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Committees House of Commons
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House of Commons Committees
Select a Session:
39th Parliament
1st 03/04/2006
38th Parliament
1st 04/10/2004-29/11/2005
37th Parliament
3rd 02/02/2004-23/05/2004
2nd 30/09/2002-12/11/2003
1st 29/01/2001-16/09/2002
36th Parliament
2nd 12/10/1999-22/10/2000
1st 22/09/1997-18/09/1999
35th Parliament
2nd 27/02/1996-27/04/1997
1st 17/01/1994-02/02/1996
Reports and Responses

A standing, special or legislative committee may make its views known to the House and brings forward recommendations on matters it has studied by presenting a report to the House. Under Standing Order 109, a standing or special committee may request that the government table a comprehensive response to its report within 120 days of the presentation of the report.

For more information about committee reports and government responses, please consult Committees - A Practical Guide.

Table of Contents

  • Legislative Committee on Bill C-38
  • Report 1 - Bill C-38, An Act respecting certain aspects of legal capacity for marriage for civil purposes (Adopted by the Committee on June 15, 2005; Presented to the House on June 16, 2005)
    Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
  • Report 7 - Bill C-71, An Act respecting the regulation of commercial and industrial undertakings on reserve lands (Adopted by the Committee on November 21, 2005; Presented to the House on November 22, 2005)
  • Report 5 - Walking Arm-in-Arm to Resolve the Issue of On-Reserve Matrimonial Real Property (Adopted by the Committee on June 2, 2005; Presented to the House on June 8, 2005)
  • Report 4 - Study on the Effectiveness of the Government Alternative Dispute Resolution Process for the Resolution of Indian Residential School Claims (Adopted by the Committee on March 24, 2005; Presented to the House on April 7, 2005; Concurred in by the House on April 12, 2005)
  • Report 3 - Slaughtering of Inuit dogs ("Qimmiit") (Adopted by the Committee on March 10, 2005; Presented to the House on March 11, 2005; Concurred in by the House on June 8, 2005)
    Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics
  • Report 7 - Open Government Act (Adopted by the Committee on November 17, 2005; Presented to the House on November 21, 2005)
  • Report 6 - Supplementary Estimates (A) 2005-2006 (Adopted by the Committee on November 15, 2005; Presented to the House on November 16, 2005)
  • Report 5 - Extension of appointment of Information Commissioner (Adopted by the Committee on May 10, 2005; Presented to the House on May 11, 2005; Concurred in by the House on June 15, 2005)
  • Report 4 - A New Process for Funding Officers of Parliament (Adopted by the Committee on May 5, 2005; Presented to the House on May 10, 2005; Concurred in by the House on October 5, 2005)
  • Report 3 - Mandate of the Committee (Adopted by the Committee on December 8, 2004; Presented to the House on December 14, 2004)
  • Report 2 - Supplementary Estimates (A) 2004-2005: Vote 45a (Office of the Privacy Commissioner) under JUSTICE (Adopted by the Committee on December 1st, 2004; Presented to the House on December 2, 2004)
    Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food
  • Report 10 - Final Report: Financial analysis relative to meat packing companies in the context of the BSE crisis of 2003 (Adopted by the Committee on November 21, 2005; Presented to the House on November 28, 2005)
  • Report 9 - World Trade Organization negotiations on agriculture (Adopted by the Committee on November 21, 2005; Presented to the House on November 24, 2005)
  • Report 8 - Riding Mountain National Park Bovine tuberculosis monitoring and eradication programs (Adopted by the Committee on October 27, 2005; Presented to the House on November 2, 2005)
  • Report 5 - Main Estimates 2005-2006, Votes 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 under AGRICULTURE AND AGRI-FOOD (Adopted by the Committee on May 17, 2005; Presented to the House on May 18, 2005)
  • Report 4 - Bill C-40, An Act to amend the Canada Grain Act and the Canada Transportation Act (Adopted by the Committee on May 10, 2005; Presented to the House on May 12, 2005)
  • Report 3 - From a Management Crisis, to Becoming Better Crisis Managers: The 2004 Avian Influenza Outbreak in British Columbia (Adopted by the Committee on April 14, 2005; Presented to the House on April 19, 2005; Concurred in by the House on May 2, 2005)
  • Report 2 - Status Report: Financial Analysis Relative to Meat Packing Companies in the Context of the BSE Crisis of 2003 - Phase I (Adopted by the Committee on February 1st, 2005; Presented to the House on February 14, 2005)
  • Report 1 - Main Estimates 2004-2005: Votes 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 under Agriculture and Agri-Food (Adopted by the Committee on November 18, 2004; Presented to the House on November 23, 2004)
    Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage
  • Report 19 - Canadian Feature Film Industry (Adopted by the Committee on November 23, 2005; Presented to the House on November 24, 2005)
  • Report 18 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (Adopted by the Committee on November 22, 2005; Presented to the House on November 24, 2005)
