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Friday, October 27, 2006 
U.S. Department of State

President Bush, right, makes remarks while meeting with NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC October 27, 2006. [© AP Images]
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President Bush Meets With NATO Secretary General
President Bush (Oct. 27): "I appreciate your leadership. I particularly appreciate the fact that you have led the 26 nations of NATO into Afghanistan to help this young democracy. You know what I know, that the real challenge for the future is to help people of moderation and young democracies succeed in the face of threats and attacks by radicals and extremists who do not share our ideology ... I appreciate the fact that you're reaching out to global partners, nations which share our value, but have not been considered ...a part of NATO. I want to thank your view of making sure NATO continues to provide the opportunity for other nations to join NATO. "
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Secretary Rice addresses the Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC December 13, 2005. [© AP Images file photo]U.S. Department of StateU.S. Committed to Greater Security in Northeast Asia
Secretary Rice (Oct. 25): "Few parts of the world today are as promising and dynamic and strategically important as Northeast Asia. Yet, one of the main challenges is to build greater security in this region because historically Northeast Asia has never been fully at peace. Nowhere is this more apparent than on the Korean Peninsula, which remains tragically divided more than 50 years after the Korean war."
· Full Text | Recent travels to Asia
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Ambassador David Satterfield, Senior Advisor to the Secretary of State and Coordinator for IraqU.S. Department of StateU.S. Providing Tools To Help Iraqis Lead Their Country Forward
Ambassador Satterfield (Oct. 26): "Our role as the United States ...is to support the Iraqi Government, support that government's security forces to ensure that they have all of the tools that we can help provide for them to lead their country forward.  But the decisions on the future of Iraq, on the political process, on security must be taken ultimately by Iraqis themselves."  Full Text
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Spokesman Sean McCormack at the U.S. Department of State Press Briefing Room [State Department photo]U.S. Department of StateDaily Press Briefing: U.S. Congratulates Alexander Milinkevich of Belarus on Winning Sakharov Prize
Department Spokesman Sean McCormack (Oct. 27): "The United States congratulates Alexander Milinkevich of Belarus on winning the prestigious Sakharov Prize from the conference of the Presidents in the European Parliament. The prize is awarded each year to celebrate freedom of thought and demonstrates Europe's recognition, which we share, of the courage of the political opposition in pursuing democracy in the hostile environment that exists in Belarus today."
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The U.S. Ambassador to the EU discussed the upcoming "Dialogue on Climate Change, Clean Energy, and Sustainable Development." Flags of the United States and European Union
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U.S. and Afghan flagsThe U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan  discussed  progress made in Afghanistan on the war on terror and reconstruction efforts. View Transcript
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