The Honourable Colin Kenny, Senator

Hi...Glad you found me! On my site, you can find out about issues I am working on such as youth and tobacco, defence policy, alternative transportation fuels, and more! Please visit my guestbook while you're here and find out why I'm just wild about Harry!

The Honourable Colin Kenny, Senator
Senate of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A4
Toll Free 1-800-267-7362
(613) 996-2877
Fax (613) 996-3737

(En Français)
For those who know what they want...
News Opinions & Editorials National Security & Defence
Smoking Alternative Fuels Archived News Senate
 Biography Private Members Legislation Links Guest Book

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Senate Information and Links

What's the Senate good for anyway?

News, events, announcements...

Don't believe the hype! Things are happening here!

On my mind...

Cigarettes, Flight Attendants, Senate potshots...Intrigued?

National Security & Defence

We stand on guard for thee!

The Tobacco Youth Protection Act

                        Introducing Bill S-15.

                    Introducing Bill S-20.

    Youth and Smoking Youth and Smoking

Cool sticks or Cancer sticks?

The Alternative Fuels Act

David Suzuki might give this Act two green thumbs up!

Senator Kenny's Private Members Legislation

Bet you thought all Senators did was snooze.

The scoop on Senator Kenny

Bio, Committee Work, Legislation, Attendance

Guest Book and Contact Info

Please sign my guest book. Let me know what you think!

To the Land O'Links

Online Resources, Search Engines, Key Addresses

Don't mind the cobwebs...

Old news, releases & announcements

I know I said something about a hereditary Senate...

Published Material Index

Last Updated: October 16, 2006

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