Government of Nova Scotia

how to start a small business

Immigrating to Nova Scotia Info-Guide

Last Verified: 2005-09-30

If you have come to Canada as a Business Class Immigrant or as another type of immigrant, you may be looking to start your own business in Nova Scotia. Starting or buying a business in a new country can be intimidating, but the Canada/Nova Scotia Business Service Centre (C/NSBSC) can make the process easier.

The C/NSBSC is your first point of access to information on federal and provincial government programs, services, and regulations. You may reach us through our toll-free number or visit our Business Resource Library with your questions. Our office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. We also provide a 24-hour business information service seven days a week through our web site.

Here's how to reach us:
Canada Nova Scotia Business Service Centre
1575 Brunswick Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2G1 (free parking for clients)
Phone: (902) 426-8604 or 1-800-668-1010 (toll free)
TTY: (902) 426-4188 or 1-800-797-4188 (toll free)
Fax: (902) 426-6530
Web site:

Note: You will notice that throughout this publication, there are some references made to other relevant documents ("see the document...") if you are using the web, simply click on the links provided. If you are reading this publication from a print copy and would like to obtain those additional documents, please call the Canada/Nova Scotia Business Service Centre at 1-800-668-1010.


1.  Starting a Business in Nova Scotia
2.  Programs of Interest to New Businesses and Potential Entrepreneurs

3.  Other Sources of Business Information
4.  Sources of Financing
              - Establishing a personal credit history
5.  Professional/Consultancy Services
6.  Networking Opportunities
7.  Helpful Internet Links

8.  Related Reading


Are you interested in starting your own business?  If so, there are a variety of issues you will have to address. 

For help getting started, see the document Business Start-up Info-Guide. It will tell you everything you need to know about starting a business in Nova Scotia, including the four types of business organization, how to register your business name, taxation, financing, government regulations and more. 


Immigrant Business Development Services (IBDS) - MetropolitanImmigrant SettlementAssociation (MISA) 
MISA is a community organization that welcomes newcomers and recognizes their essential role in Canada. They help newcomers to fully participate in Canadian life by providing special services for them. In addition, for clients who want to start or already own a business, MISA offers Immigrant Business Development Services (IBDS) which includes:

If you want to start a business…

  • MISA can provide the information, contacts and confidence needed to establish a business in Nova Scotia.

If you own a business...

  • MISA can provide skills training, connections and opportunities for promoting business.

If your company is interested in immigration...

  • MISA provides facilitative leadership and opportunities for collaboration.

Individual Information and Referral:

  • Help in developing and researching business ideas
  • Information on what you need to know to start a business
  • Contacts in the business community

Individual Information and Referral:

  • On-site visits to your business
  • Support and information on specific issues
  • Ways to network and promote your business

Individual Information and Referral:

  • Updates on issues
  • Community resources


Exploring Business Ideas Workshop

  • Develop and evaluate business ideas
  • Market research information and strategies
  • Duration – 2 weeks

Business Orientation Seminars

  • Basic information needed for a business start-up delivered by industry professionals
  • Networking workshops
  • Duration – 3 weeks

Evening Workshops:

  • Discuss topics
  • Provide information and professional development
  • Delivered by professionals
  • Topics chosen based on clients’ needs and interests


  • Statistics on immigration
  • Links, knowledge and resources
  • Public education activities



  • Introductions to individuals at events, where appropriate
  • International networking receptions


  • Information about events in the business community


  • IBDS events for clients and other business people

For further information, please contact:
Metropolitan Immigrant Settlement Association
Chebucto Place

7105 Chebucto Road, Suite 201
Halifax, NS    B3L 4W8

Phone: (902) 423-3607
Web site:

See the document: Metropolitan Immigrant Settlement Association

Halifax Immigrant Learning Centre (HILC)
This is a community based organization that is committed to supporting the language learning goals of newcomers to Canada.  In a creative and respectful environment, HILC provides quality and effective learning opportunities to promote the active participation of newcomers in the community. 

HILC provides the following free language training for adult landed immigrants who want to start a business or already own a business.



English for work and business

Focus is on business/workplace language skills and Canadian workplace culture. Offered in day and evening classes.

