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Dear Friend,

As your M.P., I have used my energy to deliver results for you, including:


  • Federal money to help build the future Strandherd Bridge – money the Liberals promise to take away.
  • Tougher laws to keep you safe from crime.
  • Delivered the airport land needed for the Limebank Road fix ups.

The results speak for themselves and with your support I will get more of them.

Yours truly,

Pierre Poilievre, M.P.,

P.S. Don’t be tricked. Stéphane Dion’s new carbon tax will raise the price of home heating, electricity and transported goods like food.


Pierre Poilievre is an energetic and outspoken Member of Parliament, who gets results and takes strong stands on difficult issues. During this campaign, as always, he is making practical and affordable commitments, on which he can deliver.

Strandherd Bridge

The federal government has set aside $35 million for the future Strandherd-Armstrong Bridge. Pierre Poilievre will defend this funding commitment and join with his provincial counterpart in pressuring the Liberal government in Toronto to match it.


Limebank Road—Finishing the Job

Improvements to the infamous Limebank Road were delayed for a half-decade due to complications between the Airport Authority, the Federal Transportation Department, the National Capital Commission (all of whom owned parts of the land) and the City of Ottawa (which needed to buy it). After these delays, the Riverside South Community Association asked Poilievre to get involved and solve the problem. He did.

Poilievre acted as a virtual real-estate agent in sorting out the complicated transaction. Having freed up the land for the first phase of Limebank Road improvements, he will press for a successful sale of the remaining acres needed to complete subsequent phases.

The intersection with Riverside Drive is now revamped and Limebank Road is being four-laned down to Tom Roberts Road. The ensuing phases will require more federal land to four-lane the street all the way to Spratt Road (2008) and Earl Armstrong Road (2009).

The NCC lands needed for the expansion are to be sold to the city by the end of October, while Natural Resources Canada and Transport Canada will need to sell several additional acres to the city shortly thereafter. Poilievre will work to ensure that this occurs without any interruptions.


Rural Landowner Protection

Over the last three years, there have been instances in which the Department of Fisheries (DFO), the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) and Parks Canada have intruded on the property rights of local landowners and blocked progress in the community. In one case, the RVCA delayed the construction of a school for an entire year due to an alleged discovery of three fish in a dried-out former stream. In another case, the DFO attempted to ban a local landowner from cleaning out his pre-existing drain, effectively forcing him to flood his own land as well as nearby Paden Road. In both cases, Poilievre stood by his community and successfully fought to overturn these government intrusions.

Residents can count on him to exercise common sense and to defend their property rights against over-zealous government bureaucrats.


Working with the NCC

Pierre Poilievre has proven himself capable of securing positive results from the National Capital Commission. Examples include the one-dollar rent deal for the Queensway-Carleton Hospital, the Limebank Road land transfer, and successful resolutions of rental disputes between community groups and the NCC. 

Poilievre’s considerable experience will prove particularly useful if the Civic Hospital relocates to NCC land at the corner of Woodroffe Avenue and Hunt Club Road.

The National Capital Commission has dramatically improved its working relationship with communities and residents, and Poilievre will work with Chairman Russell Mills to seek additional improvements.

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Authorized by the official agent for Pierre Poilievre