Library of Parliament 125th Anniversary Coin
Version française

Speech Notes for
the Honourable Rose-Marie Losier-Cool, Senator
and Speaker pro tempore of the Senate of Canada
February 15th, 2001

Speech Notes for
for the Honourable Peter Milliken
Speaker of the House of Commons
February 15th, 2001

On February 15th, the Royal Canadian Mint launched its newest commemorative coin, a $100 gold piece marking the 125th anniversary of the Library of Parliament Building. The Hon. Alfonso Gagliano, Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada and Minister responsible for the Royal Canadian Mint unveiled the spectacular coin at a special Parliament Hill ceremony. The Speaker pro tempore of the Senate, the Honourable Rose-Marie Losier-Cool, and the Speaker of the House of Commons, the Honourable Peter Milliken, were hosts for the special occasion.
The 14-karat gold coin is the 26th in a Royal Canadian Mint series that celebrates internationally significant Canadian events, places and people.

The Library of Parliament is beautifully represented on the coin as a symbol of Canadian strength, endurance and excellence. Over its 125 year history, the Library has survived two fires -- one in 1916 that destroyed the Centre Block of the Parliament buildings except the Library and another in 1952 that damaged the Library and its precious collection. Later this year, a three-year renovation project will begin to preserve the historic and architectural value of the Library, while enhancing its capacity to remain on the cutting edge of technology in providing service to Parliamentarians.

The 125 Anniversary coin is expected to capture the hearts and imagination of coin collectors, book lovers, history buffs and architectural devotees. The Library of Parliament's management and staff are proud to have their legacy of 125 years of commitment to service honoured in this way.

Click here to view the Press Release from the Royal Canadian Mint and/or contact:

Library of Parliament, Pierrette Landry,
Tel: (613) 992-7297, Fax: (613) 996-7092.

(From left to right)
The Honourable Peter Milliken, the Honourable Rose-Marie Losier-Cool,
the Honourable Alfonso Gagliano and Daniel Daigneault - Master of Ceremony

(From left to right)
Mr. Richard Paré, Mr. Emmanuel Triassi and the Honourable Alfonso Gagliano

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© Library of Parliament
September 2001