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Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat - Government of Canada

RPP 2005-2006
Military Police Complaints Commission,

The Honourable William Graham, C.P., M.P.
Minister of National Defence


Chairperson's Message
Summary Information
Priorities, Plans and Performance Monitoring


Strategic Outcome 1: Ensure Cases are Reviewed Fairly And Expeditiously
Strategic Outcome 2: Create and Maintain Effective Communications - Externally With Stakeholders and Internally With Employees
Strategic Outcome 3: Management Practices are Enhanced


Management Representation Statement
Organizational Chart August 2003
Organizational Chart June 2004
Table 1: Departmental Planned Spending and FTEs
Table 4: Net Cost os Department


Chairperson's Message

The upcoming 2005-2006 fiscal year will be the sixth full year of operation for the Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada (the Complaints Commission). Last fiscal year was a year of significant change. Management restructured the organization and realigned the delivery systems, achieving remarkable results. We eliminated 10 full-time equivalents (FTEs), reducing our staff by 47 per cent, increased operational efficiencies, introduced economies for a total overall cost savings of $800K, which represents over 20% of our total program resource allocation.

The challenge now is to continue to deliver the Complaints Commission's mandate in an effective manner while at the same time to work toward establishing a more knowledgeable, cohesive and harmonious workforce.

To further support the delivery of its mandate, the Complaints Commission has refined two of its strategic outcomes that deal with the fair and expeditious review of cases, and creating and maintaining more effective internal as well as external communication. Greater emphasis will be placed on performance measurement in order for results to be tracked and adjustments to be made as required.

As part of ongoing efforts to improve performance, we have also developed a new strategic outcome. We have decided to stress the enhancement of our management practices. This will primarily involve incorporating risk management more extensively into our corporate culture. An internal audit policy and plan will address the adequacy of our management framework and the stewardship exercised over our resources.

The Complaints Commission continually strives to improve its internal and external communication with employees and stakeholders. We want to ensure that clear, relevant information is readily available and easily accessible. To that end, a communication review is underway to help identify opportunities for improvement regarding communication processes and practices. Through this review and the subsequent communication management plan that will be developed, the Complaints Commission will be able to continue to strengthen its relationships with stakeholders, further reinforcing the unique and important role it plays within the national defence community.

In terms of human resources, the Complaints Commission must continue to build a workplace of choice for its current and future employees. We will create a learning environment where our employees will be challenged by the work that they do and will be encouraged to both improve current skill sets and acquire new skills.

While the structure of the Complaints Commission and the level of resources available have changed significantly over the last year, the commitment to provide effective civilian oversight of the Military Police still remains our primary objective. To that end, the Complaints Commission looks forward to continuing to support the professionalism of the military police and the quality of Canada's military justice system.

Henry Kostuck
Acting Chairperson



Reason for Existence - the Complaints Commission was created by Parliament to ensure independent, impartial, thorough and expeditious consideration of complaints about the conduct of the Canadian Forces Military Police and of complaints of interference with Military Police investigations.

By carrying out this mandate and promoting the principles of integrity, fairness and transparency, the Complaints Commission contributes to the professionalism of the Military Police, helping to ensure Canada's military justice system continues to enjoy the confidence of the Canadian Forces, the Department of National Defence and all Canadians.

The Complaints Commission delivers its program as a result of being largely funded through operating expenditures. The Complaints Commission is a quasi-judicial tribunal, and it reports to Parliament on its activities through the Minister of National Defence.

The Complaints Commission formulates recommendations based on the findings of its reviews and investigations of complaints. Although not binding, if the authority responsible for dealing with these recommendations does not act on them, the reasons for not acting must be provided to the Chairperson and the Minister of National Defence.

While the Chairperson's recommendations may result in the censuring of the conduct of those who are the subject of a complaint, they are directed first and foremost at correcting any systemic problems that may have played a part in allowing the situation that gave rise to a complaint in the first instance.

The Complaints Commission does not act as an advocate for either side in the complaint process. Its role is to inquire into complaints independently and impartially and to arrive at objective findings and recommendations based on the information provided by complainants, the subjects of complaints, witnesses and others who may assist in uncovering the truth concerning the events being investigated.

