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Les associations canadiennes et internationales énumérées ci-dessous favorisent le partage de l'information, l'utilisation et l'adoption de l'énergie non polluante, et leur adhésion (organismes de secteur privé) de produire de l'intérêt commercial. Employez cette annuaire d'associations pour:

  • Calendrier d'événements pour des réunions prochaines, des ateliers et des conférences;
  • Communiqués, articles et rapports de presse sur les nouvelles d'industrie;
  • L'information sur des études de cas et des projets en cours ou achevés;
  • Liens aux individus et aux organismes fonctionnant dans un domaine de l'énergie non polluante;
  • Liens vers des sites web intéressants et;
  • Forums de discussion pour l'échange d'information.

Associations canadiennes     [Haut]

  • Association Canadienne d'électricité
    L’Association canadienne de l’électricité (ACÉ), qui a été fondée en 1891, est la tribune et la voix de l’industrie ... Plus»
  • Association canadienne de Biogaz
    L'Association canadienne de Biogaz est une association non lucrative. Sa mission principale est de stimuler et ... Plus»
  • Association canadienne de l'hydroélectricité
    Fondée en 1998, l'Association canadienne de l'hydroélectricité (ACH) est l'association nationale vouée à la défense des ... Plus»
  • Association canadienne de l’hydrogène
    L’Association canadienne de l’hydrogène est une association à but non lucratif constituée d’universités, d’organismes ... Plus»
  • Association Canadienne Des Barrages
    The Canadian Dam Safety Association (CDSA) was founded in 1989 to advance the implementation of practice to ensure the ... Plus»
  • Association Canadienne des Carburants Renouvelables
    Officiellement incorporée en 1994, l'Association Canadienne des Carburants Renouvelables (ACCR) est une organisation de ... Plus»
  • Association Canadienne des Reseaux Thermiques
    non disponible Plus»
  • Association des Industries Solaires du Canada
    non disponible Plus»
  • Association of Power Producers of Ontario (APPrO)
    non disponible Plus»
  • Association Québécoise du transport et des routes
    Fondée en 1964, l'Association québécoise du transport et des routes (AQTR) a pour mission de mobiliser la communauté ... Plus»
  • Association quebecoise pour la Maitrise de l'Energie - AQME
    L'ACME recherche à promouvoir la recherche, le développement et l'innovation dans ce domaine. D'une manière générale, ... Plus»
  • B.C. Pellet Fuel Manufacturers Association
    The BC Pellet Fuel Manufacturers Association (BCPFMA) was formed in 1996 as a result of an initiative of Forest Renewal ... Plus»
  • Biodiesel Association of Canada (BAC)
    The Biodiesel Association of Canada (BAC) was formed in December 2003. The BAC was formed to promote the development of ... Plus»
  • British Columbia Environment Industry Association
    BCEIA is comprised of engineering and environmental service companies, technology companies, research organizations and ... Plus»
  • Canadian Association for Renewable Energies
    Une association à but non lucratif incorporée en vertu de la législation fédérale pour promouvoir les applications ... Plus»
  • Canadian Eco-Industrial Network (CEIN)
    non disponible Plus»
  • Canadian Energy Research Institute
    non disponible Plus»
  • Canadian Geothermal Energy Association
    The CGEA is a non-profit association of professionals, researchers, consultants and the public that are interested in ... Plus»
  • Canadian Home Builders Association
    non disponible Plus»
  • Coal Association of Canada
    The Coal Association of Canada, headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, represents companies engaged in the exploration, ... Plus»
  • COGENCanada
    COGENCanada is Canada's National CHP Association promoting Key Conservation, Reliability and Environmental Solutions. Plus»
  • Community Energy Association
    The Community Energy Association is a non-profit society, promoting energy conservation, energy efficiency and green ... Plus»
  • Consulting Engineers of Saskatchewan
  • Eastern Newfoundland Home Builders' Association
    The Eastern Newfoundland Home Builders' Association is the voice of the residential construction industry in ... Plus»
  • Electric Vehicle Council of Ottawa
    EVCO is a non-profit, incorporated organization dedicated to promoting the use of electric vehicles in applications ... Plus»
