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May 2006 - Issue 48
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An Export Minute

Does your product need a permit for export out of Canada?

If it's controlled by the Canadian Government, being exported to a country on the Area Controls List, or manufactured in the US, it does.

Export Controls Division at International Trade Canada has simplified the application process by automating it. Export Controls On-Line (EXCOL), is a user friendly web-based application that is now available. Exporters will be able to submit applications for export permits and certificates, as well as request amendments.

More details are found here.
For additional information, please contact The Business Link's Export Link at 1-888-811-1119.

E-Future Bytes

Having a business blog can be a great way to promote your business. Traditional web marketing techniques such as search engine optimization, easy to spell URLs ,and including your blog URL on your business cards, letterhead and email signature are all effective.

However, new blog specific traffic driving techniques are becoming more popular. Lesser known methods to increase traffic to a blog are: comment on other sites industry related blogs, have a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed, and use trackback links.

Constructive, useful comments will profile your knowledge and expertise and allow you to leave your name, companies name and URL. RSS feeds, a method of informing that there is new content in your blog, is an efficient way to keep your subscribers up-to-date. Using trackback links, a method for referring to blog articles, will increase your blog's exposure and increase your company's reputation as a source of expertise.

Click on RSS to gain an in-depth understanding of how it can be used. Click on trackback to read more about what trackback links are and how they can benefit your e-business blog.

For more information on this topic, please visit the website of The Business Link's E-Future Centre at

Resource Feature

Did you know The Business Link Library now offers approximately 70 books and other items on the subjects of family business and business succession planning?

According to statistics from the Canadian Federation of Independent Business in 2005, despite the fact that 40% of Canadian SME owners plan to exit their business in the next 5 years, and 30% plan to exit in the next 6 to 10 years, only 7% of these business owners have a clearly defined business succession plan in place at present.

In the demographic shift that will impact the business community in the immediate future, an unprecedented number of family-owned businesses will be changing hands, as well as changing in other ways. The key to managing all the upcoming change is qualified and practical information on the various problems, questions and possibilities that present themselves.

Including our latest addition of the 21 volume Family Business Leadership Series, The Business Link Library offers you the information you need to deal with business succession successfully.

For more information, you can contact The Business Link's library by calling 1-800-272-9675.



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Latest from the Link
Developing Creative Employee Attraction and Retention Strategies

With the aging population and the low unemployment rate in Alberta, it is becoming increasingly challenging for employers to attract and maintain quality employees.

Has your business already experienced difficulties in employee hiring and retention?

You're not alone. In order to be successful in attracting and retaining employees that you want to stay with your business long term, you need to ask yourself some key questions.

1. What type of employee would be the best fit for your business (younger, older)?
2. What kind of creative benefit would assist in attracting and retaining this employee?
3. In terms of unique employee benefits, what type would your business be able to offer?

Once you've answered the above questions, you will be on your way to implementing unique employee retention strategies.

Here are some examples of creative benefits that might appeal to a younger employee:
- free food and beverage availability
- casual dress days - every day
- "cool" work environment
- gift certificates and cash awards
- tuition reimbursement

On the other hand, different benefits could attract a more mature employee:

- elder care
- free financial planning programs
- money toward vacations
- wellness programs
- stock options and matching RRSP contributions

In order for your business to become more appealing to those in search of employment, you need to develop strategies to increase your attractiveness. The Business Link's Library has a variety of resources on this topic, including the source of this article, Best practices : employee retention / John Meyer, and you can contact the library staff at 1-800-272-9675.


Mark Your Calendar - Events

"Quick-to-Learn" and "Quick-to-use" May Sessions

If you're starting or expanding a business and looking for direction, you can't afford to miss these excellent May training sessions designed to save you time and money.

The art of sales and marketing is difficult for many; the worry of target markets, demographics, and environmental influences is just a few of the many aspects that need to be incorporated in your sales and marketing strategy. If you're not sure of how to reach that desired audience or how to motivate them to use your product or service, then the "Power Selling" Brown Bag is for you! This entertaining presentation introduces the six foundations of influence and demonstrates through examples how you can easily influence, motivate, and persuade anyone! Please come and join us at The Business Link 100-10237 104 Street, on Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 12:00 p.m. for a 1 hour presentation, there is no fee for this session.

If you are interested in attending any Brown Bag session or afternoon seminar and you are not near the Edmonton area, please contact us and we can locate the nearest centre offering this session via video conference; you can also access this information through the Entrepreneurship Learning Centre (ELC) website.

For more information or to register, contact The Business Link at 1-800-272-9675 or

Events at The Business Link
Date Time Topic Cost  
May 2 noon to 1 p.m. Planification successorale (French presentation) FREE VC Logo
May 3 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Preparing a Business Plan $32.10

VC Logo

May 4 noon to 1 p.m. Computerizing Your Bookkeeping FREE VC Logo
May 9 noon to 1 p.m. Safety Valves for Overworked Entrepreneurs FREE VC Logo
May 11 noon to 1 p.m. Choosing Your Business Structure FREE VC Logo
May 11 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Do-It-Yourself Incorporation $58.85  
May 16 noon to 1 p.m. Power Selling: High Impact Sales and Marketing Psychology FREE VC Logo
May 17 2:30 to 4:00 p.m.