  • Report 17 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (Adopted by the Committee on November 15, 2005; Presented to the House on November 16, 2005)
  • Report 16 - Bill S-37, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Cultural Property Export and Import Act (Adopted by the Committee on November 15, 2005; Presented to the House on November 16, 2005)
  • Report 15 - Bill C-333, Chinese Canadian Recognition and Redress Act (Adopted by the Committee on November 3, 2005; Presented to the House on November 4, 2005)
  • Report 14 - Bill C-331, Ukrainian Canadian Restitution Act (Adopted by the Committee on November 1st, 2005; Presented to the House on November 3, 2005)
  • Report 12 - Bill C-333, Chinese Canadian Recognition and Redress Act (Adopted by the Committee on September 29, 2005; Presented to the House on October 3, 2005)
  • Report 11 - Bill C-331, Ukrainian Canadian Restitution Act (Adopted by the Committee on September 29, 2005; Presented to the House on October 3, 2005)
  • Report 10 - Interim Report on the Canadian Feature Film Industry (Adopted by the Committee on June 14, 2005; Presented to the House on June 20, 2005)
  • Report 9 - Canadian Feature Film Industry (Adopted by the Committee on May 19, 2005; Presented to the House on May 19, 2005)
  • Report 7 - CBC / Radio-Canada - Programming goals and objectives (Adopted by the Committee on February 3, 2005; Presented to the House on February 7, 2005)
  • Report 6 - Certificate of nomination of S. Wayne Clarkson to the position of Executive Director of Telefilm Canada (Adopted by the Committee on December 1st, 2004; Presented to the House on December 3, 2004)
  • Report 5 - Bill C-18, An Act to amend the Telefilm Canada Act and another Act (Adopted by the Committee on December 1st, 2004; Presented to the House on December 3, 2004)
  • Report 4 - Supplementary Estimates (A) 2004-2005: Votes 1a, 5a, 35a, 45a, 46a, 55a, 60a, 75a and 95a under Department of Canadian Heritage (Adopted by the Committee on November 29, 2004; Presented to the House on December 1st, 2004)
  • Report 2 - Copyright Reform (Adopted by the Committee on November 3, 2004; Presented to the House on November 4, 2004)
  • Report 1 - Canadian Broadcasting System (Adopted by the Committee on November 3, 2004; Presented to the House on November 4, 2004)
    Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration
  • Report 16 - Temporary resident visas (Adopted by the Committee on November 17, 2005; Presented to the House on November 21, 2005)
  • Report 15 - Commemorative postage stamp (Adopted by the Committee on November 17, 2005; Presented to the House on November 21, 2005)
  • Report 14 - Bill C-283, An Act to amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (Adopted by the Committee on November 17, 2005; Presented to the House on November 21, 2005)
  • Report 13 - Supplementary Estimates (A) 2005-2006: Votes 1a, 5a and 10a under the Department of Citizenship and Imigration Canada (Adopted by the Committee on November 15, 2005; Presented to the House on November 17, 2005)
  • Report 12 - Updating Canada's Citizenship Laws : It's Time (Adopted by the Committee on October 4, 2005; Presented to the House on October 6, 2005)
  • Report 11 - Bill C-283, An Act to amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (Adopted by the Committee on June 23, 2005; Presented to the House on June 27, 2005; Concurred in by the House on June 28, 2005)
  • Report 10 - Citizenship Revocation: A Question of Due Process and Respecting Charter of Rights (Adopted by the Committee on May 31, 2005; Presented to the House on June 7, 2005; Concurred in by the House on June 16, 2005)
  • Report 7 - 2000 Stateless Vietnamese Refugees in the Philippines (Adopted by the Committee on March 22, 2005; Presented to the House on March 24, 2005)
  • Report 6 - Supplementary Estimates (B) 2005: Vote 1b, 2b and 5b under the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (Adopted by the Committee on March 8, 2005; Presented to the House on March 9, 2005)
  • Report 5 - Bill S-2, An Act to amend the Citizenship Act (Adopted by the Committee on February 24, 2005; Presented to the House on February 25, 2005)
  • Report 4 - Procedures on how to review Order in Council appointments (Adopted by the Committee on February 15, 2005; Presented to the House on February 17, 2005; Concurred in by the House on May 31, 2005)
  • Report 3 - Updating Canada's Citizenship Laws: issues to be addressed (Adopted by the Committee on November 25, 2004; Presented to the House on November 30, 2004; Concurred in by the House on June 8, 2005)
  • Report 2 - Supplementary Estimates (A) 2004-2005: Votes 1a, 5a and 10a under the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (Adopted by the Committee on November 4, 2004; Presented to the House on November 30, 2004)
  • Report 1 - Main Estimates 2004-2005: Votes 1, 5 and 10 under the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (Adopted by the Committee on November 2, 2004; Presented to the House on November 3, 2004)
    Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development
  • Report 7 - Finding the Energy to Act: Reducing Canada's Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Adopted by the Committee on June 28, 2005; Presented to the House on June 28, 2005)
  • Report 5 - Bill C-43, Part 15, Amendments To The Canadian Environmental Protection Act 1999 (Adopted by the Committee on April 12, 2005; Presented to the House on April 13, 2005)
  • Report 4 - Certificate of nomination of Glen Murray (Adopted by the Committee on March 22, 2005; Presented to the House on March 24, 2005; Concurred in by the House on April 6, 2005)
  • Report 3 - Bill C-15, An Act to amend the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (Adopted by the Committee on December 2, 2004; Presented to the House on December 6, 2004)
  • Report 2 - The Great Lakes Charter Annex 2001 Implementing Agreements (Adopted by the Committee on November 25, 2004; Presented to the House on November 26, 2004)
    Standing Committee on Finance
  • Report 19 - Bill C-273, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (deduction for volunteer emergency service) (Adopted by the Committee on November 17, 2005; Presented to the House on November 21, 2005)
  • Report 18 - Bill C-57, An Act to amend certain Acts in relation to financial institutions (Adopted by the Committee on November 17, 2005; Presented to the House on November 18, 2005)
  • Report 17 - Bill C-265, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (exemption from taxation of 50% of United States social security payments to Canadian residents) (Adopted by the Committee on October 6, 2005; Presented to the House on October 24, 2005; Concurred in by the House on October 26, 2005)
  • Report 16 - Bill C-285, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (exclusion of income received by an athlete from a non-profit club, society or association) (Adopted by the Committee on October 6, 2005; Presented to the House on October 24, 2005; Concurred in by the House on October 26, 2005)
  • Report 15 - Bill C-273, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (deduction for volunteer emergency service) (Adopted by the Committee on June 28, 2005; Presented to the House on September 27, 2005; Concurred in by the House on September 28, 2005)
  • Report 14 - Bill C-48, An Act to authorize the Minister of Finance to make certain payments (Adopted by the Committee on June 13, 2005; Presented to the House on June 14, 2005)
  • Report 13 - Study on Fiscal Imbalance (Adopted by the Committee on June 7, 2005; Presented to the House on June 9, 2005)
  • Report 12 - Bill C-43, An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on February 23, 2005 (Adopted by the Committee on June 7, 2005; Presented to the House on June 8, 2005)
  • Report 11 - Bill C-259, An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act (elimination of excise tax on jewellery) (Adopted by the Committee on May 19, 2005; Presented to the House on May 30, 2005)
  • Report 10 - Main Estimates 2005-2006: Vote 1 and 5 under Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (Adopted by the Committee on May 12, 2005; Presented to the House on May 11, 2005)
  • Report 9 - Main Estimates 2005-2006: Votes 1, 5, 10, L15, 30 and 35 under Finance (Adopted by the Committee on April 14, 2005; Presented to the House on April 20, 2005)
  • Report 7 - Bill C-33, A second Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 23, 2004 (Adopted by the Committee on February 10, 2005; Presented to the House on February 15, 2005)
  • Report 4 - Study on Small Business Tax Measures: The Cooperatives (Adopted by the Committee on December 14, 2004; Presented to the House on December 21, 2004)
  • Report 3 - Pre-budget consultations 2004 (Adopted by the Committee on December 13, 2004; Presented to the House on December 20, 2004; Concurred in by the House on May 30, 2005)
    Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans
  • Report 4 - Northern Cod: A Failure of Canadian Fisheries Management (Adopted by the Committee on November 23, 2005; Presented to the House on November 25, 2005)
  • Report 3 - Aquatic Invasive Species (Adopted by the Committee on June 9, 2005; Presented to the House on June 9, 2005)
  • Government Response: Third Report of the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans (Aquatic Invasive Species) (Presented to the House on October 6, 2005)
  • Report 2 - The 2004 Fraser River sockeye salmon harvest. (Adopted by the Committee on March 10, 2005; Presented to the House on March 22, 2005; Concurred in by the House on October 5, 2005)
  • Report 1 - Canadian Coast Guard (Adopted by the Committee on October 27, 2004; Presented to the House on October 27, 2004)
    Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade
  • Report 17 - Bill S-36, An Act to amend the Export and Import of Rough Diamonds Act (Adopted by the Committee on November 22, 2005; Presented to the House on November 23, 2005)
  • Report 16 - Participation of the State of Israel in the United Nations (Adopted by the Committee on June 23, 2005; Presented to the House on June 28, 2005)
  • Report 15 - Elements of an Emerging Markets Strategy for Canada (Adopted by the Committee on June 20, 2005; Presented to the House on June 22, 2005)
  • Report 14 - Mining in Developing Countries-Corporate Social Responsibilty (Adopted by the Committee on June 20, 2005; Presented to the House on June 22, 2005)
  • Report 13 - Chrysotile Asbestos (Adopted by the Committee on June 16, 2005; Presented to the House on June 17, 2005)
  • Report 12 - International Aid (Adopted by the Committee on June 9, 2005; Presented to the House on June 13, 2005; Concurred in by the House on June 28, 2005)
  • Report 11 - The Humanitarian Crisis in Darfur (Adopted by the Committee on June 9, 2005; Presented to the House on June 13, 2005)
  • Report 10 - United Nations Oil-for-Food scandal investigation (Adopted by the Committee on May 19, 2005; Presented to the House on May 31, 2005)
  • Report 9 - Dispute Settlement in the NAFTA: Fixing an Agreement under Siege (Adopted by the Committee on May 17, 2005; Presented to the House on May 18, 2005)
  • Report 8 - Main Estimates 2005-2006: Votes 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, L25, L30, L35, 40 and 45 under Foreign Affairs (Adopted by the Committee on May 17, 2005; Presented to the House on May 18, 2005)
  • Report 7 - The Eritrea-Ethiopia Border Question (Adopted by the Committee on May 5, 2005; Presented to the House on May 10, 2005)
  • Report 6 - Status of Taiwan vis-à-vis the World Health Organization (WHO) (Adopted by the Committee on May 3, 2005; Presented to the House on May 4, 2005)
  • Report 5 - General elections in Ethiopia (Adopted by the Committee on April 21, 2005; Presented to the House on April 22, 2005)
  • Report 4 - Bill C-25, An Act governing the operation of remote sensing space systems (Adopted by the Committee on April 5, 2005; Presented to the House on April 6, 2005)
  • Report 3 - Supplementary Estimates (B) 2005: Votes 1b, 10b, 15b, 20b and L25b under Foreign Affairs (Adopted by the Committee on March 10, 2005; Presented to the House on March 10, 2005)
  • Report 2 - Human Rights in Burma (Adopted by the Committee on December 13, 2004; Presented to the House on December 15, 2004; Concurred in by the House on May 18, 2005)
  • Report 1 - Exploring Canada's Relations with Countries of the Muslim World (Adopted by the Committee on October 20, 2004; Presented to the House on October 26, 2004)
    Subcommittee on Human Rights and International Development of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade
  • Mining in Developing Countries - Corporate Social Responsibility (Presented to the House as Report 14 of the Standing Committee)
    Subcommittee on International Trade, Trade Disputes and Investment of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade
  • Elements of an Emerging Markets Strategy for Canada (Presented to the House as Report 15 of the Standing Committee)
  • Chrysotile Asbestos (Presented to the House as Report 13 of the Standing Committee)
  • Dispute Settlement in the NAFTA: Fixing an Agreement under Siege (Presented to the House as Report 9 of the Standing Committee)
    Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates
  • Report 10 - Leasing agreement between the Federal Government and Alexis Nihon REIT (Adopted by the Committee on June 28, 2005; Presented to the House on October 26, 2005)
  • Report 8 - Failure of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services to appear before Committee (Adopted by the Committee on May 19, 2005; Presented to the House on June 8, 2005)
  • Report 6 - Time allowed for the study of the Supplementary Estimates (B) (Adopted by the Committee on March 22, 2005; Presented to the House on March 23, 2005; Concurred in by the House on May 17, 2005)
    Standing Committee on Health
  • Report 17 - Bill C-420, An Act to amend the Food and Drugs Act (definitions of "drug" and "food") (Adopted by the Committee on November 22, 2005; Presented to the House on November 23, 2005)
  • Report 16 - Silicone gel-filled breast implants (Adopted by the Committee on November 2, 2005; Presented to the House on November 4, 2005; Concurred in by the House on November 4, 2005)
  • Report 15 - External Performance Audits (Adopted by the Committee on June 13, 2005; Presented to the House on June 14, 2005)
  • Report 14 - Internet Pharmacies (Adopted by the Committee on June 2, 2005; Presented to the House on June 6, 2005; Concurred in by the House on October 5, 2005)
  • Report 13 - Bill C-420, An Act to amend the Food and Drugs Act (definitions of "drug" and "food") (Adopted by the Committee on May 17, 2005; Presented to the House on June 1st, 2005; Concurred in by the House on June 23, 2005)
  • Report 12 - Tobacco issues related to compliance with the Tobacco Act, cigarette smuggling and combating tobacco use (Adopted by the Committee on May 19, 2005; Presented to the House on May 31, 2005)
  • Report 11 - Bill C-28, An Act to amend the Food and Drugs Act (interim marketing authorizations) (Adopted by the Committee on May 10, 2005; Presented to the House on May 11, 2005)
  • Report 10 - Main Estimates 2005-2006: Votes 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 under HEALTH (Adopted by the Committee on April 21, 2005; Presented to the House on May 4, 2005)
  • Report 9 - New strategy for the prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (Adopted by the Committee on April 14, 2005; Presented to the House on April 15, 2005; Concurred in by the House on April 19, 2005)
  • Report 8 - Bill C-206, An Act to amend the Food and Drugs Act (warning labels regarding the consumption of alcohol) (Adopted by the Committee on April 7, 2005; Presented to the House on April 11, 2005)
  • Report 7 - Hepatitis C (Adopted by the Committee on March 21, 2005; Presented to the House on March 22, 2005; Concurred in by the House on April 20, 2005)
  • Report 6 - Proposed Regulations Amending the Tobacco Reporting Regulations (Adopted by the Committee on March 21, 2005; Presented to the House on March 22, 2005)
  • Report 5 - Proposed Regulations Amending the Tobacco Reporting Regulations (Adopted by the Committee on March 21, 2005; Presented to the House on March 22, 2005; Concurred in by the House on March 23, 2005)
  • Report 4 - Proposed Regulations Amending the Tobacco Reporting Regulations (Adopted by the Committee on February 14, 2005; Presented to the House on February 16, 2005)
  • Report 3 - Proposed Cigarette Ignition Propensity Regulations (Adopted by the Committee on December 14, 2004; Presented to the House on December 15, 2004)
  • Report 2 - Bill C-12, An Act to prevent the introduction and spread of communicable diseases (Adopted by the Committee on December 8, 2004; Presented to the House on December 13, 2004)
  • Report 1 - Hepatitis C (Adopted by the Committee on October 28, 2004; Presented to the House on November 1st, 2004)
    Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities
  • Report 11 - 2004-2005 Annual Report on the Administration of the Centennial Flame Research Award Act (Adopted by the Committee on November 28, 2005; Presented to the House on November 28, 2005)
  • Report 10 - Summer Career Placement Program (Adopted by the Committee on November 22, 2005; Presented to the House on November 23, 2005)
  • Report 7 - Provisions of Bill C-280 (Adopted by the Committee on June 2, 2005; Presented to the House on June 6, 2005)
  • Report 6 - New Human Resources and Skills Development Canada call for proposals Criteria for Funding Community Programs (Adopted by the Committee on May 17, 2005; Presented to the House on May 18, 2005)
  • Report 5 - Bill C-22, An Act to establish the Department of Social Development and to amend and repeal certain related Acts (Adopted by the Committee on February 17, 2005; Presented to the House on February 22, 2005)
  • Report 3 - Study on Employment Insurance Funds (Adopted by the Committee on February 8, 2005; Presented to the House on February 15, 2005)
  • Report 2 - Study on Employment Insurance Funds (Adopted by the Committee on December 14, 2004; Presented to the House on January 31, 2005)
  • Report 1 - Bill C-5, An Act to provide financial assistance for post-secondary education savings (Adopted by the Committee on November 25, 2004; Presented to the House on November 26, 2004)
    Subcommittee on the Status of Persons with Disabilities of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities
  • Issues related to accessibility for persons with disabilities within the Federal Public Service (Presented to the House as Report 8 of the Standing Committee)
  • 2004-2005 Annual Report on the Administration of the Centennial Flame Research Award Act (Presented to the House as Report 2 of the Standing Committee)
    Standing Committee on Industry, Natural Resources, Science and Technology
  • Report 7 - Bill S-18, An Act to amend the Statistics Act (Adopted by the Committee on June 16, 2005; Presented to the House on June 16, 2005)
  • Report 6 - Bill C-37, An Act to amend the Telecommunications Act (Adopted by the Committee on June 8, 2005; Presented to the House on June 13, 2005)
  • Report 4 - Certificate of nomination of Peter D. Clark to the position of Executive Director of the Standards Council of Canada (Adopted by the Committee on April 13, 2005; Presented to the House on April 14, 2005)
  • Report 3 - Bill C-9, An Act to establish the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec (Adopted by the Committee on February 22, 2005; Presented to the House on February 24, 2005)
  • Report 2 - Certificate of nomination of Pierre Coulombe to the position of President, National Research Council Canada (Adopted by the Committee on February 7, 2005; Presented to the House on February 8, 2005)
  • Report 1 - Bill C-29, An Act to amend the Patent Act (Adopted by the Committee on February 2, 2005; Presented to the House on February 3, 2005)
    Standing Committee on Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
  • Report 19 - Bill C-215, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (consecutive sentence for use of firearm in commission of offence) (Adopted by the Committee on November 28, 2005; Presented to the House on November 28, 2005)
  • Report 18 - Study on the process for appointment to the Federal Judiciary (Adopted by the Committee on November 28, 2005; Presented to the House on November 28, 2005)
  • Report 16 - Bill C-16, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (impaired driving) and to make consequential amendments to other Acts (Adopted by the Committee on November 3, 2005; Presented to the House on November 14, 2005)
  • Report 14 - Bill C-215, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (consecutive sentence for use of firearm in commission of offence) (Adopted by the Committee on October 25, 2005; Presented to the House on October 31, 2005; Concurred in by the House on November 1st, 2005)
  • Report 13 - Bill C-49, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (trafficking in persons) (Adopted by the Committee on October 4, 2005; Presented to the House on October 5, 2005)
  • Report 11 - Study of the process by which judges are appointed (Adopted by the Committee on May 19, 2005; Presented to the House on May 30, 2005)
  • Report 10 - Bill C-13, An Act to amend the Criminal Code, the DNA Identification Act and the National Defence Act (Adopted by the Committee on May 10, 2005; Presented to the House on May 12, 2005)
  • Report 9 - Certificate of nomination of Yves Le Bouthillier to the position of President of the Law Commission of Canada (Adopted by the Committee on May 5, 2005; Presented to the House on May 9, 2005)
  • Report 7 - Study of the process by which judges are appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada (Adopted by the Committee on April 19, 2005; Presented to the House on April 21, 2005)
  • Report 6 - Study on the closing of RCMP detachments (Adopted by the Committee on April 6, 2005; Presented to the House on April 13, 2005; Concurred in by the House on October 5, 2005)
  • Report 5 - Bill C-26, An Act to establish the Canada Border Services Agency (Adopted by the Committee on March 2, 2005; Presented to the House on March 7, 2005)
  • Report 4 - Study on the closing of RCMP detachments (Adopted by the Committee on December 7, 2004; Presented to the House on December 10, 2004; Concurred in by the House on May 4, 2005)
  • Report 3 - Bill C-10, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (mental disorder) and to make consequential amendments to other Acts (Adopted by the Committee on December 8, 2004; Presented to the House on December 10, 2004)
  • Report 2 - Main Estimates 2004-2005: Votes 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 50 under JUSTICE (Adopted by the Committee on November 29, 2004; Presented to the House on November 30, 2004)
  • Report 1 - Bill C-6, An Act to establish the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness and to amend or repeal certain Acts (Adopted by the Committee on November 3, 2004; Presented to the House on November 4, 2004)
    Standing Committee on National Defence and Veterans Affairs
  • Report 1 - Procurement of Canada's Victoria Class Submarines (Adopted by the Committee on April 13, 2005; Presented to the House on April 18, 2005)
    Standing Committee on Official Languages
  • Report 5 - Supplementary Estimates (A) 2005-2006: Vote 20a under PRIVY COUNCIL (Adopted by the Committee on November 17, 2005; Presented to the House on November 23, 2005)
  • Report 4 - Bill S-3, An Act to amend the Official Languages Act (promotion of English and French) (Adopted by the Committee on October 20, 2005; Presented to the House on October 21, 2005)
  • Report 3 - CBC / Radio-Canada Lockout (Adopted by the Committee on September 29, 2005; Presented to the House on October 3, 2005)
  • Report 2 - Bilingualism in Public Service (Adopted by the Committee on May 19, 2005; Presented to the House on May 19, 2005)
  • Report 1 - Government Response to the 3rd Report (37-3) (Adopted by the Committee on October 28, 2004; Presented to the House on November 1st, 2004)
    Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs
  • Report 54 - Private Members' Business (Presented to the House on November 24, 2005)
  • Report 53 - Bill C-63, An Act to amend An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (Adopted by the Committee on November 17, 2005; Presented to the House on November 18, 2005)
  • Report 52 - Bill C-312, An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act (appointment of returning officers) (Adopted by the Committee on November 17, 2005; Presented to the House on November 18, 2005)
  • Report 51 - Question of privilege relating to an inquiry conducted by the Ethics Commissioner (Adopted by the Committee on November 17, 2005; Presented to the House on November 18, 2005)
  • Report 50 - Membership Report (Presented to the House on November 2, 2005)
  • Report 49 - Membership Report (Presented to the House on October 19, 2005)
  • Report 48 - Striking of membership of Standing and Standing Joint Committees (Presented to the House on October 7, 2005; Concurred in by the House on October 7, 2005)
  • Report 47 - Proposed appointment of Audrey O'Brien to the position of Clerk of the House of Commons (Adopted by the Committee on October 6, 2005; Presented to the House on October 6, 2005)
  • Report 46 - Private Members' Business (Presented to the House on September 29, 2005)
  • Report 45 - Private Members' Business (Presented to the House on September 26, 2005)
  • Report 44 - Question of privilege relating to mailings sent to various ridings (Adopted by the Committee on June 21, 2005; Presented to the House on June 22, 2005)
  • Report 43 - Electoral Reform (Adopted by the Committee on June 7, 2005; Presented to the House on June 22, 2005)
  • Report 42 - Membership Report (Presented to the House on June 15, 2005; Concurred in by the House on June 15, 2005)
  • Report 41 - Membership Report (Presented to the House on June 6, 2005; Concurred in by the House on June 6, 2005)
  • Report 40 - Membership Report (Presented to the House on June 1st, 2005; Concurred in by the House on June 1st, 2005)
  • Report 39 - Membership Report (Presented to the House on May 18, 2005; Concurred in by the House on May 18, 2005)
  • Report 38 - Question of privilege relating to mailings sent to the riding of Windsor West (Adopted by the Committee on May 10, 2005; Presented to the House on May 11, 2005)
  • Report 37 - Private Members' Business (Adopted by the Committee on May 10, 2005; Presented to the House on May 11, 2005)
  • Report 36 - Main Estimates 2005-2006: Vote 15 (Office of the Chief Electoral Officer) under PRIVY COUNCIL (Adopted by the Committee on May 5, 2005; Presented to the House on May 6, 2005)
  • Report 35 - Review of Standing Orders, procedure and practice of the House (Adopted by the Committee on April 22, 2005; Presented to the House on April 22, 2005)
  • Report 34 - Membership Report (Presented to the House on April 18, 2005; Concurred in by the House on April 18, 2005)
  • Report 33 - Main Estimates 2005-2006: Vote 5 (House of Commons) under PARLIAMENT (Adopted by the Committee on April 14, 2005; Presented to the House on April 15, 2005)
  • Report 32 - Membership Report (Presented to the House on April 13, 2005; Concurred in by the House on April 13, 2005)
  • Report 31 - Membership Report (Presented to the House on April 11, 2005; Concurred in by the House on April 11, 2005)
  • Report 30 - Review of Standing Orders, procedure and practice of the House (Adopted by the Committee on March 22, 2005; Presented to the House on March 23, 2005; Concurred in by the House on March 23, 2005)
  • Report 29 - Striking of membership of the Legislative Committee on Bill C-38 (Presented to the House on February 24, 2005; Concurred in by the House on February 24, 2005)
  • Report 28 - Question of privilege relating to the usurpation of the title of Member of Parliament by Serge Marcil (Adopted by the Committee on February 22, 2005; Presented to the House on February 23, 2005; Concurred in by the House on February 23, 2005)
  • Report 26 - Parliamentary Reform (Adopted by the Committee on February 8, 2005; Presented to the House on February 9, 2005; Concurred in by the House on February 9, 2005)
  • Report 25 - Membership Report (Presented to the House on February 8, 2005; Concurred in by the House on February 8, 2005)
  • Report 24 - Membership Report (Presented to the House on February 8, 2005; Concurred in by the House on February 8, 2005)
  • Report 23 - Membership Report (Presented to the House on February 2, 2005; Concurred in by the House on February 2, 2005)
  • Report 22 - Membership Report (Presented to the House on February 1st, 2005; Concurred in by the House on February 1st, 2005)
  • Report 21 - Question of privilege relating to the free movement of Members within the parliamentary precinct during the visit of President George W. Bush (Adopted by the Committee on December 14, 2004; Presented to the House on December 15, 2004; Concurred in by the House on May 17, 2005)
  • Report 20 - Mandate of the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics (Adopted by the Committee on December 14, 2004; Presented to the House on December 14, 2004; Concurred in by the House on December 14, 2004)
  • Report 19 - Election of Members to the House (Adopted by the Committee on December 7, 2004; Presented to the House on December 7, 2004)
  • Report 18 - Membership Report (Presented to the House on December 2, 2004; Concurred in by the House on December 2, 2004)
  • Report 17 - Membership Report (Presented to the House on November 29, 2004; Concurred in by the House on November 29, 2004)
  • Report 16 - Report from the Subcommittee on Private Members' Business on Bill C-268 (Adopted by the Committee on November 25, 2004; Presented to the House on November 26, 2004; Concurred in by the House on December 3, 2004)
  • Report 15 - Membership Report (Presented to the House on November 19, 2004; Concurred in by the House on November 19, 2004)
  • Report 14 - Privileges, powers and immunities of the House of Commons (Adopted by the Committee on November 18, 2004; Presented to the House on November 18, 2004; Concurred in by the House on November 18, 2004)
  • Report 13 - Membership Report (Presented to the House on November 1st, 2004; Concurred in by the House on November 1st, 2004)
  • Report 12 - Private Members' Business (Adopted by the Committee on October 28, 2004; Presented to the House on October 29, 2004; Concurred in by the House on October 29, 2004)
  • Report 11 - Review of Standing Orders (Adopted by the Committee on October 28, 2004; Presented to the House on October 29, 2004; Concurred in by the House on October 29, 2004)
  • Report 10 - Main Estimates 2004-2005: Vote 25 (Office of the Chief Electoral Officer) under PRIVY COUNCIL (Adopted by the Committee on October 28, 2004; Presented to the House on October 29, 2004)
  • Report 9 - Main Estimates 2004-2005: Vote 5 (House of Commons) under PARLIAMENT (Adopted by the Committee on October 28, 2004; Presented to the House on October 29, 2004)
  • Report 8 - Review of Standing Orders (Adopted by the Committee on October 21, 2004; Presented to the House on October 22, 2004; Concurred in by the House on October 22, 2004)
  • Report 7 - Election of Members to the House (Adopted by the Committee on October 21, 2004; Presented to the House on October 22, 2004)
  • Report 6 - Private Members' Business (Adopted by the Committee on October 19, 2004; Presented to the House on October 20, 2004)
  • Report 5 - Broadcasting of committee proceedings (Adopted by the Committee on October 19, 2004; Presented to the House on October 20, 2004)
  • Report 4 - Membership Report (Presented to the House on October 20, 2004; Concurred in by the House on October 20, 2004)
  • Report 3 - Membership Report (Presented to the House on October 14, 2004; Concurred in by the House on October 14, 2004)
  • Report 2 - Membership Report (Presented to the House on October 12, 2004; Concurred in by the House on October 12, 2004)
  • Report 1 - Striking of membership of Standing and Standing Joint Committees (Presented to the House on October 7, 2004; Concurred in by the House on October 7, 2004)
    Subcommittee on Private Members' Business of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs
  • Review of the Provisional Standing Orders concerning Private Members' Business (Presented to the House as Report 37 of the Standing Committee)
  • Determination of non-votable items pursuant to provisional Standing Order 91.1(1) (Presented to the House as Report 16 of the Standing Committee)
    Standing Committee on Public Accounts
  • Report 22 - Chapter 3, Passport Office - Passport Services of the April 2005 Report of the Auditor General of Canada (Adopted by the Committee on November 17, 2005; Presented to the House on November 22, 2005)
  • Report 21 - Public Accounts of Canada 2005 (Adopted by the Committee on October 27, 2005; Presented to the House on October 31, 2005)
  • Report 20 - Bill C-277, An Act to amend the Auditor General Act (audit of accounts) (Adopted by the Committee on October 4, 2005; Presented to the House on October 5, 2005; Concurred in by the House on October 18, 2005)
  • Report 19 - Management of Public Opinion Research (Adopted by the Committee on June 22, 2005; Presented to the House on June 28, 2005)
  • Government Response: 19th Report of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts , "Management of Public Opinion Research" (Presented to the House on October 18, 2005)
  • Report 18 - National Security in Canada (Adopted by the Committee on June 20, 2005; Presented to the House on June 23, 2005)
  • Government Response: 18th Report of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts, "National Security in Canada" (Presented to the House on October 20, 2005)
  • Report 16 - Request for an extension of 30 days to consider Bill C-277 (Adopted by the Committee on June 8, 2005; Presented to the House on June 9, 2005; Concurred in by the House on June 9, 2005)
  • Report 14 - Chapter 1, Information Technology Security of the February 2005 Report of the Auditor General of Canada (Adopted by the Committee on June 1st, 2005; Presented to the House on June 7, 2005)
  • Report 13 - Report on Plans and Priorities 2005-2006 of the Office of the Auditor General of Canada (Adopted by the Committee on June 1st, 2005; Presented to the House on June 7, 2005)
  • Report 12 - Chapter 4, Accountability of Foundations of the February 2005 Report of the Auditor General of Canada (Adopted by the Committee on May 30, 2005; Presented to the House on June 2, 2005)
  • Report 10 - Governance in the Public Service of Canada: Ministerial and Deputy-Ministerial Accountability (Adopted by the Committee on May 3, 2005; Presented to the House on May 10, 2005; Concurred in by the House on November 22, 2005)
  • Report 8 - Main Estimates 2005-2006: Vote 20 under FINANCE (Adopted by the Committee on April 4, 2005; Presented to the House on April 6, 2005)
  • Report 6 - Public Accounts of Canada 2004 (Adopted by the Committee on February 7, 2005; Presented to the House on February 8, 2005)
  • Report 5 - Supplementary Estimates (A) 2004-2005: Vote 20a under FINANCE (Adopted by the Committee on November 25, 2004; Presented to the House on November 29, 2004)
  • Report 4 - Main Estimates 2004-2005: Vote 20 under FINANCE (Adopted by the Committee on November 18, 2004; Presented to the House on November 22, 2004)
  • Report 2 - Chapter 3, the Sponsorship Program, Chapter 4, Advertising Activities and Chapter 5, Management of Public Opinion Research of the November 2003 Report of the Auditor General of Canada (Adopted by the Committee on October 28, 2004; Presented to the House on October 28, 2004; Concurred in by the House on June 1st, 2005)
    Standing Committee on the Status of Women
  • Report 5 - Interim Report on the Maternity and Parental Benefits Under Employment Insurance: The Exclusion of Self-Employed Workers (Adopted by the Committee on November 24, 2005; Presented to the House on November 28, 2005)
  • Report 4 - Pay Equity (Adopted by the Committee on June 9, 2005; Presented to the House on June 14, 2005)
  • Report 3 - Funding through the women's program: Women's groups speak out (Adopted by the Committee on May 17, 2005; Presented to the House on May 20, 2005)
  • Report 2 - Gender-Based Analysis: Building Blocks for Success (Adopted by the Committee on April 14, 2005; Presented to the House on April 19, 2005)
  • Report 1 - Increasing Funding to Equality-Seeking Organizations (Adopted by the Committee on February 10, 2005; Presented to the House on February 10, 2005)
    Standing Committee on Transport
  • Report 6 - Supplementary Estimates (A) 2005-2006: Votes 1a, 5a, 10a, 20a, 35a and 40a under Transport (Adopted by the Committee on November 15, 2005; Presented to the House on November 16, 2005)
  • Report 5 - Failure of the Minister of Transport to appear (Adopted by the Committee on June 22, 2005; Presented to the House on June 23, 2005)

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