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The Business Link

by Team Canada Inc

Canadian exporters are succeeding in markets around the world, yet they will be the first to tell you it is not simple. These 10 steps can help you move your export efforts from start to success:

1. Make a commitment to exporting.
Exporting takes time, resources and commitment. The Export Diagnostic from Team Canada Inc (available online at is designed to help exporters assess their strengths, weaknesses, objectives and strategies as they explore opportunities in foreign markets.

2. Plan, plan, plan.
The secret to export success is preparation and a carefully researched export plan. It can help you implement your marketing and promotion strategies, obtain financial assistance or locate investors or partners. The Interactive Export Planner ( is a comprehensive online system for developing an export plan.

3. Conduct research.
Thorough market research helps you make sound export marketing decisions by giving you a clear picture of the economic, political and cultural factors that affect your ability to sell your product or service. ExportSource provides trade statistics, market and industry information, even potential partners and trade leads.

4. Devise marketing strategies for your target market.
International marketing is not the same as domestic marketing. International customers will frequently have different tastes, needs and customs. As a component of the international marketing plan, effective marketing strategies help the exporter understand and address these potential differences. Your plan will need to address numerous factors beyond product, price, promotion and place. Payment (international transactions and currency exchanges), paperwork (increased documentation), practices (different cultural, social and business styles), partnerships and protection (increased risks relating payment, intellectual property or travel) are critical issues in foreign markets.

5. Enter the market.
There are as many market entry strategies as there are markets; however, these strategies can be loosely grouped into three categories: Direct exporting - selling directly to the customer - is often used in accessible markets such as the United States. Indirect exporting - employing a distributor or foreign agent to sell and market your goods - is frequently used to enter new markets that are less familiar to the exporter. Team Canada Inc's Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting includes a checklist on selecting a foreign agent or distributor (see below for more information). The third market entry strategy involves strategic partnerships with other companies or individuals with complementary skills and capabilities. A partner can often provide the insight, contacts and expertise that fill the gap in your export readiness.

6. Get your product or service to market.
Every market has its own set of rules and regulations covering safety, health, security, packaging and labeling, customs and duties, among other things. These rules and regulations may vary depending on the product or service you are exporting. Know the rules before you ship your goods or open your foreign business location.

7. Explore financing options.
Financial stability and a secure cash flow are critical when entering a foreign market. Know your financing options. Develop a thorough financial plan to understand and address the diverse costs associated with exporting.

8. Understand the legal issues.
Exporting exposes Canadian businesses to unfamiliar laws and regulations. It is important to understand your rights and obligations when resolving disputes, selling goods or services and protecting intellectual property.

9. Put it into practice.
It is time to put all this skill and knowledge to use. The world is waiting for your product or service!

10. Let Team Canada Inc (TCI) help you along the way.
TCI is committed to helping businesses across the country thrive in global markets by offering comprehensive export information and services for both new and experienced exporters.

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