  • Énergie Solaire Québec (ESQ)
    Énergie Solaire Québec est un organisme sans but lucratif dont le mandat est de promouvoir l'utilisation de l'énergie ... Plus»
  • Environmental Association of Alberta (ESAA)
    The Environmental Association of Alberta (ESAA) is a not-for-profit business association dedicated to building a strong ... Plus»
  • GeoExchange BC
    GeoExchange BC is an industry driven regional association of private and public interest's from throughout British ... Plus»
  • Green Building Information Council of Canada
    Non disponible. Plus»
  • Green Communities Canada
    Green Communities Canada is a national network of community-based non-profit organizations that deliver innovative ... Plus»
  • Independant Power Producers Association of British Columbia (IPPBC)
    IPPBC represents power suppliers, power retailers and their supporting industries. IPPBC's vision is to promote an ... Plus»
  • Independent Power Producers' Society of Alberta (IPPSA)
    non disponible Plus»
  • ITS Corporation - BC
    The ITS Corporation is the organization that guides the development of a regional ITS plan that can assist agencies in ... Plus»
  • L'Association canadienne de la bioénergie
    L'Association canadienne de la bioénergie (CANBIO) est un organisme national à but non lucratif orienté vers ... Plus»
  • L'Association canadienne du gaz (ACG)
    L'Association canadienne du gaz (ACG) est le porte-parole des sociétés de distribution de gaz naturel au Canada. Ses ... Plus»
  • L'association de GreenHeat
    Le partenariat de GreenHeat impliquent des fournisseurs des quatre technologies de traitement d'énergie renouvelable, ... Plus»
  • l'Association des ingénieurs-conseils du Canada
    Fondée en 1925, l'Association des ingénieurs-conseils du Canada (AICC) est la voix nationale des ingénieurs-conseils ... Plus»
  • L’Association canadienne d’énergie éolienne (ACÉÉ)
    L’Association canadienne de l’énergie éolienne soutient le développement approprié de l’énergie éolienne au Canada. ... Plus»
  • La Fondation Air Pur
    La Fondation Air Pur est une organisation à but non lucratif qui se consacre au développement, à l'animation et à la ... Plus»
  • Manitoba Environmental Industries Association Inc.
    The Manitoba Environmental Industries Association (MEIA) is a non-profit organization that is committed to connecting ... Plus»
  • National Energy Conservation Association (NECA)
    The National Energy Conservation Association (NECA) is an organization that focuses on training design, implementation ... Plus»
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association
    The Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association is a leading Canadian Environmental Industry ... Plus»
  • Nova Scotia Environmental Industries Association
    The Nova Scotia Environmental Industry Association is a not-for-profit business association incorporated under the ... Plus»
  • Nova Scotia Home Builders' Association
    Nova Scotia Home Builders' Association (NSHBA) is the voice of the residential construction industry in Nova Scotia. ... Plus»
  • Ocean Renewable Energy Group (OREG)
    The Ocean Renewable Energy Group (OREG) is a collaboration between industry, academia, & government to advocate for, & ... Plus»
  • Ontario Energy Association (OEA)
    The Ontario Energy Association (OEA) is a unique trade association representing major participants in the converging ... Plus»
  • Ontario Waste Management Association
    L'Association de Gestion des déchets de l'Ontario, fondée en 1977, parle au nom de presque 300 compagnies indépendantes ... Plus»
  • Ontario Waterpower Association
    The Ontario Waterpower Association (OWA) was established to provide a collective voice for waterpower interests in the ... Plus»
  • Piles à combustible Canada
    Piles à combustible Canada est un organisme national à but non lucratif. Il a été créé à l'instigation des acteurs ... Plus»
  • Planetary Association for Clean Energy
    L'Association Planétaire pour l'Énergie Propre Inc, a été fondée en juin 1975 à Ottawa, Canada, sous les conseils de ... Plus»
  • Propane Gas Association of Canada Inc. (PGAC)
    non disponible. Plus»
  • Sierra Club of Canada
    SCC has developed major national campaigns with four program areas: Health & Environment, Protecting Biodiversity, ... Plus»
  • Société canadienne de l'énergie du sol