Sector specific language training

Language training programs focusing on the communication skills needed within specific professions/employment sectors.  Availability of programs is determined according to need.

Language learning strategies

Focuses on the language learning process and helps clients develop personal strategies to sustain their language learning development.

English in the workplace

Language training program customized to the needs of the learner and the specific work environment and delivered on site at the workplace.

For further information, please contact:
Halifax Immigrant Learning Centre
Chebucto Place

7105 Chebucto Road, Suite 201
Halifax, NS   B3L 4W8
Phone: (902) 423-3607
Web site:


Community Business Resource Network
There are 11 Community Business Resource Network locations throughout the province:

  • Antigonish
  •  Shelburne
  • Amherst 
  •  Sydney
  • Bridgewater
  •  Truro
  • Kentville
  •  Windsor
  • New Glasgow
  •  Yarmouth
  • Port Hawkesbury 


The Network offers a range of popular publications and free Internet access for business-related research. The on-site personnel can assist you in the preparation of your business or marketing plan and direct you to market research resources. 

For a more complete list by county, call the Canada/Nova Scotia Business Service Centre at (902) 426-8604 or 1 800 668-1010 to speak with a Business Information Officer or see the document Community Business Resource Network.

Access Nova Scotia
Access Nova Scotia helps people find out about provincial government services, programs, and other information that may be useful to them. Business registration is also available on a limited basis and some locations have free Internet access--services vary from centre to centre. The centres offer on-line information services, information on provincial, federal, or municipal governments, business-related statistics, Nova Scotia Government job openings, and much more. As well, representatives from various government agencies and development groups are on site on a full or part-time basis. 

Call 1-800-670-4357 for the Access Nova Scotia centre nearest you.


There are a variety of financing programs available to businesses, as well as specialized financial assistance for arts and culture, farming, wage subsidies, tax credits, environmental purpose organizations, research and development, aquaculture and young entrepreneurs. 

See the Financing Info-Guide, Arts and Culture Info-Guide, Employment and Training Info-Guide and Young Entrepreneurs Info-Guide for more information on sources of financing and other support programs and services. 

Establishing a Personal Credit History

Establishing a credit history in Canada is essential. One way to establish a credit history is to apply for a deposit secured credit card, small loan or line of credit from a bank or other lender. Use the credit card or loan responsibly and pay it off each month to establish a good credit record. It will take you about one year to establish a credit history.

You should also open checking and savings bank accounts. This will improve your credibility with lenders. Pay bills at least two days before the due date. 

To obtain a copy of your credit report, contact a credit reporting agency. Call us at 1-800-668-1010 for a list of credit reporting agencies.


Professional/Trade Associations
Need help finding an association? Call the Canada/Nova Scotia Business Service Centre at 1-800-668-1010; we can help you find the association you are looking for. 

Translation Services - Metropolitan Immigrant Settlement Association (MISA)
MISA provides interpretation and translation services in the Metro Halifax area. Interpretation and Translation services are available through MISA in 24 different languages. A fee is charged for translation services.

For further information, please contact:
Metropolitan Immigrant Settlement Association
Chebucto Place

7105 Chebucto Road, Suite 201
Halifax, NS   B3L 4W8

Phone:  (902) 423-3607
Web site:

Business Development Bank of Canada
Provides assistance with market research, business plans, marketing plans, financial plans, strategic plans, human resource plans and diagnostic reviews. Fee-for-service is typically offered to "existing clients". Fees are not usually feasible for start-up businesses.

For further information, please contact:
Business Development Bank of Canada
Cogwell Tower - Scotia Square
2000 Barrington Street
Halifax, NS   B3J 2Z7

Phone: (902) 426-6783
Toll-free: 1-877-232-2269
Web site:

Centre for Entrepreneurship Education & Development Incorporated (CEED)
CEED is an innovation centre that assists governments, organizations and communities in helping people achieve their potential through entrepreneurship. CEED's services address entrepreneurship development from "A to Z" and include:

  • technical assistance;
  • entrepreneurship consulting;
  • entrepreneurship courses, training and certification for educators, economic developers, business counsellors and entrepreneurs (aspiring and existing);
  • curriculum development for all levels of education;
  • customized program development;
  • asset mapping;
  • microfinance systems/structures; and 
  • a variety of resource publications.

