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Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat - Government of Canada

Information concerning the Pensioners’ Dental Services Plan (Advance Notice to Compensation Advisors),


DATE: February 14, 2006

TO: Compensation Managers
Heads of Human Resources
Participating Separate employers

Subject: Information concerning the Pensioners' Dental Services Plan (Advance Notice to Compensation Advisors)

The purpose of this Information Notice is to inform you in advance of the upcoming amendments to the Pensioners' Dental Services Plan (PDSP).  Please note that this information has not yet been announced and should not be distributed for purposes other than advance notice to Compensation Advisors of your organization.

The PDSP is a voluntary dental services plan established by the Government of Canada on January 1,  2001.  It provides dental services coverage to eligible federal pensioners and their eligible family members, including survivors.  The following plan changes will come into force effective April 1, 2006: 

Reduction in member contribution rates 

We are very pleased to announce that member contribution rates will be reduced.  The following table sets out the changes to the member monthly contribution rates effective  April 1, 2006.


Jan. 1,

April 1,
I Pensioner only $16.00 $12.50


Pensioner and one eligible family member $31.96 $25.50
III Pensioner and more than one eligible family member $47.96 $36.20

Amendments to the PDSP Rules

Enrolment deadlines have been removed. Effective April 1, 2006:

There are other minor plan improvements that have been incorporated in the new PDSP Rules.

Enrolment process

Effective June 1, 2006, the enrolment process will be administered by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC).  This means that enrolment forms of the PDSP will form part of the retirement package for employees who retire and will be forwarded to the designated Pension Office as part of the retirement documentation.

PWGSC will distribute a Compensation Directive that will provide detailed information on the revised procedures related to the PDSP enrolment process.

For more information, you may consult the following documents that will be posted on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Web site in early March 2006.

Phil Charko
Assistant Secretary
Pensions and Benefits Sector


Date Modified: 2006-03-13
Government of Canada