Passport Canada
Satisfaction Survey

Proactive disclosure


How to file a complaint

The Process

Although Passport Canada does its best to provide quality service, certain circumstances may leave you dissatisfied or cause problems. Passport Canada has therefore implemented a procedure for dealing with complaints. The process involves a two step approach:

  • Step 1 - Any complaint concerning Passport Canada or its staff must first be directed to Passport Canada.
  • Step 2 - Any complaint processed internally by Passport Canada that remains unsatisfactorily resolved can be filed with Passport Canada's Ombudsman as per the procedure outlined below.

The Ombudsman deals with any complaint that has not been resolved at the first step between a complainant and Passport Canada. All complaints will be treated confidentially and in compliance with Privacy Act requirements.

Notwithstanding, the Ombudsman may decide that mediation would lead to faster and more harmonious resolution of the dispute and that referring the complaint to the first step:

  • would pose an injustice, a major inconvenience, or
  • could harden the positions of the respective parties, keeping them at odds.

In such cases -provided by way of example- the Ombudsman could intervene immediately in order to speed up the process of helping the Agency and the complainant acknowledge their respective expectations, motivation, and how far they are from a fair solution in compliance with the law.

The best solution is always one the parties suggest themselves. In this sense, the work of the Ombudsman is to foster reasoned negotiation between Passport Canada and the client who filed the complaint.

In the event that mediation is unsuccessful, the Ombudsman draws up recommendations that are then communicated to both parties. Parties are free to accept/apply those recommendations.

The Procedure

Every complaint must be submitted in writing to the Ombudsman. You can download and complete the form, or provide us with the following information:

  1. Your full name, street address and date of birth (if your complaint is about refusal of service)
  2. Your telephone numbers (home or office) and fax number (if available) and your e-mail address (if available)
  3. Serial number of the passport involved and/or application file number
  4. Nature and details of the complaint
  5. One copy of each relevant document

Requests for information can be dealt with by mail, by fax, or by phone.

Processing time

All applications submitted to Passport Canada's Ombudsman will be examined within 30 days and you will receive an interim or final reply within seven days after that.