VPS Basic

  • 1 CPU
  • 1 GB RAM Memory
  • 50GB HDD
  • 500GB Traffic
  • 4IP Addresses

VPS Advanced

  • 1 CPU
  • 2 GB RAM Memory
  • 100GB HDD
  • 1000GB Traffic
  • 4IP Addresses

VPS Ultra

  • 2 CPU
  • 2 GB RAM Memory
  • 200GB HDD
  • 1500GB Traffic
  • 4IP Addresses


  • We’ll help you to decrease your IT costs, we’ll help you to increase your efficiency, help you to find your “path through the Cloud Computing Jungle”
  • Cloud computing as a concept means delivering of IT resources to the distance by net, respectively Internet, private or other type of nets.

    UnetCloud – types of services

    Backup and Data Protection

    UltraNet Data Center offers services for online data backup, data restore upon incidents and catastrophes and solutions for continuous business processes.

    Data Base Hosting

    Modern portals and business applications need huge data base. UltraNet Data Center offers professional Data Base Hosting.              

    Business Mail Hosting

    Through using virtual servers for your e-mail and simple and professional communication.

    Data Recovery

    UltraNet takes care for your Data recovery as a result of an accident.                                                  

    Web Design and development of Web Applications

    Our team has professionals specialized for design, multimedia and programming.

    SSL Certificates

    Are the personal information including the financial one entered at your site secure?