For further information, please contact:
Centre for Entrepreneurship Education & Development Incorporated
Halifax Shopping Centre
7001 Mumford Road
Suite 107, Tower 1
P.O. Box 196
Halifax, NS   B3L 2H8 

Phone: (902) 421-CEED (2333)
Toll-free: 1-800-590-8481
Fax: (902) 482-0291
Web site:

Centre for Women in Business
A not-for-profit resource centre for women entrepreneurs that provide information, support and consulting services, located at Mount Saint Vincent University .

For further information, please contact:
Centre for Women in Business
Mount Saint Vincent University
The Meadows, 2nd Floor
166 Bedford Highway
Halifax, NS   B3M 2J6
Phone: (902) 457-6449
Fax: (902) 457-6455
Web site:

Community Business Development Corporations (CBDC)
CBDC’s assist in the creation of small businesses and in the expansion, modernization and stabilization of existing businesses in the rural areas of Atlantic Canada. They offer both technical and financial services for entrepreneurs in their respective regions.

For further information, please contact:
Community Business Development Corporations
Phone: 1-888-303-2232
Web site:

Entrepreneurs' Forum
Provides a series of comprehensive, informative and interactive seminars dealing with access to capital and financing information for businesses in all stages of development.

For further information, please contact:
Entrepreneurs' Forum
One Research Drive
Dartmouth, NS   B2Y 4M9

Phone: (902) 492-7600
Fax: (902) 484-6637
Web site:

Open for Business
Open for Business (OFB) helps young entrepreneurs discover, develop and fine-tune their business skills, or take that great idea and turn it into a successful entrepreneurial adventure. No appointment is required to access one-on-one entrepreneurial support. OFB also provides access to the world of creating and operating a business by providing support in the following areas:

  • Access one-on-one entrepreneurial advice;
  • Network with young entrepreneurs;
  • Workshops and seminars;
  • Discovering the wealth of resources in your community;
  • Surfing the net for business ideas and opportunities;
  • Exploring small business software on their computers;
  • Providing free space for meetings, interviews and more.

There are three locations throughout the province of Nova Scotia. Contact us at 1-800-668-1010 or
(902) 426-8604 for the location nearest you. 

Regional Development Authorities (RDA)
There are 13 Regional Development Authorities that work to ensure that community business initiatives succeed. These can be individual ventures or focus on regional innovation. You can find out more about RDAs at the Nova Scotia Association of Regional Development Authorities' web site at or by visiting the RDA web sites listed below.

Antigonish Regional Development Authority -
Cape Breton County Economic Development Authority -
Colchester Regional Development Agency -
Cumberland Regional Economic Development Association -
Guysborough County Regional Development Authority -
Halifax Regional Development Authority -
Greater Halifax Partnership –
Hants Regional Development Authority -
Kings Community Economic Development Agency -
Lunenburg/Queens Regional Development Agency -
Pictou Regional Development Commission -
South West Shore Development Authority -
Strait-Highlands Regional Development Agency -

University Business Development Corporations (UBDC)
There are five UBDC’s throughout the province. They provide low-cost business consultations, counselling, research and training, as well as assistance with business and marketing plans. Services vary at each location. 

For further information, please contact:
Canada / Nova Scotia Business Service Centre
Toll-free 1-800-668-1010
Phone: (902) 426-8604


Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters
Through membership, people will meet their business peers and key political leaders both nationally and internationally. The organization also holds conventions and meetings so that members may learn and profit through educational sessions. Manufacturers, exporters, research organizations and the service companies and others who support them are welcome.

For further information, please contact:
Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters
1869 Upper Water Street
Collin's Bank, 3rd Floor
Halifax, NS   B3J 1S9
Phone:  (902) 422-4477
Fax:  (902) 422-9563
Web site:

Business Network International (BNI)
An association for business networking. The BNI focuses on exchanging business referrals, both nationally and internationally.

For further information, please contact:
Business Network International (BNI )
9351 St. Margaret's Bay Road
Queensland, NS  B0J 1T0 
Contact: Mary Anne Marriott
Phone:  (902) 857-1990
Toll Free: (888) 461-7779
Cell: (902) 471-8518
Web site:

Business Round Table (Wolfville)
Business Round Table is an organization for entrepreneurs. Members are placed in a group with about ten other entrepreneurs. They meet once a month to help each other solve problems, prevent mistakes and maximize their opportunities.

