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Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat - Government of Canada

Directive on the Administration of Required Training,

Table of Contents

1. Effective date

2. Application

3. Context

4. Definitions

5. Requirements

6. Monitoring and reporting requirements

7. Consequences

8. Roles and responsibilities of other government organisations (optional)

9. References

10. Enquiries

Appendix 1 — Definitions

Appendix 2 — Transitional considerations


1. Effective date

1.1 This directive takes effect on May 15, 2006, including, in accordance with paragraph 8.3, for functional specialists in procurement, materiel management, real property and information management. The functional authority centres for other functional communities will establish the effective date for their respective functional communities.

1.2 Organizations will have until December 31, 2006, to implement transitional considerations (see Appendix 2). These transitional considerations will be rescinded on January 1, 2007.

2. Application

2.1 This directive applies to the core public administration as defined in the Financial Administration Act, i.e., the departments named in Schedule I and the other portions of the federal public administration named in Schedule IV of the Act.

3. Context

3.1 Purpose

This directive helps meet the implementation requirements stipulated in subparagraph 6.1.1 of the Policy on Learning, Training and Development (the LTD Policy) in relation to required training, paragraph 6.3 on monitoring and reporting and paragraph 7.1, on consequences. It provides direction to key stakeholders on how the policy requirements relating to required training under the LTD Policy are to be fulfilled.

3.2 Providing timely access to training is essential to ensure that employees have the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies to effectively carry out their duties. This is fundamental to strengthening the capacity of organizations to deliver on their mandate.

3.3 Effective implementation of this directive results in the following:

3.4 This directive is issued pursuant to paragraph 11.1(1)(f) of the Financial Administration Act.

3.5 This directive is to be read in conjunction with the Policy on Learning, Training and Development.

3.6 Treasury Board has delegated to the President of the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada (PSHRMAC) the authority to issue this operational directive.

3.7 Deputy heads are responsible for the overall implementation of this directive.

4. Definitions

4.1 Further to the definitions included in the Policy on Learning, Training and Development, this directive supports its interpretation by adding or refining definitions for several terms. These include the terms "employee", "supervisor", "manager", "functional specialist", "designated superior" and "required training coordinator". These definitions are to be used for purposes of this directive and are attached in Appendix 1.

5. Requirements

5.1 Overview of roles and responsibilities

5.1.1 Organizations

Organizations are responsible for:

5.1.2 Required Training Coordinator

The required training coordinator (the Coordinator) is responsible for supporting deputy heads in fulfilling their responsibilities for the implementation of required training by:

5.1.3 Designated superiors

Designated superiors are responsible for:

5.1.4 Employees having to complete required training

Employees newly appointed to the core public administration are responsible for:

First-time supervisors, managers, executives and functional specialists are responsible for:

5.1.5 Managers required to validate their knowledge

Managers and executives are responsible for completing a knowledge assessment of their legal responsibilities at least every five years.

6. Monitoring and reporting requirement

6.1 The organization is responsible for presenting its Annual Report on Required Training to PSHRMAC by June 30 of each year which will include the following information:

6.1.1 For employees newly appointed to the core public administration, first-time supervisors, managers, executives and functional specialists:

6.1.2 For managers and executives required to validate their knowledge of legal responsibilities at least every five years:

7. Consequences

7.1 The consequences of non-compliance with this directive are identified in section 7 of the Policy on Learning, Training and Development.

8 Roles and responsibilities of other government organizations

8.1 Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada

The Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada (PSHRMAC) is responsible for:

8.2 Canada School of Public Service

The Canada School of Public Service (the School) is the service provider for required training for employees newly appointed to the core public administration, first-time supervisors, managers, executives and functional specialists in procurement, materiel management, real property and information management and may be selected by additional functional authority centres in the future. The School is responsible for:

8.2.1 For knowledge assessment for managers and executives, the School is responsible for:

8.3 Functional authority centres

Functional authority centres are responsible for:

8.4 Service providers for other functional specialists

Service providers are responsible for:

9. References

9.1 Related policy instruments/publications

Certification Program Manual for Procurement and Materiel Management
Certification Application and Maintenance Handbook for Procurement and Materiel Management
Policy on Delegation of Authority Policy
Directive on Language Training and Learning Retention
Directive on the Performance Management Program
Policy on Learning, Training and Development
Policy on Membership Fees
Relevant sections of the collective agreements
Standard on Competencies of the Federal Government Procurement, Materiel
Management and Real Property Community – CAN/CGSB-192-2005
Standards on Knowledge for Required Training

Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service
Special Travel Authorities
National Joint Council Travel Directive

9.2 Other relevant legislation/regulations

Canada Labour Code, Part I, Industrial Relations
Canada Labour Code, Part II, Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations
Canada School of Public Service Act
Employment Equity Act
Financial Administration Act
Official Languages Act
Public Service Employment Act (terms and conditions of employment for non-represented employees)
Public Service Labour Relations Act

10. Enquiries

Please direct enquiries about this directive to your organization's required training Coordinator. For interpretation of this directive, the Coordinator should contact:

Public Service Learning Policy
The Leadership Network
Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada
122 Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0R5
Tel: (613) 996-1353
Fax: (613) 943-5520
E‑mail: TLNCorres./
Web site:


Appendix 1 — Definitions

Annual Report on Required Training (Rapport annuel sur la formation indispensable)—Report prepared by organizations by June 30 of every year. Contains information about compliance with required training requirements over the last fiscal year.

