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Deployment / Appointment to and from the CA Group

Deployment / Appointment to and from the CA Group

June 25, 2004

The following clarifies some salary administration issues relating to deployments / appointments to and from the CA Group using the promotion / transfer rules. 

Deployment / Appointment to CA Group

To determine whether an appointment to the CA Group from another occupational group is a deployment/transfer or promotion, maximum rates are compared as per the Public Service Terms and Conditions of Employment Regulations and the Salary Administration Policy and Plan for the CA Group. If the maximum rate of pay of the new CA position exceeds the maximum rate of the old position by at least 4% of the maximum rate of the old position, the appointment constitutes a promotion. In this case, the rate of pay will be that which was paid in the old position + 4% of the maximum rate of pay of the CA position. The result is then rounded to the next multiple of $100 as per Section 7 of the Salary Administration Plan. 

If the appointment is not a promotion, it is by default a deployment/transfer, in which case the employee's salary is simply rounded to the next $100. 

Example 1

The appointment of a PE-04 to CA-01 is a promotion because the maximum of the CA-01 ($78,912) exceeds the maximum rate of PE-04 ($71,794) by $7,118, which is more than 4% of the maximum of PE-04 of $2,871. If the individual was at the first step of PE-04 ($64,589), 4% of the maximum rate of CA-01 ($3,157) would be added to their current salary and then rounded to the next $100; therefore, their new rate of pay would be $67,800.

Rounding Up Upon Appointment to the CA Group

The rate of pay on appointment to a salary in the CA Group, except when an individual enters the program at the CA-01 or CA-02 minimum or maximum rates of pay, should be rounded to the next multiple of $100. This will ensure consistency, as per Section 7 of the Salary Administration Plan for the CA Group, which states that the final salary figure should be rounded to the next higher multiple of $100

Please note that rates of pay are not, however, rounded the same way when salary revisions take effect.

Appointment / Deployment from CA Group to Another Occupational Group

In accordance with the promotion, deployment and transfer by appointment rules, the maximum rate of the CA range, compared with the maximum rate of the intended target group / level, is used for determining whether an appointment from the CA Group is a promotion or a deployment/transfer. This provides flexibility so that when participants leave the program, they can do so on a deployment/transfer basis as opposed to a promotion basis. The employee's rate of pay, as per Section 7.3 of the Salary Administration Plan for the CA group, is then used as the benchmark for determining what the new rate of pay will be.

If the maximum rate of pay of the new position exceeds the maximum rate of the CA position by an amount equal to at least the lowest pay increment for the position to which an individual is appointed, where that position has more than one rate of pay, the appointment constitutes a promotion. In this case, the new rate of pay will be that which is nearest to but not less than that which was paid in the CA position + the lowest pay increment of the new position. If the appointment is a deployment/transfer, the employee will be paid the rate of pay that is nearest to but not less than the rate of pay they were entitled to in the CA position.

Example 2

A CAP participant at CA-01 level entered the program two years ago from the first step of PM-05 of $61,312. The participant was promoted to CA-01, therefore, with a starting salary of $64,500. The department would now like to move this individual out of the CA-01 to a PM-05 position. As the maximum rate of pay of PM-05 ($66,287) does not exceed the maximum rate of CA-01 ($78,912), this is not a promotion; therefore, according to promotion / transfer rules, the individual is eligible for deployment at the third step of PM-05 level ($66,287), which is the step which is closest to but not less than their current rate of pay.

In this example, the individual is eligible for deployment to only one level within a given group; however, in other cases, such as the example given below, a CAP participant may be eligible to be deployed to one of two levels within the same group.

Example 3

Six months ago, a CAP participant at CA-01 level was promoted on to the program from the lowest step of PE-04 of $64,589. The participant's salary as a CA-01 is $67,800. The department would now like to move this individual out of the CA group back to a PE position. According to promotion / transfer rules, this person would be eligible to deploy to the third step of PE-04 ($69,272) or first step of PE-05 ($72,326). An appointment to a PE-04 position would be a deployment because the maximum rate of the PE-04 is lower than that of the CA-01. Similarly, an appointment to a PE-05 position is a deployment, since the maximum rate of PE-05 ($80,586) does not exceed the maximum rate of CA-01 (of $78,912) by more than the lowest increment of the new PE-05 position of $2,646. 

Taking into account the below considerations, the department may wish to consider a deployment to the lower level, PE-04 (at the third increment), because, after only 6 months on the program, the participant has likely not achieved a level of competency to warrant compensation at a higher level (PE-05).


Departments should take all of the following criteria into consideration when determining the appropriate level where the possibility exists for deployment/transfer to one of two levels within the same group:

  • Length of time spent on the program by the CA; 
  • Performance achieved by the CA on the program including all performance ratings on assignments and any allocations of performance pay; 
  • Any achievement by the CA of new competencies while on the program; and, 
  • Availability of positions within the organization. 

Although participants may be eligible for deployment/transfer at a higher level, this is not an 'automatic' entitlement. Departments have the flexibility to deploy people to positions where they are best qualified, taking into account the above criteria. 

It is recommended that when participants have achieved competencies above the level that they held prior to entering the program, departments should deploy them to a level that will acknowledge this and compensate them for the additional competencies they now possess. In cases where departments deploy participants to the lower of two levels within an occupational group, they must provide an opportunity for the employee to request the rationale for this decision in writing.

Should you have any further questions about this matter, do not hesitate to contact Peter Field at (613) 943-5511 or Tania Costain at (613) 995-3262.

Yours sincerely,

Karen Mosher
Executive Director,
Leadership Development The Leadership Network,
Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada