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The Honourable Nick G. Sibbeston
Senator for the Northwest Territories
Sénateur -  Territoires du Nord-ouest


Welcome to my Web-site!

As Senator, it is my job to represent the people of the NWT in the Senate of Canada and to help promote the interests of the territory in Ottawa.  It's also important that I keep people back home informed of what I do.  To achieve that I write articles for the News/North, send out occasional newsletters and visit NWT communities as often as my schedule and budget allow.

This web-site is also designed to inform northerners about my activities and to give them a chance to let me know their concerns as well.  At the bottom of this page, you can click on MAIL to send an e-mail to my office in Ottawa.

The left navigation bar connects to pages about my proposal to change the name of the NWT (where you can also give detailed feedback) as well as articles that have appeared in NewsNorth, speeches from the Senate, background information on several topical issues and pictures and links of interest to those in the North.

A recent addition is the commemorative brochure produced to honour T'licho Recognition Day.  Four hundred copies of the brochure were printed and distributed to all Senators, involved MPs, NWT MLAs, Chiefs and other leaders.  Nearly half of the brochues were provided directly to the new 'licho government.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my web-site.

  Updated:    May 9 and 18, 2006

New this Update


My first question as a member of the opposition (Speeches)


The most recent news article (News Articles)


My views on the Nahanni Park expansion (Nahanni Park)


Some new photos -- at the bottom of this page


Report on parks and aboriginal languages from a recent trip to British Columbia


Changes in Committee duties


My first Senate speech of 2006


Contact Information (no postage required)

Senator Nick Sibbeston

Room 351, East Block

Parliament Hill

Ottawa, ON

K1A 0A4

Toll Free: 1-800-267-7362

E-Mail me!

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