For further information, please contact:
Business Round Table
PO Box 8965
Shediac, NS  E4P 8W5
Contact: Judie Smith
Phone: (506) 531-0017

Canadian Federation of Independent Business
A national organization that represents 100,000 small and medium-sized business owners to provide a voice over laws that govern business in Canada.

For further information, please contact:
Canadian Federation of Independent Business
1888 Brunswick Street, Suite 819
Halifax, NS    B3J 3J8

Contact: Leanne Hachey
Phone: (902) 420-1997
Fax: (902) 422-8270
Web site:

Downtown Dartmouth "Business Socials"
Provides networking and support services.  

For further information, please contact:
Downtown Dartmouth "Business Socials"
163 Portland Street
Dartmouth, NS   B2Y 1J2

Phone: (902) 466-2997
Fax: (902) 463-9897
Web site:

Halifax Women's Network
Provides networking and support services to professional or businesswoman to develop contacts, share professional expertise and ideas, exchange information, and learn new approaches in business.

For further information, please contact:
Halifax Women's Network
P.O. Box 3604 South Street
Halifax, NS  B3J 3K6
Contact: Deborah M. Stover, President
Web site:

Metropolitan Halifax Chamber of Commerce
Actively develops and lobbies business policy positions and organizes special events that provide members with networking opportunities and education.

For further information, please contact:
Halifax Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 8990  
Halifax,   NS   B3K 5M6

Phone: (902) 468-7111
Fax: (902) 468-7333
Web site:


Government of Canada Departments and Agencies Directory
This comprehensive list provides direct links to the primary web sites of Government of Canada departments, agencies and Crown corporations, as well as links to web sites maintained by organizations for which various departments and agencies are responsible. Available at:

Government of Nova Scotia Departments and Agencies Directory
This comprehensive list provides direct links to Government of Nova Scotia departments and agencies. Available at:

A Newcomer's Introduction to Canada – Citizenship and Immigration Canada
This information will help you get ready to leave your home country and make a new life in Canada . It tells you what documents you will need to bring, what to expect in the first few days and weeks, how to find a place to live, get a Social Insurance Number and a health-care card, and find a job.  See the complete guide at:

Immigrating to Nova Scotia – Government of Nova Scotia
Thinking about immigrating to Canada ? Educating yourself on how the immigration system works is very important to ensuring your immigration experience is as smooth as possible. Learn more at:

Who is a Business Immigrant - Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Available at:

Nova Scotia Nominee Program Nova Scotia Department of Immigration
Thinking of emigrating? Consider the Nova Scotia Nominee Program (NSNP). If you meet the requirements, you could become a permanent resident of Nova Scotia and share in the benefits of our exceptional quality of life, wholesome natural environment, and diversifying economy.  For more information, visit: or see the document Nova Scotia Nominee Program.

Nova Scotia at a Glance Nova Scotia Department of Finance
Nova Scotia at a Glance is a compendium of general interest statistics related to the province. It is published annually in electronic (PDF) format, available at:

Invest in Canada – International Trade Canada
Invest in Canada, the one-stop-shop for exploring and planning foreign investment and new business in Canada, available at:

Investment Canada Act Industry Canada
Non-Canadians who acquire control of an existing Canadian business or who wish to establish a new unrelated Canadian business are subject to this Act, and they must submit either a Notification or an Application for Review. For more information, visit:

International and Non-resident Taxes - Canada Revenue Agency
Provides information on doing business in Canada as well as residency determinations for tax purposes and tax filing procedures for non-residents. Available at:

Multi-Cultural Association of Nova Scotia
An organization that reflects Nova Scotia's broad cultural life, available at: http://www.mans.ns.capersonel

Information contained in this document is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. Users concerned about the reliability of the information should consult directly with the source, or seek legal counsel.

Links Policy
Some of the hypertext links lead to non-federal government sites which are not subject to the Official Languages Act and the material is available in one language only.

© 2004 Canada/Nova Scotia Business Service Centre, All Rights Reserved.

Last Modified: 2006-03-01