    The Earth Energy Society of Canada was incorporated to represent the earth energy (ground-source or GeoExchange) ... Plus»
  • Société canadienne de manufacturiers de chaudières
    non disponible Plus»
  • Solar Energy Society of Canada Inc. (SESCI)
    non disponible. Plus»
  • Solar Nova Scotia
    Solar Nova Scotia is the solar energy advocacy, information and referrals for businesses, organizations and individuals ... Plus»
  • The Canadian Clean Power Coalition (CCPC)
    The CCPC's mandate is to research, develop and demonstrate commercially viable clean coal technology. They plan to ... Plus»
  • The New Brunswick Environment Industry Association (NBEIA)
    The New Brunswick Environment Industry Association (NBEIA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the ... Plus»
  • The Ontario Environment Industry Association
    The Ontario Environment Industry Association (ONEIA) is a business association that represents the interests of the ... Plus»
  • The Ontario Sustainable Energy Association (OSEA)
    The Ontario Sustainable Energy Association is a provincial non-profit association of local organizations who are ... Plus»
  • The Saskatchewan Environmental Industry and Managers Association (SEIMA)
    SEIMA is a provincial association of companies and individuals within the environment industry. Its membership is made ... Plus»
  • Vancouver Electric Vehicle Association (VEVA)
    To educate and support members with the design, construction, or purchase decision of EVs. To educate the public on the ... Plus»
  • Wood Energy Technology Transfer (WETT) Inc.
    Through professional training and public education, WETT Inc. promotes the safe and effective use of wood burning ... Plus»

Associations non canadiennes     [Haut]

  • African Wind Energy Association
    AfriWEA promotes and supports wind energy development on the African continent by facilitating the exchange of ... [Plus]
  • Air & Waste Management Association
    The Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA;) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan professional organization that provides ... [Plus]
  • Alliance to Save Energy
    The Alliance to Save Energy promotes energy efficiency worldwide to achieve a healthier economy, a cleaner environment ... [Plus]
  • Alternative Technology Association (ATA)
    With more than 3000 members, the ATA (Alternative Technology Association) is Australia's leading environmental ... [Plus]
  • American Council on Renewable Energy
    The American Council On Renewable Energy, a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization in Washington, D.C. is focused on ... [Plus]
  • American Hydrogen Association
    The American Hydrogen Association (AHA) is a non-profit association of individuals and institutions, technical and ... [Plus]
  • American Solar Energy Society
    The American Solar Energy Society (ASES) is a national organization dedicated to advancing the use of solar energy for ... [Plus]
  • American Wind Energy Association
    Since 1974 the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) has advocated the development of wind energy as a ... [Plus]
  • Asociación Argentina de Energie Eólica (Argentinean Wind Energy Association)
    Energía eólica y fuentes renovables en Argentina y latinamérica. / Wind energy and renewable resources in Argentina and ... [Plus]
  • Association des Vehicules Electriques Routiers d'Europe
    The development of the electric vehicle (EV) has brought about a revolution in the automobile world. It is a "QUIET" ... [Plus]
  • Association Européene pour la Biomasse
    AEBIOM is a group of national biomass associations with membership open to representatives of the European Union, ... [Plus]
  • Association Hespul
    Hespul s'investit ainsi dans le développement de l'efficacité énergétique ; du solaire thermique , du biogaz , de la ... [Plus]
  • Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society
    ANZSES exists to promote scientific, social and economic development through the environmentally sound utilisation of ... [Plus]
  • Australian Business Council for Sustainable Energy
    The Australian Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE) is a member based industry association representing the ... [Plus]
  • Australian Coal Association
    The Australian Coal Association (ACA) is an industry body representing the interests of the black coal producers in New ... [Plus]
  • Australian Electric Vehicle Association Inc.