Appointment (nomination)—For purposes of this directive, includes deployment.

Campusdirect (Campusdirect)—Provider of e-learning for the federal public administration and service provider for the knowledge assessment of managers and executives. The knowledge assessment instrument is available online and leads to validation of delegated signing authorities.

Certification (certification)—Attestation by a recognized organization that relevant requirements of an established professional standard, competency or other criteria are fulfilled, resulting in professional recognition (e.g., certification of functional specialists in their fields).

Delegated signing authorities (pouvoirs de signature délégués)—For purposes of this directive, means financial or human resources signing authorities delegated by the deputy head based on the organization's delegation instrument. Levels of delegation vary between organizations. Financial signing authorities usually include delegations based on sections 32 and 34 of the Financial Administration Act. Human resources signing authorities usually include delegations such as approval of leave.

Since staffing sub-delegations are specific to each organization, required training or knowledge assessment aimed at managers and executives may have to be complemented to meet the terms of the organization's Appointment Delegation and Accountability Instrument.

Designated superior (surveillant désigné)—For purposes of this directive, means the person responsible for conducting the performance evaluation of employees who must complete the required training or the knowledge assessment leading to validation of delegated signing authorities.

Employee (fonctionnaire)—For purposes of this directive, means a person employed in an organization for which Treasury Board is the employer. Includes employees appointed on a full-time or part-time basis; term employees of at least six months plus one day including those with consecutive term extensions totalling six months plus one day; and indeterminate employees, including seasonal and acting appointments of at least four months.

Employee newly appointed to the core public administration (fonctionnaire nouvellement nommé à l'administration publique centrale)—For purposes of this directive, means an employee appointed after January 1, 2006.

Executive (cadre supérieur)—An employee appointed to the Executive Group (EX‑01 to EX‑05 levels), including director, director general, assistant deputy minister or equivalent. For purposes of this directive, employees who are classified in the following groups and levels are considered to be executive equivalents: lawyers at the 3A, 3B, or 3C levels, defence scientists at the 7A, 7B and 8 levels, excluded employees at the MD-MOF-4, MD-MOF-5 or MD-MSP-3 levels.

Existing functional specialist (spécialiste fonctionnel titulaire)—For purposes of this directive, means ­functional specialists in procurement, materiel management and real property appointed before January 1, 2006.

Existing managers and executives (gestionnaires et cadres supérieurs titulaires)—Managers and executives appointed before January 1, 2006.

First-time functional specialist (spécialiste fonctionnel nommé pour la première fois dans ses fonctions)—Functional specialists appointed to carry out their specialized functions for the first time after January 1, 2006.

First-time supervisors, managers and executives (surveillants, gestionnaires et cadres supérieurs nommés pour la première fois au niveau)—Supervisors, managers and executives appointed after January 1, 2006. First-time executives will complete required training when appointed for the first time to each of the following three groupings e.g. EX-01, EX-02 & EX-03 or EX-04 & 05.

Functional authority centres (centres d'autorité fonctionnelle)—For purposes of this directive, the group that develops and/or maintains professional standards for their functional specialists.

Functional community (collectivité fonctionnelle)—Community of functional specialists who share work purpose, functions and professional interests across departments and agencies. These communities support their members in meeting professional and career aspirations through functional authority centres. Some coordinate recruitment programs and develop core competencies, professional standards and specialized curricula leading to the issuance of professional recognition and/or certification by a recognized certification organization.

Function-specific (spécifique à la tâche)—Specific to tasks (e.g., procurement officer, financial officer).

Functional specialist (spécialiste fonctionnel)—For purposes of this directive, includes employees who carry out roles and responsibilities that require function-specific knowledge, skills and attributes in the following priority areas: finances, human resources, internal audit, procurement, materiel management, real property and information management. Other priorities will be specified by the employer as appropriate.

Knowledge assessment (vérification des connaissances)—Means of confirming that an individual possesses knowledge of legal responsibilities associated with the management of finances, human resources, procurement and information. Leads to validation in all four domains irrespective of the individual's current responsibilities.

