sur le rendement - RMR)

Effect - Effect like impact is a synonym for outcome although impact is somewhat more direct than an effect. Both terms are commonly used, but neither is a technical term. For technical precision, Treasury Board Secretariat recommends that outcome be used instead of effect. (Effet)

Effectiveness - The extent to which an organization, policy, program or initiative is meeting its planned results. Related term: Cost Effectiveness - The extent to which an organization, program, etc. is producing its planned outcomes in relation to expenditure of resources. (Efficacité)

Efficiency - The extent to which an organisation, policy, program or initiative is producing its planned outputs in relation to expenditure of resources. (Efficience)

Evaluation - The systematic collection and analysis of information on the performance of a policy, program or initiative to make judgements about relevance, progress or success and cost-effectiveness and/or to inform future programming decisions about design and implementation. (Évaluation)

Final Outcome - These are generally outcomes that take a longer period to be realized, are subject to influences beyond the policy, program or initiative, and can also be at a more strategic level. (Résultat final)

Goal - A general statement of desired outcome to be achieved over a specified period of time. The term goal is roughly equivalent to Strategic Outcome. For technical precision, Treasury Board Secretariat recommends that Strategic Outcome be used instead of goal. See also Objective. (But)

Horizontal Result - An outcome that is produced through the contributions of two or more departments or agencies, jurisdictions, or non-governmental organizations. (Enjeux horizontaux)

Impact - Impact like effect is a synonym for outcome, although an impact is somewhat more direct than effect. Both terms are commonly used, but neither is a technical term. For technical precision, Treasury Board Secretariat recommends that outcome be used instead of impact. (Impact)

Indicator - A statistic or parameter that provides information on trends in the condition of a phenomenon and has significance extending beyond that associated with the properties of the statistic itself. (Indicateur) - Related terms:

Comparable Indicator - An indicator based on common baseline information, definitions and database collection, and a compatible reporting system. This term is expressly used in relation to Social Union Framework Agreement. (Indicateur comparable)

Societal Indicator - An indicator used to track the state of Canadian society. It is used to place departmental achievements in a broad societal context, and, in relation with performance indicators, is used to shape government decisions on policies, programs and initiatives.(Indicateur sociétal ou indicateur de société)
Other indicators used in the federal context but not defined include sustainable development indicators, environmental indicators, etc.

Input - Resources (human, material, financial, etc.) used to carry out activities, produce outputs and/or accomplish results. (Intrant)

Logic Model - (also referred to as Results-based Logic Model) An illustration of the results chain or how the activities of a policy, program or initiative are expected to lead to the achievement of the final outcomes. Usually displayed as a flow chart. See Results Chain. (Modèle logique)

Mission Statement - A formal, public statement of an organization's purpose. It is used by departmental management to set direction and values. (Énoncé de mission)

Objective - The high-level, enduring benefit towards which effort is directed. The term is roughly equivalent to Strategic Outcome. For technical precision, Treasury Board Secretariat recommends that Strategic Outomes be used. (Objectif)

Outcome - An external consequence attributed to an organization, policy, program or initiative that is considered significant in relation to its commitments. Outcomes may be described as: immediate, intermediate or final, direct or indirect, intended or unintended. See also Result. (Résultat)

Output - Direct products or services stemming from the activities of a policy, program or initiative, and delivered to a target group or population. (Extrant)

Performance - How well an organization, policy, program or initiative is achieving its planned results measured against targets, standards or criteria. In results-based management, performance is measured and assessed, reported, and used as a basis for management decision-making. (Rendement)

Performance Measurement Strategy - Selection, development and on-going use of performance measures to guide corporate decision-making. The range of information in a performance measurement strategy could include: reach; outputs and outcomes; performance indicators; data sources; methodology; and costs. (Stratégie de mesure du rendement)

Performance Measures - An indicator that provides information (either qualitative or quantitative) on the extent to which a policy, program or initiative is achieving its outcomes. (Mesures du rendement)

Performance Monitoring - The on-going process of collecting information in order to assess progress in meeting Strategic Outcomes, and if necessary, provide warning if progress is not meeting expectations. (Suivi du rendement)

Performance Reporting - The process of communicating evidence-based performance information. Performance reporting supports decision-making, serves to meet accountability requirements and provides a basis for citizen engagement and a performance dialogue with parliamentarians. (Rapport sur le rendement)

Planned Results (Targets) - Clear and concrete statement of results (including outputs and outcomes) to be achieved within the time frame of parliamentary and departmental planning and reporting (1-3 years), against which actual results can be compared. (Résultats prévus - Cibles)

Planning, Reporting and Accountability Structure (PRAS) - A PRAS defines an organization's core business (business lines) and also defines its accountabilities, key measures and resource allocations. Approved by TBS, the overall objectives of the PRAS policy are to provide departments and agencies with a basis to plan and manage as well as to serve as a solid foundation for communicating performance information to parliamentarians. (Structure de la planification, de rapport et de responsabilisation - SPRR)

Reach - The individuals and organizations targeted and directly affected by a policy, program or initiative. (Portée)

Reports on Plans and Priorities (RPP) - As part of the Main Estimates, the RPPs provide information on departmental plans and expected performance over a three-year period. These reports are tabled in Parliament each spring, after resource allocation deliberations. They generally include information such as mission or mandate, strategies, as well as Strategic Outcomes and performance targets. (Rapports sur les plans et les priorités - RPP)

Result - The consequence attributed to the activities of an organization, policy, program or initiative. Results is a general term that often includes both outputs produced and outcomes achieved by a given organization, policy, program or initiative. In the government's agenda for results-based management and in Results for Canadians, the term result refers exclusively to outcomes. (Résultat)

Results Chain (synonyms: results-based logic model, results sequence) - The causal or logical relationship between activities and outputs and the outcomes of a given policy, program or initiative, that they are intended to produce. Usually displayed as a flow chart. (Enchaînement de résultats)

Results Chain

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Results for Canadians - Describes the management framework for the federal government of Canada. Published in the early 2000, this key document outlines the four management commitments for the federal government: citizen focus, values, results and responsible spending. (Des résultats pour les Canadiens et les Canadiennes)

Results-based Management - A comprehensive, life cycle, approach to management that integrates business strategy, people, processes and measurements to improve decision-making and drive change. The approach focuses on getting the right design early in a process, implementing performance measurement, learning and changing, and reporting performance. (Gestion axée sur les résultats)

Results-based Management and Accountability Framework (RMAF) - A document which serves as a blueprint for managers to help them focus on measuring and reporting on outcomes throughout the lifecycle of a policy, program or initiative. (Cadre de gestion et de responsabilisation axé sur les résultats - CGRR)

Service Commitment - Service commitments or standards generally set performance objectives for the delivery of government products or services to the public, specifying the quality or level of service to which a department or agency commits, or can be expected to deliver to clients. (Engagement en matière de service)

Strategic Outcome - A long-term and enduring benefit to Canadians that stems from a department’s mandate, vision and efforts. It represents the difference a department or agency wants to make for Canadians and should be a clear measurable outcome within the department or agency’s sphere of influence. (Résultat stratégique)

Target Group (Target Population) - The set of individuals that an activity is intended to influence. (Groupe Cible)


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