    AEVA is a non profit association founded in 1973, comprising of individuals and organisations interested in the ... [Plus]
  • Australian Wind Energy Association
    The peak industry association representing the wind industry in Australia. Our purpose is to promote the sensitive and ... [Plus]
  • Battery Vehicle Society
    The Battery Vehicle Society is a UK Society with about 300 members who have an interest in battery electric vehicles. [Plus]
  • BioEnergy Association of New Zealand
    The Bioenergy Association (BANZ) represents the commercial bioenergy sector and provides a single point of contact on ... [Plus]
  • British Hydropower Association
    The British Hydropower Association (BHA) is a trade association which represents the interests of all those involved in ... [Plus]
  • British Photovoltaic Association
    The mission of PV-UK is to advance the development and use of photovoltaic (PV) technology. Since 1992, it has actively ... [Plus]
  • British Wind Energy Association
    The British Wind Energy Association (BWEA) is at the heart of wind energy activity in the UK. It's members range from ... [Plus]
  • BSi - Bundesverband Solarindustrie (German Solar Industry Association, BSi)
    Der Bundesverband Solarindustrie, BSi, ist die Interessenvertretung der Hersteller und Großhändler von Solaranlagen und ... [Plus]
  • Bundesverband WindEnergie e.V. (German Wind Energy Association)
    Als gemeinnütziger Verein setzt sich der Bundesverband WindEnergie (BWE) für die verstärkte Nutzung der Windenergie ein ... [Plus]
  • Centro de Informacion en Energias Renovables (Information Center for Renewable Energy)
    CINER busca contribuir a la conservación de los recursos naturales con miras al uso racional de la energía, orientando, ... [Plus]
  • Chinese Wind Energy Association
  • Clear the Air
    Clear the Air promotes the introduction and implementation of measures to significantly reduce air pollution in Hong ... [Plus]
  • Çѱ¹Å¾翡³ÊÁöÇÐȸ(KSES)¿¡ ¿À½Å°É ȯ¿µÇÕ´Ï´Ù. !!! (Korean Solar Energy Society)
    solar@kses.re.kr [Plus]
  • COGEN Europe - The European Association for the Promotion of Cogeneration
    Cogen Europe is the European Trade Association for the Promotion of cogeneration. Its principal goal is to work towards ... [Plus]
  • Combined Heat and Power Association
    The Combined Heat and Power Association works to promote the wider use of combined heat and power and community ... [Plus]
  • Comité de Liaison Énergies Renouvelables
    Le CLER est une tête de réseau comprenant environ 150 adhérents. Ce sont des professionnels représentant l’ensemble des ... [Plus]
  • Conseil pour des entreprises d'électricité
    Le conseil a été principalement formé pour évoluer des solutions des problèmes liés au secteur de l'énergie. C'est une ... [Plus]
  • Danish Biogas Association
    The aim of the association is to increase the production of biogas on an ecnonomic sound and environmentally ... [Plus]
  • Danish Biogas Plant Association
    The association is a nongovernmental organisation of biogas plant owners in Denmark. Its objective is to take care of ... [Plus]
  • Danish Wind Industry Association
    The Danish Wind Industry Association (DWIA) is a non-profit association whose purpose is to promote wind energy at home ... [Plus]
  • Electric Auto Association
    The EAA is a non-profit educational organization that promotes the advancement and widespread adoption of Electric ... [Plus]
  • Electric Drive Transportation Association
    EDTA is the preeminent US industry association dedicated to the promotion of electric drive as the best means to ... [Plus]
  • ERTICO - ITS Europe
    ERTICO – ITS Europe is a multi-sector, public/private partnership pursuing the development and deployment of ... [Plus]
  • European Association for Renewable Energy (Eurosolar)
    The European Association for Renewable Energy (EUROSOLAR) was founded in 1988 as a nonprofit organization that promotes ... [Plus]
  • European Biomass Industry Association
    EUBIA, The European Biomass Industry Association has been in 1996 as an international non-profit association in ... [Plus]
  • European ECO-Forum
    The European ECO-Forum is a network of more than 200 Environmental Citizen's Organizations (ECO's) throughout Europe, ... [Plus]
  • European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources (EUFORES)
    EUFORES - the European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources - is an independent, non-profit making organisation that aims ... [Plus]
  • European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA)
