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  Business Feature
Feb 2006 - Issue 45
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An Export Minute

Many Alberta companies consider the U.S. a great export market. Before you go to the U.S. to attend a trade show, conduct a meeting, train American workers, or even to work there yourself, be aware of the visa requirements you have to comply with to cross the border.

Taking your trade show booth, samples, or equipment also requires completion of the appropriate paperwork – all products must make a ‘formal entry’ to the country even if you plan to bring them back or give them away. Selling your goods directly in the U.S. is illegal, so plan accordingly when you go to a trade show by working with a representative.

Contact The Business Link’s Export Link for all your export information needs by calling 1-888-811-1119, e-mailing exportlink@cbsc.ic.gc.ca or visiting www.exportlink.ca.

E-Future Bytes

For the most up-to-date e-business information at the Alberta E-Future Centre, visit our blog. (Never heard the term 'blog'? Visit the Alberta E-Future Centre blog and you will find out what they are all about!)

Several times a week, we post new items on emerging trends, new tools and useful articles all from the perspective of the Alberta small business community. For example, you'll find a number of recent postings on "search engine optimization".

The blog will also feature information on upcoming events and new developments at the Alberta E-Future Centre. Another excellent way to stay up-to-date with the information available from the Alberta E-Future Centre is to subscribe to our RSS feed (What is RSS?). Check out the blog!

For more information on e-business, contact The Business Link's Alberta E-Future Centre by phone at 1-800-272-9675, by e-mail at info@e-future.ca or visit our web site at

Resource Feature

Business writing needs to be clear, concise and complete.

The Business Link Library has recently acquired many new materials to assist in the preparation of written documents.

General business writing books include: Webster's New World Business Writing Handbook / Richard Worth and Getting Down to Business / DeanAnne Kirschman. Books for specific purposes include: Complete Handbook of Model Business Letters / Jack Griffin; Persuasive Business Proposals / Tom Sant; Webster's New World Grant Writing Handbook / Sara D. Wason; and, for the professional writer, Gabay's Copywriters' Compendium / J. Jonathan Gabay.

Our entire library collection is available through our regional partners or in the Edmonton area by becoming a library member.


Cliquez ici pour accéder, ou vous abonner à ce bulletin électronique en français.

The Business Link
Business Service Centre
100-10237 104 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5J 1B1
Business Info Line:
780-422-7722 or
Fax: 780-422-0055
E-mail: buslink@cbsc.ic.gc.ca
Website: www.cbsc.org/alberta

Click, Call, or visit us for your Alberta business information needs.

Latest from the Link
WOW! Ten Years!
Rodger Cole

We’re excited and proud to celebrate our 10th Anniversary! On February 20, 1996, The Business Link turned on its phones and opened its doors in Edmonton. From Day One, our prime focus was to provide accurate, timely business information and services to Alberta entrepreneurs. And we haven’t stopped since!

Ten years later, thanks to the support of the Government of Canada

and the Government of Alberta, we’re still dedicated to providing the best service to you as you start or grow your business in Alberta.

In honour of our 10th Anniversary, we've created a fresh, new look for E-News!, including a "Top 10" list that we'll provide each issue for the next 12 months. Be sure to take advantage of our new and exciting service offerings throughout 2006 as we acknowledge our 10 Years of Service Excellence!

Click here for a special message from General Manager, Rodger Cole.


Mark Your Calendar - Events

spacerTraining & Learning Opportunities

Of the many events taking place at The Business Link over the upcoming months, we're really excited about our Spring 2006 line-up! Plan to attend any one of our Small Business Seminars and Brown Bag Presentations, either in our Edmonton location or through an Entrepreneurship Learning Centre (ELC) site via video conferencing. For information on the events and registration, check out www.cbsc.org/alberta/events. For locations of ELC sites, visit www.elcnetwork.ca.