Legal responsibility (responsabilité légale)—Includes responsibilities and authorities flowing from legislation, other instruments such as orders in council, regulations, international agreements, policies, directives or standards, and, where applicable, delegated authorities related to the management of finance, human resources and procurement and those related to any other instrument identified by the employer.

Manager (gestionnaire)—For purposes of this directive, means an employee who exercises delegated signing authority in finances, human resources or both, based on their organization's Authority Delegation and Accountability instrument.

Organization (organisme)—Departments and agencies named in Schedule I and other portions of the federal public administration named in Schedule IV of the Financial Administration Act.

Professional standards (normes professionnelles)—The competencies, skills, knowledge, experience and learning required to perform successfully in a specific business role or function.

Reasonable period of time (délai raisonnable)—As soon as possible considering operational requirements and not to exceed 6 months.

Registrar (registraire)—The office in the Canada School of Public Service that is responsible for administering the registration process and reporting on the status of registration and course completion for required training.

Required training coordinator (coordonnateur de la formation indispensable)—For purposes of this directive, the person designated to support deputy heads in fulfilling their responsibilities for implementing required training in their organization.

Specialized curriculum (curriculum spécialisé)—A compendium of learning solutions (such as courses) that address the competencies, knowledge and skills required by a specific business role or function.

Standards on Knowledge for Required Training (normes de connaissances pour la formation indispensable)—Parameters related to the common knowledge needs of employees, supervisors, managers and executives—regardless of their function, organization or profession — in the exercise of due diligence in relation to their legal responsibilities.

Successfully complete (réussite)—For purposes of this directive, for employees newly appointed to the core public administration, this term refers to attending the required training for its full duration. For first-time supervisors, managers and executives, refers to attending the required training for its full duration and demonstrating that, based on the appropriate mechanism, knowledge standards have been met. For functional specialists, this term will be defined by functional authority centres.

For managers and executives who must complete a knowledge assessment leading to validation of delegated signing authorities at least every five years, this term refers to successful validation in the four domains assessed.

Supervisor (surveillant)—For purposes of this directive, this term includes employees who have responsibility for day-to-day supervision of other employees and who may exercise delegated signing authorities in human resources based on their organization's Human Resources Authority Delegation and Accountability instrument.

Validation (validation)—A means of confirming that an individual possesses knowledge to exercise delegated signing authorities. Result of knowledge assessment in four domains of management.


Appendix 2 — Transitional considerations

Effective Date

Organizations will have until December 31, 2006, to implement requirements of subparagraph 6.1.1 of the Policy on Learning, Training and Development (the LTD Policy) relating to existing managers and executives. Consequences will take effect on January 1, 2007.

These transitional considerations will be rescinded on January 1, 2007.

Organizations will implement section 7 of the Policy on Learning, Training and Development (the LTD Policy) relating to consequences for existing managers and executives on January 1, 2007.


Transitional considerations relating to existing managers and executives complement requirements established under "5. Requirements" of this directive and are to be implemented between May 15, 2006, and December 31, 2006.

Employees newly appointed to the core public administration and first-time supervisors, managers and executives who attended and successfully completed the pilot programs offered by the Canada School of Public Service (the School) between January 1 and May 15, 2006, as evidenced by the Registrar's monthly report to the required training coordinator (the Coordinator), are deemed to have successfully completed the required training.

Existing managers and executives who attended and successfully completed the pilot programs offered by the School between January 1 and May 15, 2006, as evidenced by the Registrar's monthly report to the Coordinator, are deemed to have validated their delegated signing authorities.

Existing functional specialists in the fields of procurement, materiel management and real property who have completed any of the Fundamentals courses between January 1 and May 15, 2006 — required training for professional development and certification as recognized by the Treasury Board Secretariat Professional Development and Certification Program — as evidenced by the Registrar's monthly report to the Coordinator, will be recognized as having completed these course requirements.


Knowledge assessment for existing managers and executives

For existing managers and executives, the Coordinator:

For existing managers and executives, the designated superior:

Required training for existing functional specialists

For existing functional specialists in the fields of procurement, materiel management and real property, the Coordinator:

For existing functional specialists, the designated superior:

Required training for employees newly appointed to the core public administration and for first-time supervisors, managers and executives

For employees newly appointed to the core public administration and for first-time supervisors, managers and executives appointed between January 1 and May 15, 2006, the Coordinator:

For employees newly appointed to the core public administration and for existing first-time supervisors, managers and executives appointed between January 1 and May 15, 2006, the designated superior:


The knowledge assessment leading to validation of delegated signing authorities will be effective for a period of up to five years. Provisions to maintain knowledge are found in "5. Requirements" of this directive.

After December 31, 2006, when an existing manager or executive fails to take or complete the knowledge assessment, the deputy head suspends their delegated signing authorities.

Monitoring and reporting requirements

The Coordinator is responsible for:

The organization is responsible for:


Date Modified: 2006-05-23
Government of Canada