    The European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) is the world’s largest industry association devoted to the solar ... [Plus]
  • European Renewable Energy Centres Agency
    The European Renewable Energy Centres Agency was established as a European Economic Interest Grouping in 1991 to ... [Plus]
  • European Small Hydropower Association
    L'Association qui promeut l' utilisation des énergies renouvelables - Petites Centrales Hydrauliques - en soignant ... [Plus]
  • European Solar Thermal Industry Federation
    ESTIF's mission is to achieve high priority and acceptance for Solar Thermal as a key element for sustainable heating ... [Plus]
  • European Wind Energy Association (EWEA)
    EWEA is the voice of the wind industry - actively promoting the utilisation of wind power in Europe and worldwide. [Plus]
  • Fuel Cell Institute of Australia Pty Limited
    The Fuel Cell Institute of Australia Pty Limited (est.Sep 2004) is the first dedicated organisation focusing on fuel ... [Plus]
  • Geothermal Energy Association
    The Geothermal Energy Association is a trade association composed of U.S. companies who support the expanded use of ... [Plus]
  • Geothermal Heat Pump Consortium
    For more than a decade, the Geothermal Heat Pump Consortium has been working to increase the awareness and use of ... [Plus]
  • IG WINDKRAFT (Austrian Wind Energy Association)
    Die IG Windkraft ist die österreichische Interessenvertretung für Windenergiebetreiber, -hersteller und -förderer. ... [Plus]
  • Indian Wind Energy Association
    InWEA's ultimate objective is to make Wind Energy sustainable i.e. to realise it's full development, technological and ... [Plus]
  • Indian Wind Turbine Manufacturers Association
  • Intelligent Transport Systems for the United Kingdom
    ITS UNITED KINGDOM, the UK association for the promotion of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), is a not-for-profit ... [Plus]
  • International Association for Hydrogen Energy
    The Association strives to advance the day when HYDROGEN ENERGY will become the principal means by which the world will ... [Plus]
  • International Association for Small Hydro
    The International Association for small hydro was formed in 1994 with headquarters at New Delhi. The Association will ... [Plus]
  • International Energy Foundation
    The International Energy Foundation (IEF) is a non political, non governmental (NGO) non-profit making, group of ... [Plus]
  • International Network for Sustainable Energy (INFORSE)
    INFORSE is a global network of independent non-governmental organisations working for sustainable energy solutions to ... [Plus]
  • Irish Wind Energy Association
    The IWEA promotes the use of wind energy in Ireland. It’s members are business people, environmentalists, academics and ... [Plus]
  • Italian Biomass Association
    ITABIA (Italian Biomass Association) is a not for profit Association founded in 1985 with the aim of promoting the ... [Plus]
  • ITS Chile
    Nuestra mision es ser un punto de encuentro y convocatoria de profesionales, empresas e instituciones públicas y ... [Plus]
  • ITS France
    Aujourd'hui, les systèmes de transport intelligents sont devenus une composante indispensable et nécessaire dans notre ... [Plus]
  • ITS Japan
  • ITS Sweden
    ITS Sweden är en nationell intresseorganisation som utvecklar, stödjer och samordnar ITS-utvecklingen i Sverige [Plus]
  • l
    A unique developing-country institution, TERI is deeply committed to every aspect of sustainable development. From ... [Plus]
  • Landfill Gas Association
    The Landfill Gas Association is one of the UK's seven renewable energy trade associations. It represents the interests ... [Plus]
  • National Biodiesel Board
    The National Biodiesel Board (NBB) is the national trade association representing the biodiesel industry as the ... [Plus]
  • National Hydrogen Association
    The National Hydrogen Association (NHA) is leading the transition from a fossil fuel-based energy infrastructure to a ... [Plus]
  • New Zealand Wind Energy Association
    The purpose of the NZWEA is to ensure that the wind energy industry is fairly represented to the General Public, to ... [Plus]
  • O. Oe. Energiesparverband
    Der O.Ö. Energiesparverband fördert den effizienten und umweltschonenden Energieeinsatz. Er unterstützt die Verwendung ... [Plus]
  • Organisation for Sustainable Energy (OVE)
    The Organisation for Sustainable Energy (OVE) works actively towards a goal where the supply of energy in Denmark ... [Plus]
  • Practical Ocean Energy Management Systems, Inc.