Financial Resources

2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008
$4,176 $4,176 $4,176

Human Resources

2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008
17 FTEs 17 FTEs 17 FTEs

Departmental Priorities and Plans

  Type Planned Spending
2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008
Strategic Outcome 1: Ensure Cases are Reviewed Fairly and Expeditiously
Review the effectiveness of the case management process, including the environment in which it operates.  previous  and  ongoing $100,000 $75,000  
Improve the efficiency of the case management process.  previous  and  ongoing $75,000 $75,000 $75,000
Develop performance measurements for the case management process.  previous  and  ongoing $65,000 $75,000  
Strategic Outcome 2: Create and Maintain Effective Communications - Externally With Stakeholders and Internally With Employees
Evaluate the overall effectiveness of the external communication program.  previous  and  ongoing $100,000    
Continue to enhance and expand the delivery of information to stakeholders.  previous  and  ongoing $75,000 $75,000 $75,000
Cultivate collaborative and harmonious working relationships within the organization.  previous  and  ongoing $60,000 $60,000 $60,000
Strategic Outcome 3: Management Practices are Enhanced
Implement a risk management strategy.
$30,000 $30,000 $30,000
Improve resource stewardship.
$40,000 $40,000 $40,000


Operating Environment

The planning process presents a number of challenges to the Complaints Commission, primarily with regard to the number, complexity and nature of the complaints received. The following is intended to provide some context regarding planning for and fulfilling the Complaints Commission's operational requirements.

Number and Complexity of Complaints and Investigations

It is impossible to predict how many complaints will be made over the planning period, how many complainants will ask the Complaints Commission to review the investigation of their complaint or how many complaints will be deemed to be in the public interest, thereby leading to a more costly public interest investigation or hearing by the Complaints Commission.

Moreover, planning expenditures for the Complaints Commission must also take into consideration unusual expenses that may be associated with its investigations. While one case may involve interviewing two or three people in a single location, another could involve interviewing more than a dozen individuals who are deployed at several sites across the country.

Similarly, while some relatively straightforward cases can be dealt with in a matter of weeks, other investigations can involve reviewing hundreds of pages of documentary evidence and extensive interview notes and may take several months to complete. In fact, the cost of an extensive, public interest investigation can exceed $200,000.

Reports of public interest investigations, as well as summaries of complaints that have been reviewed and/or monitored by the Complaints Commission, are available on its Web site at

Implementation of Modern Management Practices

The Complaints Commission continues to move forward with the implementation of its action plan that was developed in 2004-2005. To that end, as stated under Strategic Outcome 3 on the previous page, it will be focusing on developing and implementing modern management practices in conjunction with the government's Management Accountability Framework initiative. In turn, the strategic plan will be updated in the early part of the 2005-2006 fiscal year.

Performance Measurement

One important measure of performance is the Complaints Commission's ability to deal with cases in a timely manner. In this area, it is important to note that the Chairperson cannot issue a final report in a given case until the appropriate authority within the military or defence hierarchy has provided a response to the Chairperson's interim report. Thus, to a considerable extent, the Complaints Commission's ability to ensure that cases are resolved in a timely manner is dependent upon the co-operation and collaboration of others.

For this and other reasons, although it is independent of the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces, the Complaints Commission places a premium on maintaining a good working relationship and regular consultations with the Chief of the Defence Staff, the Canadian Forces Provost Marshal and other stakeholders in a mutual effort to avoid unnecessary delays. Although the Complaints Commission must maintain its independence, it need not be isolated, and the Complaints Commission is committed to operating in as collegial and co-operative a manner as is consistent with its legislated mandate.

Human Resources

In terms of being an employer of choice, the Complaints Commission is enhancing the quality of its work environment to further build knowledgeable and efficient staff that is better able to meet its mandate throughout the year. To that end, individual learning plans have been formalized together with a monitoring system to ensure employees are advancing toward their stated goals. As well, the Complaints Commission will be developing a learning policy and a related framework to guide the professional development of its staff.

A key risk for all organizations is the potential departure of employees. Therefore, it is essential for the Complaints Commission to ensure that corporate memory is captured and that it continues to both assess its staffing contingencies and review succession planning measures to better ensure effective and efficient service delivery.

