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Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat - Government of Canada

Information Notice - Delays in Claims Turnaround Time,

August 10, 2006

To: Compensation Managers; Heads of Human Resources; Participating Separate Employers

Subject: Delays in Claims Turnaround Time

Notice concerning delays in PSHCP claims for reimbursement of medical expenses

A number of PSHCP members have expressed concerns over longer than usual delays in receiving reimbursement for their eligible medical expenses.  During the months of April, May and June, our plan administrator, Sun Life, experienced some delays in adjudicating some claims.  The PSHCP Trust is working very closely with Sun Life to resolve this situation.   Concrete measures have been implemented and the situation will be corrected shortly.

Why are there delays?

A number of factors have contributed to longer than usual turnaround times: 

Due to the volume of these requests, it is taking time for the notice of changes to reach Sun Life (two to three months).  Claims received for members requesting changes to coverage are automatically pended while Sun Life verifies the eligibility of members with the respective personnel or pension office, thereby, delaying payment.

Would a prescription drug card help reduce turnaround times? 

Reimbursement of expenses for prescription drugs are not, by themselves, responsible for the longer than usual delays. Most drug claims are adjudicated within 3 to 5 days when they are submitted alone. 

However, a prescription drug card will eliminate even these short delays for reimbursement of claims because our members will no longer need to pay the pharmacist up-front. That is why the Parties to the Trust Agreement,( the Government of Canada, the Unions represented at the National Joint Council, and the Federal Superannuates National Association), recently negotiated the implementation of a pay direct drug card, as announced in the March issue of the PSHCP bulletin.

What are the adjudication turnaround times?

Sun Life is meeting the negotiated service standards and these are monitored very closely.  Our contract with Sun Life requires an average turnaround time of 9 days, from the day the claim is received to the day it is released, i.e. the day a cheque is mailed to you or deposited directly into your bank account.

The majority of our claims are adjudicated within 5 days. This is a recorded and monitored statistic.  On average throughout the year, 65% to 70% of all claims are adjudicated within 5 days.  In May 2006, 74% of all claims were adjudicated within 5 days.  Approximately, 25% to 30% of claims submitted are subject to longer than usual delays at this time.

What is being done to address these delays?

Sun Life has implemented a recovery plan to rectify this situation:

We are confident that necessary changes and improvements are being introduced to ensure the reimbursement of eligible PSHCP expenses are within acceptable and negotiated service standards.


Phil Charko
Assistant Secretary
Pensions and Benefits Sector

Date Modified: 2006-08-11
Government of Canada