    POEMS establishes a forum for ocean-based energy development that supports R&D; on the full range of issues involved in ... [Plus]
  • Renewable Energy Generators of Australia
    Renewable Energy Generators of Australia (REGA) is the peak national body representing the leading generators, ... [Plus]
  • Renewable Power Association
    The Renewable Power Association is a trade association open to all companies involved in the UK renewable energy ... [Plus]
  • Rural World Resources International
    Rural World Resources International (RWRI) is a voluntary, non-profit organisation with no cultural, tribal, racial or ... [Plus]
  • Schweizerischer Fachverband für Sonnenenergie (Association suisse des professionnels du solaire)
    Der Fachverband SOLAR wurde amndt 25. Oktober 2002 in Bern gegründet und STI seit dem 1. Januar 2003 operativ. Er setzt ... [Plus]
  • Sdružení pro dopravní telematiku CR (Czech Transport Telematic Association)
    Základním posláním Sdružení je aktivní a koordinovanou èinností docílit urychleného rozvoje oboru dopravní telematiky ... [Plus]
  • Solagro
    Au carrefour de l'énergie, l'agriculture et l'environnement, les champs d'actions de l'association SOLAGRO sont la ... [Plus]
  • Solar Hydrogen Research Pty Ltd.
    Solar Hydrogen Research Pty Ltd(96) was the first organisation in Australia to recognise Hydrogen as Australia's future ... [Plus]
  • Solar Trade Association
    The Solar Trade Association Ltd. (STA) is a company limited by guarantee, having been formed in 1978 to serve as a ... [Plus]
  • South African Society for ITS
    The South African Society for ITS is an organisation that acts as the barometer of ITS activities in South Africa. ... [Plus]
  • Suisse Éole (Switzerland Wind Energy Association)
    Suisse Éole est l'association pour la promotion de l'énergie éolienne en Suisse. / The Switzerland Wind Energy ... [Plus]
  • Suomen Tuulivoimayhdistys ry (Finnish Wind Power Association)
    Yhdistys perustettiin vuonna 1988 edistämään tuulivoimaa Suomessa - niin suurimittakaavaisessa käytössä kuin ... [Plus]
  • Sustainable Energy Society of Southern Africa (SESSA)
    The Sustainable Energy Society of Southern Africa or SESSA, is a non profit organisation. SESSA is dedicated to the ... [Plus]
  • Swiss Association for Anaerobic Digestion
    An organization with the aim to increase the importance of the renewable energy source "biogas". [Plus]
  • Swiss Association for Environmental Technology (SAET)
    SVUT comprises currently over 110 companies and experts in all fields of environmental technology, predominantly ... [Plus]
  • Swiss Solar Energy Society
    SSES promotes solar energy, renewable energy and energy efficiency. SSES thinks globally and acts locally in 13 ... [Plus]
  • Vindkraftföreningen (Finnish Wind Energy Association)
    Vindkraftföreningen r.f. är en ideell, opolitisk förening, som arbetar för att främja användningen av vindkraft i ... [Plus]
  • World Coal Institute
    The World Coal Institute (WCI) is a non-profit, non-governmental association of coal enterprises and associations - the ... [Plus]
  • World Energy Efficiency Association
    The World Energy Efficiency Association grew out of a 1992 initiative of the Atlantic Council of the United States ... [Plus]
  • World Fuel Cell Council
    The World Fuel Cell Council was founded as a non-profit association in 1991 by a number of fuel cell manufacturers and ... [Plus]
  • World Wind Energy Association (WWEA)
    WWEA shall stimulate and back the foundation of national and regional wind energy associations and encourage national ... [Plus]

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