Strategic Outcome 1: Ensure cases are reviewed fairly and expeditiously

 Required Resources  
 Required Resources  
 Required Resources  
$3,816 $3,816 $3,816
FTEs: 13 FTEs: 13 FTEs: 13



Performance Monitoring

Strategic Outcome 2: Create and maintain effective communications - externally with stakeholders and internally with employees

 Required Resources  
 Required Resources  
 Required Resources  
$360 $360 $360
FTEs: 4 FTEs: 4 FTEs: 4



Performance Monitoring

Strategic Outcome 3: Management practices are enhanced

 Planned Spending  
 Planned Spending  
 Planned Spending  
$* $* $*
FTEs: * FTEs: * FTEs: *

* Enhanced management practices is equally shared across the organization. As a result, the resources were allocated between the first two strategic outcomes.



Performance Monitoring



The Complaints Commission has two program activities - operations and legal. The Operations section is responsible to monitor and review complaints on the conduct of military police members and to investigate complaints of interference with military police investigations. The Legal section is responsible for providing legal opinions on any matters of interest to the Complaints Commission, legal analysis of reports and for advising and representing the Complaints Commission on public interest investigations and hearings as well as on 5-year legislative review issues.

Realization of the strategic outcome depends on the combined success of both activities. Early in 2005-2006, the Complaints Commission intends to merge these two activities into one activity. The resource allocation set out above reflects the combined resources of both activities.

The Complaints Commission has identified the following three priorities to enable it to handle complaints and issue reports in a fair and expeditious manner.

Priority 1: Review the effectiveness of the case management process, including the environment in which it operates.

Planned Activities Expected Results/Timelines
  1. Complete a detailed review of the case management process by identifying, prioritizing and resolving the challenges that need to be overcome to improve the quality and timeliness of services.
  • More effective and efficient case management process - third quarter of fiscal year 2005-2006.
    • Improved client satisfaction
    • Cases processed more expeditiously
  1. Implement quality assurance practices.
  • More efficient monitoring of the case management process and improved client satisfaction - final quarter of 2005-2006.
  1. Introduce an informal resolution framework.
  • Suitable cases processed more expeditiously and to the satisfaction of all parties involved- over the course of fiscal year 2005-2006.

Priority 2: Improve the efficiency of the case management process.

Planned Activities Expected Results/Timelines
  1. Implement best practices based on internal and external consultations.
  • Improved client satisfaction and internal and external working relationships- addressed equally over the next three fiscal years.
  1. Improve the knowledge, capabilities, commitment and satisfaction of the workforce.
  • A more knowledgeable and experienced workforce operating in a workplace of choice - addressed equally over the next three fiscal years.
  1. Design and implement best practices for the informal resolution process.
  • More effective and efficient case management process- addressed equally over the next three fiscal years.
    • Improved client satisfaction and internal and external working relationships.

Priority 3: Develop performance measurements for the case management process.

Planned Activities Expected Results/Timelines
  1. Implement a performance measurement framework.
  • Clearly identified and effective targets and measures in place - first two quarters of 2006-2007.


Regarding increasing the effectiveness of its external and internal communications, the Complaints Commission has identified three priorities.

Priority 1: Evaluate the overall effectiveness of the external communication program.

Planned Activities Expected Results/Timelines
  1. Complete an independent external review of the communication program.
  • Identified opportunities for improvement and related communication management plan in place - end of the first quarter 2005-2006.
  1. Based on the results of the communication review, develop a new strategic communications plan and make the necessary adjustments to communication processes and products.
  • Enhanced awareness of the role/mandate and a communication approach that is focused on client needs - end of the third quarter 2005-2006.

Priority 2: Continue to enhance and expand the delivery of information to stakeholders.

Planned Activities Expected Results/Timelines
  1. Pursue visits and presentations to Military Police, other members of the Canadian Forces and other stakeholders such as the Family Resources Centres.
  • Enhanced awareness of role/mandate and a potential reduction in the number of complaints - addressed equally over the next three fiscal years.
  1. Continue to enhance the Web site to provide access to more comprehensive information on the Complaints Commission and the complaints process.
  • Enhanced awareness of role/mandate and a potential reduction in the number of complaints - addressed equally over the next three fiscal years.