The Business Link's Monthly Networking Event

May 18 noon to 1 p.m. The Top Ten of Sales FREE VC Logo

VC Logo Video-Conferenced Event  

Beyond Borders ...Your Passport to Exporting - May 9 and 10, 2006

Thinking about exporting? Are you already selling your products and services outside Canada?
Learn from export experts and fellow exporters about:
- currency risks
- emerging markets
- customs documentation
- market entry
- finding partners
- selling to the U.S.
- and much more!

REGISTER NOW! For more information or to register, please contact The Business Link's Export Link at 1-888-811-1119 or visit

Guest Advisor Season Draws to a Close

The Guest Advisor Program officially wrapped up for the season on April 28. We would like to thank all the guest advisors who participated this season for sharing their expertise with Alberta small business owners.

The Guest Advisor Program will be available again in the Fall. If you are looking for information while the program is on hiatus, you can call 1-800-272-9675 and speak to one of our business officers.

Around Alberta
BDC Young Entrepreneur Awards

This year, the Business Development Bank of Canada is once again acknowledging the achievements of young Canadian business owners through the Young Entrepreneur Awards (YEA). Young entrepreneurs who are Canadian citizens between the ages of 19 and 35, with at least 2 years experience as an entrepreneur, will receive these awards to recognize their accomplishments. In addition to the Export Achievement and the Creative Mind Awards, there will also be a new category for 2006 called the Ongoing Achievement Award for Business Ownership Transition.

Entrepreneurs can submit their own nomination for the award, or can be nominated by someone else, an association, an organization, or a provincial or municipal government. The awards deadline for this year is June 8, 2006.

For more information on the awards, visit the Awards website at

Business First Technology Incubator in Southern Alberta

The Business First Technology Incubator has been established specifically to nurture and grow entrepreneurial software development companies. The unique environment provides guidance and support during the early stage growth phase, before companies graduate into the local business community in Medicine Hat and South Eastern Alberta.

This project is the result of a partnership between the provincial government and public and private sector employers. Auto~Star has committed to providing Business First Technology Incubator clients with administrative, marketing and technical expertise during their first six months of involvement in the project.

The Business First Technology Incubator project aims to increase the growth rate and the survival of new and early-stage software development companies and thereby increase employment opportunities, economic development and community prosperity in South Eastern Alberta.

The Business First Technology Incubator project is currently seeking software developers/entrepreneurs who would like to shape and grow their business by accessing expertise and mentoring in SE Alberta. If you are a developer or have a software development project idea, you might benefit by learning more about the Business First Technology Incubator.

For more information, please contact Sean Blewett at or 403-866-3688.

Aboriginal Business Circle
Online Small Business Workshop

There are many resources available for Aboriginal entrepreneurs on The Business Link’s Alberta Aboriginal Business Service Network (ABSN) website.

One of the resources you will find is the Online Small Business Workshop (which is also available on the main Business Link site.) This unique online tool can be used by any entrepreneur to explore basic business start-up information.

There are 6 sessions in total that can be discovered in the Online Small Business Workshop. You can start at Session 1, and progress through the individual topics, or simply click on topics that interest you, depending on your needs.

For more information, please visit the Online Small Business Workshop.

Business Feature

Resources to Help in Your Succession Planning

Forever is a long time in business. The day will come when you're going to want to either exit your business or transfer ownership to someone else.

Starting to plan for succession early will give you more time to identify and choose your options. You'll be able to objectively determine the value of your business, strategically plan for future financial security, and avoid making last-minute decisions that may not work in your favour when it's time to exit the business.

Although there is no "standard template" for the "succession plan", many sources suggest that the plan should cover items such as setting financial and personal goals (including retirement and estate planning), identifying legal requirements and tax implications, determining the value of the business, identifying potential successors, and preparing the successors for the transition.

There are many resources available to you as you start preparing the succession plan for your unique situation. Here's just a small sampling of online resources that have information on succession planning (check your own financial institution for their information on business succession):

Business Development Bank of Canada

Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses

BDO Dunwoody LLP

RBC Royal Bank

Be sure to contact The Business Link and/or your regional Community Futures organization for general business planning information and advice. (Have a look at the references mentioned in this month's "Info Nuggets" article as well.)

Note: The Business Link is working with several Community Futures Development Corporations and other organizations to centralize information and resources pertaining to business succession planning. Stay tuned…

Top 10 List

Top Ten Tips To Make Your Website Easy To Read

  1. Use only a few font sizes.
  2. Use a limited number of fonts types.
  3. Keep text in small scannable blocks.
  4. Choose a font that is easy to read (i.e. Sans serif)
  5. Use a dark font on a light backgound.
  6. Less "stuff" on a page makes it easier to read.
  7. Write using clear efficient language (i.e. avoid industry jargon).
  8. Use headers (i.e. bold headings).
  9. Use a font size that is large enough to read.
  10. Use correct spelling

For more resources on effective web site design visit the Info-Guide and library search sections of the Alberta E-Future Centre web site.

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