Events at The Business Link
Date Time Topic Cost V/C*
February 7 noon to 1 p.m. Business Plan Development Strategy FREE VC Logo
February 8 1 to 4 p.m. T4 Year End Tax Preparation FREE

VC Logo

February 9 noon to 1 p.m. The Art of Negotiation FREE VC Logo
February 9 6 to 9:30 p.m. Starting Your Business $32.10  
February 14 noon to 1 p.m. Small Claims Court: Advice for the Entrepreneur FREE VC Logo
February 15 2:30 to 4 p.m. The Business Link's Monthly Networking Event FREE  
February 16 noon to 1 p.m. Success and Succession: The Ins and Outs of Running a Family Business FREE VC Logo
February 16 6 to 9 p.m. Preparing a Business Plan $32.10  
February 17 noon to 1 p.m. QCA Brown Bag Presentation: People Focus FREE VC Logo
February 21 noon to 1 p.m. Subcontracting FREE VC Logo
February 23 noon to 1 p.m. What's Tax Deductible for Business Owners FREE VC Logo
February 23 6 to 9:30 p.m. Do-It-Yourself Incorporation $58.85  
February 28 noon to 1 p.m. Bien négocier un financement (French session) FREE VC Logo
* Video-Conferenced Event  

Ask the Expert - Guest Advisor Program

Here's your opportunity to connect with management consultants, lawyers, accountants, financial representatives and e-business experts, who volunteer their time to discuss your business concerns. To speak with a Guest Advisor, simply call 1-800-272-9675, drop in to The Business Link, or send an enquiry by e-mail. You can also now access the expertise of The Business Link's Guest Advisor Program via video conferencing. Ask about this service at the ELC site serving your Alberta community. The program runs Monday to Friday, from 12 noon to 4 p.m., until April 28. For more information on the Guest Advisor Program, call The Business Link or visit www.cbsc.org/alberta/guestadvisor.cfm.

Around Alberta
44 Companies Running for 2006 Alberta Business Awards of Distinction

Forty-four Alberta businesses were recognized as finalists in the 2006 Alberta Business Awards of Distinction. These awards recognize excellence in the following categories: Aboriginal Relations, Diversity in the Workplace, Employer of People with Disabilities, Employer of Youth, Ethics in Business, Export, First Nation's-owned Business, Learning in the Workplace, Marketing, Safety in the Workplace, Small Business, Aboriginal Youth Entrepreneur and Outstanding Achievement. All finalists are also eligible to receive the Premier's Award of Distinction. The awards will be presented at a gala banquet, February 22, 2006, at the Hyatt Regency Calgary. More information is available at www.abbusinessawards.ab.ca.

Business Courses Offered Through YEBDC
The Yellowhead East Business Development Corporation is offering a variety of business and computer courses throughout the month of February in Onoway, Barrhead, Whitecourt, and Mayerthorpe.

For more information on these courses or to pre-register, call the Sangudo office at (780) 785-2900 or 1-800-556-0328 or visit the YEBDC website at www.yebdc.ab.ca.

Aboriginal Business Circle
Strengthening and Building the Aboriginal Small Business Community through Story

"Inspirational", "motivating", "hilarious", and "informative" - A few of the words that participants have used to describe the Networking Sessions hosted since November 2005 by The Business Link's Alberta Aboriginal Business Service Network (Alberta ABSN).

Doing well in small business requires the support and guidance of others. Held throughout the province, the Networking Sessions have connected the public to Aboriginal small business owners who are excelling in their field. During the sessions, they have shared their inspirational business development stories.

To learn more about many of these entrepreneurs, please visit "Success Stories" on the Alberta ABSN website.

Business Feature
Selling to the U.S. Government?
Did you know that Washington awards well over $200 billion in contracts annually? Keep on reading… Now, did you know that there are opportunities for Alberta companies to sell their goods and services to the U.S. government?! A good starting point is SELL2USGOV (www.international.gc.ca/sell2usgov) .

Why sell to the U.S. Government?
Securing U.S. government contracts offer profitability and a stable and reliable source of income, including options to extend contracts over several years. The U.S. government's fiscal year-end is September 30th and there is typically widespread spending during the last quarter. This means many substantial tenders will surface from July through September. Canadian companies have found that successful performance on U.S. government contracts can add credibility to their firm's reputation among U.S. private sector clients, and attract new commercial business.

Top 10 List

10 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website

  1. Know your customer. Solve their problems.
  2. Don't forget your URL & a call to action on your materials, including e-mail.
  3. "What's New!" Keep your content fresh.
  4. Add a "Recommend this Site" or "Send to a Friend" button.
  5. Build community through bulletins or e-newsletters.
  6. Mention your web site when networking or presenting.
  7. Create keyword rich content.
  8. Use search engines, both natural and paid listings.
  9. Register a URL that's easy to spell.
  10. Don't forget about traditional media.
For more information on Internet Marketing, visit:

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