Priority 3: Cultivate collaborative and harmonious working relationships within the organization.

Planned Activities Expected Results/Timelines
  1. Continue to work with employees and their representatives to enhance the quality of internal communications.
  • Improved day-to-day operations and quality of outputs and an enhanced workplace of choice - addressed equally over the next three fiscal years.
  1. Develop an Employee Guide.
  • Increased understanding of the Complaints Commission's mandate and objectives, its policies and procedures and staff's related roles and responsibilities - addressed equally over the next three fiscal years.
  1. Develop and implement a learning policy as well as a rewards and recognition program.
  • Well-trained, motivated and committed workforce whose efforts are appropriately acknowledged - addressed equally over the next three fiscal years.


Aside from continuing to enhance overall performance measurement and management, the Complaints Commission has established the following two priorities regarding sound management practices.

Priority 1: Implement a risk management strategy.

Planned Activities Expected Results/Timelines
  1. Develop and implement an integrated risk management framework that incorporates risk and tolerance into strategic and operational planning.
  • Integrated risk management framework - addressed equally over the next three fiscal years.
  1. Implement the recently developed internal audit policy and plan and conduct risk-based audits accordingly.
  • Enhanced corporate performance - addressed equally over the next three fiscal years.
  • Effectively completed risk-based audits in accordance with audit policy and integrated risk management framework. - addressed equally over the next three fiscal years.

Priority 2: Improve resource stewardship.

Planned Activities Expected Results/Timelines
  1. Continue to develop and implement modern management practices in conjunction with the government's Management Accountability Framework initiative.
  • Improved management practices - addressed equally over the next three fiscal years.
  1. Explore further opportunities for partnering and outsourcing to increase cost effectiveness.
  • Increased cost efficiencies and savings - addressed equally over the next three fiscal years.



I submit the 2005-06 Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP) for the Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada for tabling in Parliament.

This document has been prepared based on the reporting principles and disclosure requirements contained in the Guide to the Preparation of the 2005-2006 Report on Plans and Priorities.

The reporting structure on which this document is based has been approved by Treasury Board Ministers and is the basis for accountability for the results achieved with the resources and authorities provided.

Johanne Gauthier
General Counsel and Secretary

Date: ___________________________

The following organizational charts represent the Complaints Commission before and after the significant reorganization and realignment.


Operations' and Corporate Services' Organizational Chart 2003

Chairperson's Organizational Chart 2003

Legal Services' Organizational Chart 2003



The following table outlines the planned spending for the Complaints Commission over the next three fiscal years. The spending will be divided between two of the Complaints Commission's program activities. Operations will operate with a budget of $2,447, while Legal Services' budget will be $1,729 over the next three fiscal years.

  Forecast Spending Planned Spending Planned Spending Planned Spending

($ thousands) 2004-2005 2005-2006** 2006-2007** 2007-2008**
Operations 2,070 2,447 2,447 2,447
Legal Services 2,141 1,729 1,729 1,729

Budgetary Main Estimates 4,211 4,176 4,176 4,176
Less: Respendable revenue - - - -

Total Main Estimates 4,211 4,176 4,176 4,176

Projected lapse -1,061      
Budget Announcements:        
Procurement Savings   -10    
TB Vote 15 20      
Employee Benefit Plan 4      

Total Adjustments 24 -10    

Total Planned Spending 3,174* 4,176 4,176 4,176

Plus: Cost of services received without charge 154 153 153 153

Net cost of department 3,328 4,329 4,329 4,329

Full Time Equivalents 17 17 17 17

* The forecast spending reflects the best estimate of cash expenditures in 2004-2005
** Steps are underway to reduce resource requirements significantly over the planned spending periods.


($ thousands)
Net Planned Spending
Plus: Services Received without Charge
  Accommodation provided by Public Works and Government
    Services Canada -
  Contributions covering employers' share of employees'
  insurance premiums and expenditures paid by TBS 153
  Worker's compensation coverage provided by Human
    Resources Canada -
  Salary and associated expenditures of legal services provided
    by Justice Canada

Less: Non-respendable Revenue
2005-2006 Net cost of the Department

Date Modified: 2005-03-24
Government of Canada